EL 7002 f.34r Annotate

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EL 7002 f.34r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Moneyes due to be repaid by the Kings Merchants
for somuch Received by them for Cordage delivered
by lighte weights./.

ffor a pound under weight in evert Cth' of
2761 Tonns of Cordage 828-6-6
Total debt to be levied to his Majestes Chest - 2179-6-6

besides the [?XXXX] and unlawfull allowances confured upon
the Bookes of our proportions there be other payments made [?wherein]
[?leane] to


Out of the Exchequer these./.

A Capten generall at the Narrow Seas - 481-3-4

A vice Admirall at Narrow Seas allowed by pattente
10 s per diem and by privy seale for 7 servants 10 s a peece per mensem 324-12-8
An other for service there - 182-10-0
A Surveyor of Tonnage - 18-5-0

Under the Charge of which office resteth the controllment of the
Tonnage of all ships new builte, the yearly charge whereof
to his Majesty is per medin - 1888-1-5./.

A store Keeper at Woolwich - 44-8-4
Clearers of the Roades - 30-0-0
A Capten for the pay of 20 souldiers in [?Upn] Castle - 243-6-8
Totall - 1244-6-0

Paid by the Treasurer of
the Navy

To a Capten in Upner - 30-0-0
To a keeper of the Outestores at Debtdord - 66-13-4

Some of Vothe - 1340-19-4./.