First transcribed
17 September 2015 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
27 +
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HCA 13/67 +
Recto +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 17/09/2015 +
The 18th day of March 1652 uppon the<br … The 18th day of March 1652 uppon the<br />
allegation on the behalfe of the Claymers
The Clayme of Cornelis de Hertogh and John}<br />
Baptista da Hertogh of Hamborough for}<br />
a thousand five (sic) hundred peeces of eight laden}<br />
aboard the Shipp the ''Angel Michael'' whereof}<br />
John Lowe is master) taken by Captaine John Bonner}<br />
and companie in the Shipp the ''Marmaduke''}<br />
whereof the said Bonner is Captaine. Budd}<br />
ffrancklyn Suckley}
'''Peter Scholenburgh''' afforesaid of Hamborough<br />
marriner aged fortie fower yeares produced<br />
sworne and examyned in the Court deposeth as followeth
To the first and second articles of the said allegation and to the schedule or bill of Ladeing arlate<br />
therein mentioned Hee sayeth and Deposeth That he this deponent hath bene Stiersman of<br />
the Shippp the ''Angell Michael'' arlate for nine or tenne monethes last past or thereabouts and by reason<br />
therefore knoweth the arlate John Lowe whoe for all the said time hath bene<br />
and is stiersman or Commannder of the Ship the ''Angel Michael'' In which Shipp this deponent sayeth That<br />
in or about the moneth of October last past there were laden for the accompt of the<br />
producents John Baptista Hertogh and Cornelis de Hertogh merchants of Hamborowe arlate<br />
at Saint Lucar in Spayne by a Servant of one John Scrother ffactor and agent for the said producent resident [?then]<br />
at Saint Lucar three baggs conteyninge as the said Mr Scrother informed the said master<br />
of the said Shippp and him this Deponent one thousand and four hundred peeces of eight which baggs<br />
were nombered and marked as and [?XXXX] with the seale in the Bill of Ladeing arlate which he sayeth were for the adventure and<br />
accompt of the said producents soe laden as afforesaid to be delivered to them or their assignes<br />
at Hamborough as this deponent was told by the said Scrother which hee knoweth for that hee this Deponent was an Ey witnesse of the Ladeing<br />
of the said three baggs soe marked numbred and sealed as afforesaid and when the foresamed John Lowe master of the<br />
said Shipp did firme the Bill of ladeing arlate for the receipt and the delivery of the said<br />
money which bill of Ladeing haveinge received and carefully perused att the time of his examination<br />
Hee acknowledgeth and confirmeth it to be the same which this Deponent sawe the said John Lowe<br />
firme and Signe at Saint Lucar as afforesaid And further cannot say saveing That the said<br />
producents for all the tyme predeposed have bene commonly reputed the true owners of the said<br />
three baggs of money soe marked as aforesaid And further hee cannot Depose.
To the third and fourth articles of the said allegation hee sayeth that after the said three baggs with<br />
the said peeces of eight therein contained as this deponent was informed were brought [?XXX] [?XXX]<br />
[?XXXX] [?fast] aboard the said Shipp as afforesaid the said Shipp the ''Angel Michael'' with the said<br />
money and her other Ladeings wares and merchandizes in her did sett sayle from the Port of Saint<br />
Lucars afforesaid bound for Hamborowe there to have delivered the same goods and ladeing but sayeth<br />
That in the said Shipps Course and voyage thither The said Shipp in or about the moneth of November<br />
arlate with the said Bagges of money in her and the rest of her Ladeing neer the Isle of Wight were<br />
seized and taken by the arlate Captaine Bonner and Company in the ''Marmaduke ffrigot'' and brought<br />
by them with the said Ladeing into the River of Thames And further cannot say Saveing that<br />
the said three bagges remayned fast and unbroken upp by this deponent or anybody els to his knowledge<br />
att the tyme of the seizure predeposed the premisses hee deposeth being ...
[ADD DATA]emisses hee deposeth being ...
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HCA 13/67 f.27r Silver IMG 117 07 1478 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.27r Silver IMG 117 07 1478 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.27r Silver IMG 117 07 1478 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.27r Silver IMG 117 07 1478 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.27r Silver IMG 117 07 1478 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.27r Silver IMG 117 07 1478 Annotate +
, HCA 13/67 f.27r Silver IMG 117 07 1478 Annotate +
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19 September 2015 12:18:32 +