Francis Pardini
Title | Firstname | Lastname |
Francis | Pardini | |
Franc Pardinj signature (Dec. 1654) HCA 13/70 f.35r | ||
Francis Pardinj signature (Mar. 1657) HCA 13/72 f.4r | ||
Signature | ||
Name variants | ||
Francis Pardini ffrancis Pardini Mr Pardini Francis Pardiny Franc. Pardinj (signature) Francis Pardinj (signature) |
Person | Occupation | Birth year | Birth place | Res town |
Francis Pardini | Merchant | 1621 | Florence | London |
Volume | Date | Deponent | Deposition start |
HCA 13/70 | Dec 12 1654 | ffrancis Pardini | HCA 13/70 f.34v Annotate |
HCA 13/72 | Mar 10 1657 | Francis Pardini | HCA 13/72 f.2v Annotate |
Depositions - Pardini as deponent
HCA 13/70: Deposition: ffrancis Pardini of the citie of London merchant, aged 33 yeares; Date: December 12th 1654; Case: The claime of doctor ffrancisco Benzi aforesaid for seaventeene two and thirtie parts of the shipp Prince [?Tomeson] Cl[?ick] master and one third of the Grimoni alias Armes of Madenblick} John Hammanson Lieven master[1]
HCA 13/72: Deposition: Francis Pardini of London Merchant aged 36. yeares; Date: March 10th 1657; Case: The clayme of Lewis Scarletti an Italian merchant resident at Lisbone for five chests of white sugar fower half chests of white sugar and three chests of muskavadoes of the first marke, seized in the shipp the Nightingale whereof Henry Classaw was master, and of Anthonio Maria da Coule Italian merchant resident at Lisborne for two bales of cinnamon and one half chest of sugar of the second marke, and of Gregorio Diaz of Lisbone merchant for five chests of white sugar and five chests of muskavadoes of the third marke and underwritten all seized in the said shipp by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth[2]
Depositions - Pardini mentioned
HCA 13/73: Deposition: Thomas Morley master of the ship the Jonathan and Abigail aged 48 yeeres; Date: June 13th 1659; Case: The Brazil Company of Portugall against 200 Quintalls of Brazil wood brought to this port laded by them (as is pretended) in Lisbone on board the Jonathan and Abigail, Thomas Morley master arrested by authority of this court, and against John Thacker coming in for his interest therein[3]
Cases - Pardini as defendant
HCA 13/72: Case: Paul and Company against Wilmot and Pardini. Deposition: Edward Paul of Limehouse Mariner, áged 30 yeeres. Date: June 12th 1657[4]
Personal Answers - Pardini mentioned
HCA 13/129: The personal answers of Augustine Corronell made to the pretended position of an allegation given on the behalfe of John Thacker concerning the possession of 200 quintalls of Brazeelewood brought to this port of London in the shippe the Jon and Abigall of which Thomas Morley Captaine. Date: June 23rd 1659[5]
HCA sources
HCA 13/70
Deposition: ffrancis Pardini of the citie of London Merchant, aged 33 yeares; Date: December 12th 1654; Case: The claime of doctor ffrancisco Benzi aforesaid for seaventeene two and thirtie parts of the shipp Prince [?Tomeson] Cl[?ick] master and one third of the Grimoni alias Armes of Madenblick} John Hammanson Lieven master.
"...To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and
deposeth that hee this deponent was at Amsterdam about a
yeere and halfe since and there staid above a moneth going thither from
this citie, and while hee was soe at Amsterdam hee had much
consultation with Signior Lorenzo Muti partner of the arlate Signior
John Baptista Benzi, and from him in discourse this deponent understood
and was told that the said John Baptista Benzi as brother and correspondent
of the producent doctor ffrancisco Benzi, had at Amsterdam freighted
severall parts of the two shipps arlate the Prince and the Grimoni for
and on the behalfe of the said doctor Benzi as owner thereof; it being
as hee said a thing accustomed betweene the said two brothers nemely for
the said John Baptista Benzi to freight such parts of shipps as the
said doctor ffrancisco was owner of upon their comming to Amsterdam, and
for the said doctor to doe the like for him at Venice for parts of such
shipps as the said John Baptista Benzi was owner of; and this deponent
understood and was frequently informed at Amsterdam at the time of such his
being there, and it was there commonly said and reported by such Italians
and others as used the Italian trade that the said doctor ffrancisco
Benzi was owner and proprietor of severall parts of the said two shipps...
