and butter and cheese and alsoe a parcell … and butter and cheese and alsoe a parcell of herrings, to be transported<br />
for Zant, and the said goods as hee saith were commonly said and reputed<br />
to be laden by and to be transported for the account of the arlate George<br />
ffarington, and having soe received the same aboard, the said shipp sailed<br />
and carried the same to Zant and there delivered the same to<br />
John dobson and order, (the arlate Richard ffarington comming alsoe often<br />
aboard), saving hee saith it was commonly said before the said shipps departure<br />
thence that there was a parcell of the said butter and cheese<br />
seized by the [?customers] and taken out of the said shipp after the said lading, but hee<br />
this deponent was not present and therefore cannot affirme it of<br />
his owne knowledge, The premisses touching the said lading, transport[?ion GUTTER]<br />
and delivery hee knoweth, being present and helping to stowe and to<br />
deliver the same, this deponent going gunner of the said vessell, And<br />
further saith that after the said deliverie of the said goods, the said<br />
factors of the said George ffarington sent her to the Morea<br />
whense shee brought cheese to Zant, and delivered the same unto them, and<br />
did the like a second time by their order, of this deponents sight and<br />
knowledge, going the said voyage and being Gunner of the said shipp, And#<br />
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the sixth 7 and 8th hee saith that after the said shipps second retourne from<br />
the Mora'a and deliverie of a parcell of cheese brought the said second<br />
time thense to the said factors, and when shee had ridd along time at<br />
Zant, after such second retourne from the Morea they sent her for<br />
Argostol in Cephalonia, and sent Thomas dobson (brother of the said John)<br />
in her, and the said shipp ariving at Argostol, the said Thomas went<br />
there ashore, and saith that after some stay at Arg[?a]stol the said shipp<br />
went to Ligorne and there safely arived, which hee knoweth going in her<br />
from place to place, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 9th hee saith that after about six dayes stay at ligorne shee<br />
departed for England, and shortly after arived at Plimouth, and thense [?proceeded GUTTER]<br />
to London, And otherwise hee cannot depose, not keeping any iournall, or<br />
account of the time of the said shipps proceeding and being at each place.
To the tenth hee cannot depose.
To the eleaventh hee saith that hee this deponent belonged to the said shipp<br />
the said voyage sixteene monethes and a halfe of thereabouts, namely fourteene<br />
monethes and a halfe after her proceeding from Gravesend, and two<br />
monethes before, during all which time shee was commonly accounted<br />
to be in the service of the said George ffarington, and saith the said<br />
John Cra[?mp]e was all the said time in the said service and longer,<br />
and that Austin Petty (one of the said Cra[?mp]es servants) was in her in the said<br />
service from the time of this deponents first shipping (and before) till<br />
her retourne to Plimouth where hee was prest into the States servicce,<br />
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 12th hee cannot depose.
To the 13th hee saith that the said factors of the said George ffarington<br />
the said voyage, in salutations, healths, guifts and funeralls spent and<br />
caused to be fired and spent the quantitie of six barrells of powder<br />
which was of the shipps store, which hee knoweth being Gunner of her<br />
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving hee heard the said John dobson<br />
promise to satisfie for part thereof, namely for that which was spent and shot away<br />
at the funerall of the Consul of Zant by his order, and by his order<br />
and urging hee saith all the rest (or the most part thereof) was shot and<br />
disposed of, and most of it in healths and other iollities.
To of it in healths and other iollities.
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