soe that the sayd Captaine Stanton might h … soe that the sayd Captaine Stanton might have gone<br />
to sea if he would, and that the Masters of the said fower<br />
prizes remayneing at Cowes did come with a writing unto<br />
the said ''Elzabeths'' Company, unto which wryting the said<br />
fowere Masters had before subscribed, to gett thereto the hands<br />
of such as were willing to goe to sea, and that therunto<br />
he this Rendent subscribed, And further he cannot answeare.
To the fourth Interrogatory he answereth that he (amongst others) hath sued the<br />
interrate Captaine Stanton in this Court and elsewhere for his this<br />
Rendents wages due to him And otherwise he answereth<br />
To the Interrogatories in the 2d place ministred. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he referreth himselfe to his former<br />
deposition And further he cannot answeare,
To the 2d he answereth that the prizes interrate had putt<br />
on board them the officers interrate, and that they were all<br />
the Masters Mates of the ''Elzabeth'', and that there was<br />
noe Mate or Pilott left on board the ''Elzabeth'' untill they<br />
returned as he hath predeposed, And he this Rendent<br />
answereth that there were about 100. dutch Merchants<br />
and men of warre about fower Leagues to the Westwards<br />
off the said shipp the ''Elzabeth'', which did steere their<br />
direct course along the coast of England for holland<br />
The wind being faire at West North=West, and that about<br />
the same distance off the said ''Elzabeth'' the Admirall of<br />
holland interrate was having his flagg in the maine topp<br />
which being alone, made the best of his sayle to gett to<br />
windward to his owne fleet, and did not pursue the said<br />
''Elzabeth'', but onely tacke to and againe to gett to windward<br />
And further he cannot answeare./
To the third Interrogatory he cannot answeare.
To the fourth he answereth that he referreth himselfe to his<br />
foremost deposition And otherwise cannot answeare.
To the fifth Interrogatory he answereth that the said fower prizes<br />
carryed to the Isle of Wight were made the command of<br />
Cowes Castle (whereof Captaine Naskett was Commander)<br />
And he alsoe answereth that the interrate Captaine Stanton did<br />
by wryting under his hand and seale make and assigne<br />
over his interest or shares in the said prizes to the said<br />
Captaine Baskett, and that upon that prestense it was that<br />
the said Baskett deteyned the said wines, And further<br />
he cannot answeare.
To the sixth Interrogatory he answereth that he never saw the<br />
''Abrahams Sacrifice'' interrate lye upon the ground, And that he<br />
saw the interrate Merichurch sent up from Cowes to London<br />
by Mr Rich, for taking a Trunck (as this Rendent hath<br />
heard the said Merrichurch since confesse) out of the ''Abrahams Sacrifice''<br />
interrateAbrahams Sacrifice''<br />
interrate +