To the 6th: article hee saith hee referret … To the 6th: article hee saith hee referreth him selfe to the Civill lawes of<br />
this Nation And to his foregoeing deposition and further cannot depose/.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
Repeated with the emendations the 22th<br />
of July 1657 before doctor Godolphin/
The eighth of September 1657.
Cob, Jennings and others, against keate}<br />
and company. ffrancklin. Smith.}
Exámined upon an allegation given<br />
in on the behalfe of the said keate<br />
and company.
'''Rp. .I.'''
'''John Upson''' of Rederith in the County of Surrey<br />
Mariner, Masters mate, of the shipp the ''Gilbert''<br />
aged 49 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and<br />
To the first article hee saith and deposeth that the<br />
shipp the ''Gilbert'' arlate in her last voyage in question tooke<br />
in her lading at the Barbada's and was to bring the<br />
same directly for this port of London, and for noe other<br />
port or place, and this was and is very well knowne<br />
to the said shipps company, and in particular to this deponent<br />
who was masters mate, and shipped áccordingly, namely to<br />
come with the said lading directly for London.
To the second árticle hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp<br />
in her proceeding from the Barbada's for this port<br />
came with her lading to anchor neere a place called Aberday<br />
upon or about the eighteenth day of January 1656 the wind<br />
being then East North East, and that of his this deponents<br />
certain knowledge the arlate William Crofford (Master of the<br />
said Shipp the ''Gilbert'') had an intent to have sayled direct<br />
for this port of London, and did soe declare or expresse<br />
him selfe to the Mariners of the sayd shipp and that about<br />
twenty of the sayd shipps Company did refuse to doe soe, [XXX GUTTER]<br />
contrary to his the sayd Croffords intention and command,<br />
did compell him the sayd Crofford to carry the sayd shipp first<br />
to Penarth Roade, thense to kings=roade and soe to Bri[stoll GUTTER]<br />
and this deponent saith that of the mutineers against the the arlate Woodfall, Chipson C[avellier GUTTER]<br />
Allen and Gilbert arlate and alsoe one William Tanner<br />
and Charles Sandres were the Ringleaders, The premisses<br />
he Ringleaders, The premisses<br />
he +