To the second hee saith that about this ti … To the second hee saith that about this time hee knoweth his<br />
deponent met the producent Thomas Browning at Cadiz in the<br />
shipp the ''ffortune'' arlate whereof the said Browning was the master,<br />
and where with the said Browning from from Santa Cruz as this deponent was informed<br />
by him, And while hee was soe at Cadiz this deponent sawe the said<br />
Browning severall dayes on shoare about his shipps busines, And<br />
otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee cometh in the instance of the said Thomas<br />
Browning to speake the truth in this cause, and that hee hath noe<br />
relation at all to him; and saith hee this deponent sawe the said<br />
Browning severall times in the house of the interrate Mr Wilson in<br />
Cadiz about the shipps business, and that this rendent was not in her<br />
that voyage, And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the second hee saith that as hee hath heard the said Thomas<br />
Browning had an Adventure of his owne on board the said shipp<br />
the said voyage, and this deponent holdeth the said allowance of<br />
a peece of eight per day in the case aforesaid to be a duety from the<br />
owners and not a gratuitie, in as much as a master or purser cannot<br />
well be at lesse daily expense on<br />
shoare; and hee doth not conceive that the owners having a factor<br />
on shoare shall not excuse the said allowance, for a master is seldome<br />
or never consigned to a port, where[?in] the owners have not some<br />
factor or other person to give him assistance and that the masters<br />
going ashoare to him and staying there and waiting on him about<br />
the shipps business is for the most part equall expense to him as if there were noe<br />
factor there, and that rate of a peece of eight per diem is a<br />
mans ordinary expense there, and often more than lesse. And<br />
otherwise cannot answere saving as aforesaid.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
The 29th of ffebruary 1655./ [CENTRE HEADING]
William horne Thomas Cornelius and Robert}<br />
Richbell against Thomas Mills and Paule}<br />
Richards: Clements Suckley}
Examined upon an allegation given in on the<br />
behalfe of the sayd Thomas Mills and Paule<br />
'''Rp. .jus'''
'''George Garneham''' of Portsmouth in hampshire Mariner<br />
Master of the shipp the ''Prosperous'' aged thirty five yeares<br />
or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and<br />
deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent<br />
being Master of the shipp the ''Prosperous'' arlate knoweth that at such tyme as shee<br />
went out upon the voyage in Controversie from Southampton shee had in her only two peece<br />
of Ordnance sixe Musketts tenn or twelve charges of great shott, a hundred<br />
weight of burr shott and a considerable quantitie of Muskett shott and<br />
powder sufficient and proportionable to those gunnes and shott and that there was on<br />
boardtt and that there was on<br />
board +