7th Mary 1666. [CENTRE HEADING]
Super all … 7th Mary 1666. [CENTRE HEADING]
Super allegatione et sched pred.
'''Martinnus Tyson ffock''' de Baert prope Stralsunden<br />
in Pomerania, Navarrbus [?dicta] navis the ''liesde'', annos natus<br />
49 aut da circiter testis.
Ad primum 2. 3. 4. et arles dicte allegatonis deponit that the said ship ship was<br />
provided of tackle, apparell, rigging and furniture at the proper costs and<br />
chardgesc of Joachim Duncker and Martin Duncker, who dwell in Stralsund<br />
in Pomerania in the Dominions of the King of Sweden, and were and are<br />
ownersof 15 sixteenth parts of her and this deponent owner of the other<br />
sixteenth part and master of her, which said provisions and furniture stood them<br />
in and cost them 7500 gilders, which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent<br />
in behalfe of himselfe and the said other owner disbursed and paid the moneys<br />
to workman and materiall men; After which fitting and furnishing this deponent<br />
and company of mariners set saile and departed with all in ballast from<br />
Amsterdam (whether hee was brought from Serdam) in or about the beginning<br />
of September last for Swinsound in Norway to lade deales for the said owners<br />
their accompt for Cadiz in Spaine, and in about the end of the said month<br />
of September they arrived at Swinsound, where this deponent wth the proper<br />
moneys of the said Dunckers and of himselfe owners aforesaid bought and<br />
laded about 5500 deales, and some wainscot for the said owners accompt, and<br />
after such lading namely at or about the eigth of October last, this<br />
deponent and company of mariners departed with the said shipp and lading<br />
from Swinsound and steered their course for Cadiz aforesaid with<br />
purpose there to dispose of and sell the said cargo for accompt aforesaid, but<br />
coming off the coast of Bretany they were by storme and tempestuous<br />
weather, forced upon the said coast and to goe into Saint Malo's on or<br />
about the twentieth of November last, where being soe arrived, and the<br />
winde continuing contrary for Cadiz and this deponent finding a good<br />
market did at Saint Malos sell the said cargo of deales and wainscot for the<br />
benefit and accompt of himselfe and of his said two partners owners aforesaid,<br />
and with part of the proceed thereof this deponent with the assistance of<br />
Peter [?Pallint] arlate bought there and laded abord her for the same accompt<br />
six butts of oile and about 96 frailes or peeces of raisins under the maeke<br />
in the margin: And saith that hee make use of the name of the said Pallint<br />
in his bills of lading as lader of said goods, to the end that if hee this<br />
deponent died in the voyage, his partners and relations might know to whom<br />
to have [?recourse] touching the cost and what els concerned the buying and lading,<br />
and for the same reason of this deponents possibilitie of death, they were<br />
consigned to the arlate Abryam von Susteren at Bridges, but<br />
if hee lived hee intended ([?XXX XXXX])) to dispose and sell them himselfe. And<br />
there was noe freight set in the bill of lading, for the said goods<br />
were upon and for the said owners their proper account. Et alre nescit
Ad 6. 7. 8. 9 et 10 arles et schedules annexed [?XX XXX] deponit that<br />
he beleeveth the first schedule to be his<br />
ahandwriting of Monsieur Applebooms [?XXXX] and the subscription to be Monsieur Applebooms owne hand, And<br />
thatApplebooms owne hand, And<br />
that +