E 190/46/2 f.2r Annotate
Volume | E 190/46/2 |
Folio | 2 |
Side | Recto |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/09/09 |
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Eodem iijth October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
Gilbert of London William Crafford Master}
5 Edmond Corbett md ij C xxxj baggs Shoomack net
five hundred and two hundred ij quarters and xix li per Cert xij of}
June 1657 duties paid per se 14th February 1657}
William of Ipswich Anthony Cason Master}
6 John Chamberlaaine md fine Load Tymber xij quarters of}
wheate and ij ferkins of butter per Cert xixth September ult}
Sarah of Rochester Peter Gay Master}
7 Captaine John Lambert md C iiij [?XX] xiij Sticks of Ligmun vita and}
xxx sticks of Lignum vita [?Xunt] iij Tomms wch came from}
Jamaica per Cert xviij September ult}
John and Anne of Rochester John Dunning Master}
8 John Lambert md xxiiij Cweight of Gomera Tobacco and lxxvij li}
iij C and xxx hides, sixteen Tonn of ffustick, xviij Cweight of}
old Cast Copper, which came from Jamaica per Cert the}
xvijth September 1657}
Anne of ffeversham Richard [?B]ilting Master}
9 John Knowles j C and tenn quarters wheate xl quarters Oates vij quarters}
of barley Per Cert xxth September 1657}
Hope of Leith James Lockhart Master}
10 Richard Louthen md j Tonn of Talow Per Cert j September}
5th October 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]
Hope of Leith James Lockart Master}
1 Richard Cox md ij fardles quarter iij C ells of Linnen cloth}
one trunck one box of wearing Apparell per Cert jst September ult}
Hope pred
2 Nicholas Coates md ij C and l ells Scotsh Linnen cloth}
two Port mantles ij Pair of Pistolls and one fowlinge}
peece per Cert jst September 1657
Hope pred
3 Nicholas Coates md five hundred ells of Tuking and}
pladding j trunck j box ij portmantles quarter wearing apparell}
per Cert xxiiij September 1657}
Hope pred
4 James Patenson md ij packs quarter iij C Spindles of Scotch
lynnen yarne xvj peeces Lynnen cloth quater ij C xx ells and}
tenn Gotes skins per Cert iij September ult