The 18th day of November 1659 [CENTRE HEAD … The 18th day of November 1659 [CENTRE HEADING]
Slade against the ''ffree Trade'' and}<br />
Symon fflew her master: Dyer Suckley}
Examined upon the allegation<br />
given in by mr Suckley<br />
on behalf of the said<br />
'''Captaine William Jopp''' of Redriffe<br />
Mariner aged 45 yeeres or thereabouts<br />
Sworne and Examined.:/:
To the 1st. 2d. and 3d. articles of the allegation hee cannot depose<br />
not Knowing the arlate Slade,/:
To the 4th. hee saith that for these two or three and thirty<br />
yeeres last hee hath gone to sea, in Ships, and for<br />
about twenty yeeres last hee hath bin Comander and master<br />
of Ships, and thereby well Knoweth that if the<br />
Mariners of a Ship, or some of them, doe stave a pipe<br />
or pipes of wine, or other Merchandize or do spoile<br />
Imbezell or Loose any Goodes or Merchandizes whatsoever<br />
the Cooke of the ship is Liable<br />
to pay as much for Damage as any of the Ships<br />
Company, And this hee saith is publique and Notorious<br />
amongst Masters of ships and Seamen. And further<br />
hee saith hee cannot depose./.
To the 5th. hee cannot depose./.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./:
To the Interrogatoryes./. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first (it being done as required), hee saith<br />
hee is of the age of about forty five yeeres, and is a Master of<br />
a Ship, and hath lived in Rederiffe for Twenty yeeres<br />
last (saving such time as hee hath bin at sea), and saith hee hath<br />
Knowne the Interrate Symon fflew for about foure or<br />
five yeeres last, but doth not Knowe Slade./:
To the second hee saith that hee beleeveth hee is not<br />
bound by the Lawe to Declare how much hee is worth<br />
and otherwise Negatively:/:
To the 3d. hee answereth Negatively./.
To the 4th. 5th. 6th. and 7th. hee hath not soe deposed.
To the 8th. Negatively./:
To the 9th. hee hath not soe deposed:/:
To the last hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition./.
William Jopp [Signature, RH SIDE]tion./.
William Jopp [Signature, RH SIDE] +