'''Johannes Haynes''' de Hamborowe, natus infra<br />
libertates Civitatis de Hamorow, Nauta annos agens<br />
38 aut ciciter dicit et deponit prout sequitur videlicet./
Ad primum 2um 3um 4um 5um 6um 7um et 8um arles dna Allegationis deponit et<br />
dicit That hee this deponent in or about the beginning of Aprill last was<br />
at Amsterdam hired to serve in the fflyboate allegate the ''Exchange'' of<br />
Bruges by her skipper Hendrick Vagher but before neither knew the<br />
skipper nor the said fflyboate<br />
but when hee was hiring the sayd skipper asked him if hee was<br />
a Hollander and hee told him that hee was not but a free person in relation<br />
to the English and thereupon hee hired him and told him that hee was to goe<br />
to Ostend and thence to Norway, to lade Deales and thence to ffrance, and<br />
saith that hee knoweth not whence the sayd Skipper or the rest of her<br />
company are, but beleeveth them to be free persons as to the English<br />
which company (besides the master consisteth of 12 men and two boyes, And he<br />
saith that the said ship was almost fitted for sea before hee was hired and who was<br />
at the charge of fitting her out hee knoweth not, And knoweth [?not ?who]<br />
is her owner, but saith that in Aprill last a little after hee was hired<br />
the skipper told him that hee must goe with hym and the sayd<br />
ship payd for and hee tooke trhee more of the Company that are Examined along with<br />
him ad this deponent then sawe a great summ of money payd by<br />
one man to another in a lower roome of a house in Amsterdam<br />
in a forenoon, but whose house it was or the name of the Receaver or<br />
Payer hee knoweth not, but the sayd payment was upon the account of the [?XXXX]<br />
ship of fflyboate as hee well understood et alr nescit./
Ad 9um 10um 11um 12um 1t 13um arlos dra Allegationis deponit et dicit That [?XXX]<br />
saile with the sayd ship in ballast from the [?Uly] in Aprill last
[ADD DATA]from the [?Uly] in Aprill last