...hee saith hee hath had longe acquaintance and corresponence
in the way of merchandizing with the said John Baptista Benzi, and
well knoweth that the said John Baptista Benzi and his brother aforesaid were
and are natives of Como in the territorie of Milan and subiects of the
King of Spaine and for such commonly accompted..."[6]
HCA 13/72
Case: Paul and Company against Wilmot and Pardini. Deposition: Edward Paul of Limehouse Mariner, áged 30 yeeres. Date: June 12th 1657
- "To the first second and third of the said allegation hee saith hee hath
knowne the arlate Jarnardo of Venise and Pardini of London for two
yeeres last and upwards, and well knew the shipp the Peter arlate
whereof hee saith the said Jarnardo and Pardini were the true
arlate owners, and for such commonly accounted, and by or on their behalfe
as owners soe was set out on the voyage in question under the
conduct of William Wilmot her master, which hee knoweth being masters
mate of her the said voyage, And saith that the said shipp beinge
in August 1655 at Venise, the said Janardo being there, freighted
her for him selfe and the said Pardini to goe thense to Smyrna,
and gave the master afore said libertie to lade what goods hee
should have oportunitie to take in at Venise, upon such tonnage as
should not be laded or supplied by the said Jarnardo for himselfe and
Pardini, and to make use of such roome or tonnage as they
should leave unladed, And that accordingly the said Wilmot did
at Venise take in two hundred and odd thousands of bisket,
be in his passage for Smyrna carried to and delivered at Candy,
whether hee carried and delivered the same after the shipps departure
from Venise; All which hee knoweth going from
Venise thither in her and seeing the premisses soe donne, And
saith he heard the said Wilmot say that hee had received the
freight for the said bread at Venise. And further deposeth
that the most part of the said shipps lading (besides the said bread)
was for the account of the said Jarnardo and Pardini, who were
to pay freight for the same, and saith tht the said shipp having
soe delivered the said bisket and at Candia, and taken in the quantitie
of two hundred twenty five sticks of Canan, shee departed
therewith and delivered the same and the rest of her lading soe
put aboard for the said owners account at Smirna about
Christmas 1655 according to the order of the said Jarnardo, which
hee knoweth going the said voyage thether in her, and this hee
saith is well knowne to the said Wilmot. And otherwise hee
cannot depose. saving the said Wilmot tooke in about fifteene thousand dollars
in money at Venise, and delivered part therof at Zant and the rest at Smirna."[7]
Deposition: Francis Pardini of London Merchant aged 36. yeares; Date: March 10th 1657; Case: The Clayme of Lewis Scarletti an Italian Merchant resident at Lisbone for five Chests of white sugar fower half chests of white sugar and three Chests of muskavadoes of the first marke, seized in the shipp the Nightingale whereof Henry Classaw was Master, and of Anthonio Maria da Coule Italian Merchant resident at Lisborne for two bales of Cinnamon and one half Chest of sugar of the second marke, and of Gregorio Diaz of Lisbone Merchant for five chests of white sugar and five chests of muskavadoes of the third marke and underwritten all seized in the said shipp by some of the shipps of this Commonwealth[8]
- "hee this deponent well knoweth, that
the said Lewis Scarletti and Antonio Maria da Conte two of the
producents in this Cause were and are Natives of Italy, that is
to say the said Lewis Scarletti of fflorence in Tuscany, and the said
Antonio Maria da Conte of Genoa, both being places in amity
with this Commonwealth, and that they have resided at Lisbon
aforesaid as Merchant strangers for the space of ten of fifteene
yeares last hee further saith, the said Gregorio Diaz was and is
a Portugueze, and a Subiect of the king of Portugall, and saith
that all the said producents were and are Merchants that send out
great parcells of sugars from Portugall for their owne accompt and
adventure which they constantly cause to be marked with their
severall and respective markes predeposed"[9]
- "further saith
that whereas in the bill of lading signed for the goods of the said Gregorio
