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|Status=Transcribed on 21/10/2012
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 21/10/2012
|First transcriber=Karen Gunnell
|First transcriber=Karen Gunnell
|First transcribed=2012/10/21
|First transcribed=2012/10/21
|Editorial history=Edited on 29/12/2013  by Jill Wilcox, and on 16/1/2013 and 29/04/2014 by Colin Greenstreet
|Editorial history=Edited on 29/12/2013  by Jill Wilcox, on 16/1/2013, on 29/04/2014 & on 28/08/2019 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1130464.JPG
|Note=IMAGE: P1130464.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P 1130464}}
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1130464.JPG}}
|Transcription=The twelfth day of April 1656
|Transcription=The twelfth day of April 1656
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'''Rp 3.'''
'''Rp 3.'''
'''Daniel Bradley''' of Gosport in the County of Somerset
'''Daniel Bradley''' of Gosport in the County of Southampton
Mariner late Master of the sayd shipp the ''Christopher''
Mariner late Master of the sayd shipp the ''Christopher''
aged twenty seven yeares or thereabouts a witness
aged twenty seven yeares or thereabouts a witness

Latest revision as of 07:07, August 28, 2018

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HCA 13/71 f.148v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The twelfth day of April 1656

Examined upon the said Interrogatories

Rp 3.

Daniel Bradley of Gosport in the County of Southampton
Mariner late Master of the sayd shipp the Christopher
aged twenty seven yeares or thereabouts a witness
sworne before the sayd right Worshipfull John Godolphin
Doctor of Lawe one of the Judges of the high Court of
Admiralty and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the first Interrogatory the deponent saith he did know the interrate shipp
the Christopher of Portsmouth att the tyme of he last being at
Saint Remo neere unto Genoa bound for this Port of London. And
was Master of her. And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the second Interrogatory he saith that interrogate Hugh Salisbury, and
Anthony Belbain, ffrancis Holt, John Wheeler, Christopher
Bronchart and Daniel Bradley this deponents father were
the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the sayd shipp
Christopher at the Tyme aforesayd and of her tackle Apparell
and furniture, and the sayd Christopher Bonchart bought the
sayd shipp for the rest of his fellow owners, who he saith
were equally interested in her each one being the owner of one
sixth part of her. And the sayd parties were all well knowne
to him this deponent and so still are, the sayd John Wheeler excepted
who is lately dead. And the sayd Hugh Salisbury was the principall
manager of the busines of the sayd shipp in behalfe of the rest
and as this deponent hath heard, caused the policy of Assurance to made in this case, And
otherwise he cannot depose.

To the third Interrogatory he saith that the sayd shipp Christopher having
taken in for lading att Saint Remo departed from thence on her
homeward voyage which was designed for this Port of London
on or about the twentyeth day of december 1655. last past
under the command of this deponent as master of her. And in [?her GUTTER]
Course she was mett with by a Man of Warr by name the ffrancis frigot Captaine Nicholas Hayes Commander being an Enemy
shipp formerly belonging to Brest which shipp of warr tooke
and surprized the Christopher and her lading

[LH MARGIN] upon the fifteenth day
of January 165[?3] last
past, about eight
or ten leagues South=
Soutwest from Scilly

and att the tyme of
such surprizall the foresayd Hugh Salisbury and Company aforesayd were
the lawfull Owners of her, and by means of the sayd surprizeall
she is become utterly lost to them, being sent into Spayne and
there made prize which the deponent having bene Master of her as
aforesayd and on board her when she was so taken. And he hath since heard that
the Port in Spayne whither she was carryed is Shathune in Biscay. And
otherwise he cannot depose

Daniel Bradley [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]