The eighteenth of October 1658.
Affidavit … The eighteenth of October 1658.
Affidavit touching the)<br />
''George and Angell'')<br />
ex parte ffernandez)
'''Manoel de ffonseca''' of London Merchant aged 21 yeares or<br />
thereabouts and '''William Tucker''' of the same aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne before the right Worshippfull Charles-George<br />
Cock Esquire, one of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiralty<br />
of England, and examined upon an Interrogatorie ministred<br />
on the behalfe of Antonio ffernandez Caravajall, free denizen<br />
and subiect of the Commonwealth of England, say and deposeth<br />
by vertue of their corporall oathes
That they well knoweth the shipp the ''George and Angell'' interrogated<br />
wherof hee this deponent William Tucker is master, and well knoweth that<br />
about six yeares since the said Mr Antonio ffernandez Caravajall<br />
bought her here at London of the Commissioners for Prize goods with<br />
his owne money, and really paid for the same,<br />
and that ever since such buying of her hee this<br />
deponent William Tucker hath gonne in her in the sevice of the<br />
said ffernandez, and is now master of her, and is now bound out with<br />
her on a voyage for the streights, and thence to retourne immediately<br />
to this port of London for finishing the said voyage, and that the<br />
said master and all his company intended to saile the said voyage<br />
are Inhabitants of this Commonwealth of England, and Subiects of the<br />
same, and that the shipp is of 60 tonnes burthen thereabouts
Manuell de ffonseca [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
William Tucker [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]