Captaine John Greene
Title | Firstname | Lastname |
Captaine | John | Greene |
John Greene signature (1657), HCA 13/71 f.643v | ||
Signature | ||
Name variants | ||
John Greene John Greene (signature, 1657) |
Person | Occupation | Training | Citizen | Birth year | Death year | Birth place | Res parish | Res town | Res county |
Captaine John Greene | Fishmonger | 1617 | 1667 | Unknown | Saint Magnus the Martyr | London |
Volume | Date | Deponent | Deposition start |
HCA 13/71 | Apr 21 1657 | Captaine John Greene | HCA 13/71 f.643r Annotate |
HCA 3/46 | Apr 21 1657 | Act book entry | HCA 3/46 f.15r Annotate |
Other information
Captaine John Greene describes himself as a fishmonger in a High Court of Admiralty deposition made in 1657. He similarly describes himself in his will, proven in 1667.
However, there is an entry in one of the Act Books of the High Court of Admiralty, dated Mar 22 1654, referring to sureties provided by a William Greene and a John Greene, both of the parish of "Magnes parish the Bridge, London". In this entry both men are described as salters. They stood surety in the sum of £1216 for George Margetts, who had brought a case against five sixteenth parts of a ship formerly called the Loyalty, but now the Reformation (Master: Anthony Earnest).[1] The 1666 London hearth tax has two entries for John Greene on "Thames Streete ye North syde". "John Greene fishmonger" is rated at 6 hearths and John Greene salter is rated at 7 hearths. The two entries are separated by two cheesemongers.[2]
Robert Latham (1983) in his companion volume to the Diary of Samuel Pepys identifies Maj. Green(e) as Major John Green(e), fishmonger. He states that Greene was made freeman of the company in 1637, and was a Common Councilman 1654-1656, 1658-1660, 1664-d.1667.[3]
Not to be confused with Captaine John Greene, mariner, of East Smithfield in the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell, Middlesex, who deposed in the High Court of Admiralty on July 15th 1650, and again on Nov 4 1653.[4]
PROB 11/323/212 Will of John Greene, Fishmonger of Saint Magnus the Martyr, City of London. 09 February 1667
Textual information