Diaz the name of ffrancisco Dirckson of Hamborough was and is
inserted, hee this deponent well knoweth, That both by the generall
practize of Portugueze Merchants it is usuall and ordinary to
insert in their bills of lading the names of free and neutrall persons
as those of Hamborough and others, the better to secure their goods from the
Spaniards (with whom the Portuguezes are in enmity) and that in case
of a meeting with Ostenders or Dunkirkers, andalsoe for that this deponent
hath had particular and faithfull advise to that purpose from the said
Gregorie Diaz..."[10]
- "hee was never was in the shipp interrate
and is a Native of florence in Tuscanie, and hath lived in this
Citie and at Lisborne aforesaid for all the time interrate"[11]
HCA 13/129
The personal answers of Augustine Corronell made to the pretended position of an allegation given on the behalfe of John Charker concerning the possession of 200 quintalls of Brazeelewood brought to this port of London in the shippe the Jon and Abigall of which Thornas Morley Captaine (dated June 23rd 1659)
- "To the first hee answereth that hee beleeveth that the
allegate Senor Marcuo Verolo de Silvera, was for all
the time allegate and is resident at Lixon and
the said Duarte Munez de la Costa for all the
time aforesaid hath beene and is resident att
Hamburgh and is a merchant there, but hee doth
not beeleeve there is any Correspondency of
trade betweene him the said De la Costa and
ffrancis Pardini..."
- "To the 3d hee answeareth and beleeveth that the
said Silvera did really cause the said Brazeelewood
to be laden on board the arlate shipp for the accomt
of the said Brazeel Company and consigned the same to
the said ffrancis Pardini..."[12]
Non HCA primary sources
C 7/429/33 Short title: Salvetti v Pardini. Plaintiffs: John Salvetti and Amerigo Salvetti. Defendants: Francisco Pardini. Place or subject: money, Middlesex. Document type: bill and demurrer. 1655.
C 6/134/28 Short title: Bradshaw v Pardini. Plaintiffs: Richard Bradshaw. Defendants: Francis Pardini. Subject: money matters, Leicestershire. Document type: bill, answer. 1657.
C 10/51/9 Daniel Andrewes, William Strange, William Murthwaite and Edward Mico v Giovanni Andrea Zanardi, and Francesco Pardini: money matters, Middx 1658.
C 10/49/117 Pardini v. Forme, Corcellis, Arson, Dorat, Barkeing and Giaverina: Middx, 1658.
C 6/198/76 Short title: Pardiny v Mason. Plaintiffs: Sir Francis Pardiny kt. Defendants: Sarah Mason widow. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: answer only. 1665
"[1656] Thursday, the 27th of November, 1656.
Lawrence's, &c. Nat.
An Act for Naturalizing William Lawrence, Martha Lawrence, Theodora Lawrence, Stephen Tracy, Nathaniel Tracy, Abraham Stock, John Kirk, Mary Kirk, Richard Bogan, Peter Silvester, Constant Silvester, Gidon Harvey, Jacob Lowrvan Slodt, Theodore Haak and Elizabeth his Wife, and Katherine Genne her Daughter, Francis Pardini, and John Pardini, was this Day read the Third time:
And the Question being put, That the Name of Francis Pardini, do stand in the Bill;
It passed in the Negative.
The Question being put, That the Name of John Pardini do stand in the Bill;
It passed in the Negative.
Resolved, That these Words, in the * Line of the Bill; viz. "and Daughter;" be put out.
And the said Bill, so amended, being put to the Question, passed.
Ordered, That his Highness' Consent be desired to this Bill."[13]
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.34v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.2v
- ↑ HCA 13/73 f.278r
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.58v
- ↑ HCA 13/129: Personal answers of Augustine Coronell: Allegation: John Thacker: Date: June 23rd 1659
- ↑ HCA 13/70 f.34v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.58v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.2v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.3r
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.3v
- ↑ HCA 13/72 f.3v
- ↑ HCA 13/129: Personal answers of Augustine Coronell: Allegation: John Thacker: Date: June 23rd 1659
- ↑ 'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 27 November 1656', Journal of the House of Commons: volume 7: 1651-1660 (1802), pp. 459-460, viewed 04/12/13