EL 7002 f.6v Annotate
Volume | EL 7002 |
Folio | 6 |
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Joshua Callaway | |
First transcribed | |
2018/02/20 |
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3 Cause/
The waighte in his Majesty's storehouse at Debtford have
continued many yeares to lighte aboute a pounde in a
hundreth as the clerkes do counfelle, the losse whereof
in 2761 tonne - 4 pounds - 6 hundreths of cordage [?Received] from the contractors
is £828 - 6 shillings - 6 pence and what more hath been loste in the
muscovia cordage and all other prepositions taken in
by these waights we are not able to estimate/.
4 Cause/
As the waighte have lesse, soe the Books have continued
more waighte then they oughte, for there wee found a
cable of 16 inches 4/4 entred 2 hundreth waighte heavier then it
bare upon the scale, and when it was excused by two
yeares drying, wee compared for further triall 46 of
these with 46 of like length and size of the best Muscovia
provision as both waighed at their size takeing in, and
these waighed more by 7 tonne - 2 pounds - 2 hundreths - 26 which in money
riseth to 249 - 15 - 6; Againe comparinge a cable of 15
inches of this store with an other from Muscovia of a later
making the English that was found heavier 4 hundred 1/2 weight and comparing
this making with itself a cable of VI inches .96 fathom
weighed but 50 hundred weight - 3 quarters - 21 pounds. and another of VI inches, and
but 93 ffathom weighed 56 hundred weight - 0 quarters - 11 pounds which is a difference and
above seaven pounds in the price
But Beside this probabillitie of abuse in the cordage
we finde by cCnfession that 1000 waighte of iron
was added to one Bill or other worke then the Kinge's
wee heare of much more in this Kinde ./.
5 Cause./
Manye necessary works have beene neglected which
might have the Shipps from decaye and
workmen suffered to Clamour and dishonour the
state whilste his Majesties Treasure hath bene
expended upon superfluous emptions namely upon a
masse of Bad Cordage for which in the yeare 1609 the