time of her said seizure by Captaine Purvis, who tooke out two of them videlicet two<br />
brasse [XXXes], and otherwise hee answereth negatively, saying shee left noe<br />
gunnes at Virginia./
To the fifth hee saith that hee never heard nor tooke notice at Virginia<br />
that the Inhabitants there had set up themselves in opposition to and<br />
as distinct from this State and Commonwealth of England, and saith<br />
there were noe passengers carried in the said shipp to Virginia/
To the sixth hee saith that his said precontest derrick Jansen went out<br />
sopra cargo or merchant of the said shipps lading to dispose and traffique<br />
away the same to the use of the said producents, and otherwise hee referreth<br />
himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and saving the same, hee cannot further<br />
To the last hee saith that hee cannot depose, saving hee knoweth not<br />
of any papers or Writings, whatsoever torne throwne over board or<br />
otherwise made away.
The same day.
Examined upon the allegation aforesaid
'''Jasper Abrahams''' of fflushing in Zealand Saylemaker aged<br />
43 yeares or therabouts,
To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that<br />
hee well knoweth the producents John Bassiliera and company who<br />
hee hsaith have bin for all the time arlate and are the true and lawfull<br />
owners of the shipp the ''ffortuna'' arlate and of her tackle and furniture and<br />
for such commonly accompted, which hee knoweth being Saile maker of the said<br />
shipp and having sailed in her in their service both this voyage and another<br />
about [?foure] yeares since, And saith that in or about the moneth of<br />
September last the said Bassilieira and companie sent out and imployed the said<br />
shipp the ''ffortuna'' from the Port of Middleborowe for Virginia on a tradinge<br />
voyage for theire owne [?use] and Acconpte and to returne thence againe for<br />
Middleborowe, And further that the said shipp carried a Cargazon of goods<br />
from Middleborowe to be disposed of att Virginia, and to bringe the<br />
returne thereof in Tobaccoes for Middleborowe All which he knoweth beinge<br />
the said voyage Sailemaker of the said shipp And otherwise he cannot<br />
To the third and fowerth articles of the said allegation he saith and deposeth<br />
That the said shipp the ''ffortune'' outwards borne arrived att Virginia<br />
the said voyage on or about the 17th day of november (old stile) 1650<br />
and non before and then and there began to dispose of her outwards<br />
Ladinge, and to gather in debts which were there before remayning due<br />
to the producents for goods formerlie carried thither from<br />
Middleborow, and to receive in againe her homeward Ladinge And<br />
saith further that att and uppon the said arrivall there was att Virginia<br />
noe newes talke or tydings att all that the Parliament of England<br />
had forbidden or prohibited trade or traffique to or with Inhabitants<br />
of Virginia, Whereas if there had bin anie such talke or speech<br />
he beleeveth he should have heard or had some Intelligence thereof<br />
which he saith he did not And otherwise he cannot depose:/
To the fyfth and sixth articles he saith and deposeth That the said<br />
shipp the ''ffortune'' after her arrivall as aforesaid att Virginia sett<br />
to takeinge in and receivinge her Tobaccoes and goods for the Accomte<br />
aforesaid, and that all her Tobaccoes and goods were laden and bought, and<br />
ready provided to be laden before the sixteenth day of March last, and<br />
that the Master nor anie belonginge of the said shipp, had not (soe<br />
farr as he this deponent beleeveth or knoweth) anie notice [?hinte] or<br />
intelligence either att Virginia or elsewhere of the Parliaments<br />
forbiddinge or declaringe against trade with Virginia untill about the<br />
Eighteenth day of March last old stile, att which tyme the said Master and<br />
Companie were takeinge in theire water, provisions and necessaries<br />
forprovisions and necessaries<br />
for +