14 Septembris 1666 [CENTRE HEADING]
Dmus … 14 Septembris 1666 [CENTRE HEADING]
Dmus nr Rex con navam the}<br />
''Saint Jurgien'' (or ''George'') de}<br />
Hamborow, Jurgius Schoonmaker master}
'''Georgius Schoonmarker''' civitatis Hamburgen Nauta<br />
aetatis 51 aut eo circiter, navar[?etum]us dicta navis<br />
in preparatorio examinatus
Ad primum, 2 et reliqua Interria deponit et dicit that hee hath bin<br />
Master of the said shipp the ''Saint George'' for nine yeeres last past and<br />
upwards, during which space shee hath belonged and doth belong to Hamburgh<br />
and to Inhabitants and burgers there, who are still her owners, namely<br />
to Jurgien Bexler a sixteenth part, Hance Erting[?caus] a 16th, [?Johan]<br />
Van Peren a 16th, John Berenbergh a 16th, Rudolph Berenbergh a 16<br />
Augustin Hendricks a 16th, John van Campen a 16th, harman henricks<br />
a 32th, and this deponent the rest, namely halfe the shipp and a 32th part<br />
And that the said proprietors hath bin and are subiects of the ffree state of<br />
Hamborow, and that noe part of shipp or goods belongs to any Dane,<br />
Hollander or ffrenchman, or any subiect of the those dominions, and that shee<br />
is of 60 lasts burthen And further that her now cargo of marchandize<br />
of wooll, leade, steele, kettles and other goods (referring to his bills for<br />
further particularities) was laded at Hamborow about two moneths since<br />
by Hamburghers there dwelling, and for Hamburghers their accompt<br />
saving two parcells for Antwerpians and some for Cullenaers<br />
and a Bremer, as by his bills and attestations that were aboard<br />
is more fully to be seen, and were all to be carried to and delivered<br />
at Roane on the same accompt. And saith further that hee and<br />
all his company are Hamburgers, saving one is holsteiner and his<br />
boy a Swede, and were hired by him for the said voyage to Roane and<br />
home againe. And that hee had not any ffrench, Holland or danish factor<br />
or colours aboard. And moreover that hee signed bills of lading<br />
for the said goods, and that one of each with his other documents (all<br />
true and reall) were aboard att the time of his seizure by the ''Newcastle''<br />
''frigot'' about 5 weekes since, about 3 or 4 leagues to the west of the<br />
[?fflia] as shee was plying with a contrary winde to perform her course<br />
for Roane, her intended port of discharge, to the Captaine of<br />
which frigot this deponent delivered up all his said papers and<br />
writings, without embeazelment or dissimulation. And further that<br />
in the said nine yeeres space the said shipp hath not bin in Holland<br />
but hath used to saile from Hamborow to ffrance and England and<br />
was this yeere in Scotland, all upon Hamburgers accompt. And<br />
lastly that his company with himselfe consisteth of eight man and a boy<br />
and denieth that hee issued any false bills. Et alre nescit
Jurgen Ssomark[?X] [?XXX] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
24th Septembris 1666. [CENTRE HEADING]
con navem the ''Yellow Sun'' de)<br />
Riga in Prussia in [?dotXXX] Suecica)
'''Peter Peterson''' de Riga pred Nauta, Navarbus<br />
dicta navis the ''Yellow Sun'', annos natus 45 aut<br />
circiter testis in prepario examinatus, deponit ut<br />
sequitur videlicet.
That the said shipp ''Yellow Sun'' belongeth and hath belonged to the port of Riga<br />
for three yeares last and upwards, and that for all that space Gaspar Timmerman<br />
and Andrew [?Dreiting] (both Inyabitants and Merchants and Magistrates there and<br />
subiects of the King of Sweden, and who have dwelt there all that time and longer;<br />
and are accompted natives of that place have bin and are the sole owners of the<br />
said Shipp and for such commonly accompted; namely each (as hee taketh it)<br />
a halfe part owner, which hee knoweth having bin master of the said Shipp for the<br />
said time, and constituted master by the said owners, and in that space shee<br />
hath not bin [?owned], or [?appertained] to any ffrench or hollander or dane. And<br />
saith that in Januarie last hee went with his said shipp from Riga for Saint Martins in<br />
ffrance to fetch salt upon his said owners acoompt to Riga, and that accordingly arriving<br />
at Rochell hee tooke in his lading of salt there in July upon the same accompt<br />
which hee this deponent there bought and laded for his said owners, and<br />
that in July or August last the the time more precisely<br />
in regard of the absence of his papers and the [?trXXX] and [?troubles] hee hath undergone<br />
byroubles] hee hath undergone<br />
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