hundred and ninetie dozen of Corke all wel … hundred and ninetie dozen of Corke all well conditioned and the said butts of wine marked<br />
with the marke in the margent
'''A. S. M.''' [with vertical I through S), [L.H. MARGIN]
to be transported and carried in the said<br />
shipp from Saint Lucar aforesaid to Amsterdam: there to be delivered<br />
to Bernardo Pas and Companie the ffactors agents and Correspondents<br />
of the said parties producent for their proper accompt, and upon their adventure,<br />
Which he knoweth for that hee this deponent being as aforesaid factor and<br />
agent to and for the said parties producent, and being from Dantzicke arrived<br />
at Hamborough in or about the moneth of November 1653. and there<br />
frequently and familiarly conversant with the said parties producent, they a<br />
acquainted this deponent that they had given order to the said John Srrother and<br />
Companie their said Correspondents, to lade the said shippe with wine and other<br />
Commodities for their accompt (in [?returne] of goods the said ffactors had received from<br />
them) to be transported and delivered as aforesaid; And for that this deponent<br />
being here in London about the later end of December 1652. about the said<br />
producents occasions, they the said producents having intelligence that the said<br />
shipp and ladeing were brought up into England, sent a letter to this deponent<br />
advising him this deponent thereof, and gave him order to reclayme the goods<br />
predeposed, and to that end they also sent him two originall bills of<br />
lading, one for the goods predeposed, and the other for a quantitie of goods<br />
in the same shipp, belonging to the said John Scrother, together with an<br />
Attestation under the seale of Hamnorough for and concerning the propriety<br />
of the goods predeposed, wherby this deponent is fully and absolutely assured<br />
that the said goods before severally expressed did and doe in trueth and reality belong<br />
unto the said producents as the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors<br />
thereof, and for such the said producents were and are commonly accompted<br />
reputed and taken, And otherwise cannot depose:
To the 5th article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That the wines<br />
olives and Corke severally before expressed were, (as hee firmely for the reasons<br />
precedent and subsequent is assured) brought and provided by the said John<br />
Scrother and Companie with the moneys effects or goods of the said producents<br />
remaining in their hands, for that this deponent being at Hamborough with<br />
the said producents about a yeare agoe was by them entrusted and employed<br />
as being their ffactor and agent to see and peruse their bookes of accompts,<br />
wherein and whereby he found and observed, That the said producents in the yeare 1652. last past in severall<br />
shipps had sent from Hamborough to their said factor in Spaine, and returne thereof to be made<br />
unto them in Wines and other Commodities, Videlicet in one fatt n:° 1, marked '''A''' 10. pieces of<br />
superior fine wire n:° 1/4. 20. peeces of the same. 12. of ring wyer n:° 1/2. 30. peeces of 4[?X]8 wyer n:° 1. 30. peeces 3/8<br />
wire n:° 2. 30. peices of middle wire n:° 3. 30. peeces of needle wire n:° 4. 30. pieces of small wyer n:° 5. 30<br />
pieces of Course wire n:° 6./210 peeces of sorted iron wire at 50/8 p piece, 200. locks of sewall sorte n:° 2 : 3: 4. 5. 6. 8. 10. 12 at 30S8 p peece; and in a fatt n:° 2. 100 peeces of small wire, 130 peeces of course wire,<br />
230 pieces of wire att 33 [?X]s a piece, and severall other quantities of wire, knives, Slesia linnen,<br />
fustian, [?bounsion] and other goods wares and merchandizes, the numbers quantities and valewe<br />
whereof this deponent observed on the same products bookes of accompts, and to whom consigned for the<br />
use and accompt afore mentioned, which said goods the said ffactor accordingly received, as this<br />
deponent by letters of advise sent to the said producents after the receipt thereof, hath well observed<br />
and with the proceeds thereof, and of the said lading of pipestaves and Clapboard the<br />
said ffactor provided and procured the wines and other goods now Claymed [?in] the accompt<br />
of the said producents, Which hee knoweth for the reasons predeposed, And otherwise<br />
cannot depose
To the 6thwise<br />
cannot depose
To the 6th +