'''Portugall 1: Quire./.'''
The two and t … '''Portugall 1: Quire./.'''
The two and twentyeth day of July <u>1654.</u>
On the behalfe of Thomas Adams}<br />
Thomas Hollis Thomas Briggs and}<br />
Company Owners of the shipp ''Mary''}<br />
''and John'' whereof ffrancis}<br />
Hurdidge was master}
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe<br />
of the sayd Thomas Adams Thomas Hollis<br />
Thomas Briggs and Company.
'''Richard Rawl''' of Eastsmithfeild in the County of Middlesex<br />
Mariner Late Carpenter of the sayd shipp the ''Mary and''<br />
''John'' borne att Barnstable in the County of devon. a<br />
witnesse sworne before the Right worshipfull the<br />
Commissioners for the English and Portugalls, and<br />
examined saith and deposeth by vertue of his Oath as<br />
followeth. videlicet.
To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth that<br />
in and during the yeares 1648. 1649. 1650. and 1651. the arlate<br />
Thomas Adams, Thomas Hollis Mr Hills, and Company merchants<br />
of London were the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of<br />
the sayd shipp the ''Mary and John'' whereof ffrancis Hurdidge<br />
was master and of her tackle and furniture and so aććounted<br />
which he knoweth for that he was Carpenter of in and aboard her for<br />
and during all the tyme aforesayd. And otherwise deposeth not
To the second article of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith that the foresayd<br />
shipp and master being att Lisboa in Portugall he the sayd ffrancis<br />
Hurdidge did lett out his sayd shipp to freight in the moneth of March<br />
1648. English stile by license of the King of Portugall on a voyage<br />
to be made with her from thense to Madera thense to Angolla thense<br />
to Bahia in Brasilia, and in pursuanće of the sayd voyage, the<br />
foresayd shipp in or about the month of June then next followeing<br />
1649. (sic) departed from Lisbone, and safely arrived att Angola in the month<br />
of April 1650. and there the Governour of Angola after<br />
such the arrivall of the sayd shipp did putt the sayd ffrancis Hurdidge<br />
out of her and imprisoned him, and sett out the sayd shipp in the<br />
service and imployment of the King of Portugall as a man<br />
of warr and in that service she was and remayned for the<br />
space of four monethes of the knowledge of this deponents who<br />
was in and served on board her in the sayd service of the King<br />
of Portugall, and was Carpenter on board her from the beginning<br />
of the sayd voyage from Lisboa. And further deposeth not.
To the third article of the sayd allegation hee saith that the Governour of Angola<br />
when he so tooke the sayd shipp into the King of Portugalls service did<br />
promise to pay unto the sayd Captaine Hurdidge the summe of six<br />
hundred mill rees per moneth for every moneth the sayd shipp should<br />
ćontinue in the sayd service, howbeit he saith that when payment was<br />
to be made the sayd Governour refused to make full payment in moneyes<br />
and constrayned the sayd Captaine Hurdidge having noe way to helpe<br />
himselfe to aććept of salt for a part thereof att his the sayd Governours<br />
owne rates, and the salt so allowed was not truly and faithfully<br />
delivered but with embezlement and losse, so as the sayd ffrancis<br />
Hurdidge and his Owners were thereby endammaged as he ćonćeyveth<br />
and beleiveth to the value of four hundred millrees and upwards<br />
And more deposeth not.
Tords<br />
And more deposeth not.
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