MRP: Robert Dawes will

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Robert Dawes will

PROB 11/305 May 104-157 Will of Robert Dawes, Merchant of Saint Martin Orgar, City of London 23 December 1661

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Brother of Jonathan Dawes, part owner of Loyal Merchant

See Samuell Dawe will
See Robert Dawes senior will
See Jonathan Dawes will (brother of Robert Dawes)
See Robert Dawes junior will

See Sir George Smith will (merchant active in Levant; mentioned with Sir William Vincent in Robert Dawes' will as "my honored freinds")
See Sir William Vincent will (merchant active in Levant; mentioned with Sir George Smith in Robert Dawes' will as "my honored freinds")
See Sir John Robinson will (merchant active in Levant; mentioned as one of " "my honored freinds" in Robert Dawes' will)
See Charles Porter will

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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The ffive and twentieth day of July in the yeareof our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty one and in the thirteenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God almightie of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffaith I Robert Dawes of the pish of S:t Martins Orgar London and xxxx beinge sicke and weake in Body but of good sound and perfect mind and memory I give prayse and thankes unto Allmighty God therefore And calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the hower thereof and having a mind to settle my Estate before I die to the Intent that noe question or controversy may arise after my decease touching on concerneing the same doe therfore make ordaine and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme ffollowing (That is to say)

FFIRST and principally I comitt and commend my Soule into the handsof Allmighty God that gave it me hopeing and assuredly beleaving to be saved in by and through the most pretious death merritts bloodshedding and suffereing of my Lord and only Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and noe other wayes


Lawfull money of England

ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto Abraham Dawes one other of the sonnes of my said brother Thomas Dawes All that Adventure which he the said Abraham hath now of mine in his hands custody and possession and which I entrusted him with to be disposed of at his owne free will and pleasure

ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto my honored freinds S:r John Robinson Baronet and to his lady the summe of ffive and twenty pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the right Worshipfull my honored freinds also S:r George Smith and his Lady and to S:r William Vincent and his Lady the like amount of Twenty five pounds a peece of lawfull money of England

ITEM I give and bequeath unto M:r Charles Porter the summe of Twenty pounds and to M:r Richard Brookes I give the summe of Tenn pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Servant John Darry (CSG, or Barry) all that is due unto him now in his fathers and Brothers hands and possession

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Richard Bromby and Margaret Hunter Servants in this house where I now live the summe of Tenn pounds a peece of lawfull money of England

ITEM I give devise and bequeath unto the poore of the p'ssh of S:t Martens Orgar London where I now dwell the summe of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the pish of S:t Bartholomew Exchange London the like sume of Tenn pounds of like money And my Will and mind is that any Body shall be decently and Christianly interred in the pish Church of S:t Bartholomew Exchange aforesaid and that doctor Breddocke shall preach my ffuneralll sermon unto whom I give for his paines and as a remembrance of my love and respect unto him the summe of Tenn pounds of like money

ITEM I give unto M:r ?Honnorbe the minister of the pish of S:t Martins Orgar aforesaid the summe of ffive pounds of like money

ITEM I give and bequeath mourning Rings of such a vallue each of them to soe many of my ffreinds as my said loveing freind daniell pennington shall thinke fitt to bestowe at the time of my ffunerall

ITEM all the rest & residue of my Ready Money Plate Jewells Rings Goods Chattells householdstuffe wares marchandisses and all other my personall Estate whatsoever not herein before in this my Will given or bequeathed I fully and wholly give devise and bequeath the sume and every part thereof unto my deare and well beloved Brother Jonathan Dawes now or lately resident at Constantinople whom I doe by these presents make ordayne nominate and appoynt to bee the full and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And my Will further is that the said Daniel Pennington shall in the meane time be Executor in trust for the use and untill such time as my said Brother Jonathan shall returne into England in his owne pson totake the possession of this my will upon him which Legacies by me herein above bequeathed my Will and mind is shall be paid within one yeare next immediately after my decease And for by this presents revoake frustrate disannull and make voyd all other and former Wills Testaments Legacies gifts and bequests whatsoever by me at any time or times heretofore made given willed devised or bequeathed and doe will that these presents only shall stand and be as and for my very last Will and Testament and now other or others

IN WITNESS whereof I the said Robert Dawes have to this my last will and Testament contayned in ffower sheetes of paper to the last sheete thereof sett my hande & Seale the day and yeare first abovewritten

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Robert Dawes the Testator abovesaid as and for his last will and Testament in the p:sence of William ?Yourth Thomas XXXXX Tho: XXXX XXXX pubXXX





Possible primary sources

C 142/655/108 Dawe, Arthur: Gloucester 2 Charles I.

C 5/403/92 Dawes v. Lumley: Gloucester. 1650
C 5/404/75 Dawes v. Lumley 1652
C 5/470/48a Dawes v. Mohun 1674

C 6/151Pt2/28 Short title: Moudiford v Greaves. Plaintiffs: James Moudiford, Robert Dawes, Jonathan Dawes, William Rider, John Portman and Philip Scarth. Defendants: Abraham Greaves, Sarah Greaves his wife and Richard Hutchinson. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: answer only. 1659
C 6/209/87 Short title: Turney v Dawes. Plaintiffs: Anthony Turney. Defendants: Abraham Dawes, Arnold White and William Moyer. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, two answers, three schedules. 1673
C 6/211/17 Short title: Crundall v Dawes. Plaintiffs: Thomas Crundall. Defendants: Abraham Dawes. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1673
C 6/597/96 Short title: Porter v Dawes. First plaintiff: Porter. Defendants: Dawes. Document type: bill only. [1649-1714]

C 10/107/17 Brandon v. Erisey, Bendish, Dawes, Riccard, Boscower: Middx 1666
C 10/463/40 Cox v. Dawes: Middx. 1652
C 10/87/18 Dawes v. Riccard, Evans, Penning, Heatley: Middx 1668
C 10/110/25 Dawes v. Salmount, Brunker, Leake, Dolbin, Jenkinson, Eastwood: Glos 1667
C 10/165/35 Erisey v. Bendish, Dawes, Buckman 1663
C 10/105/136 Painter, Pennell and Noke v Morley and Dawes 1671
C 10/106/148 Painter, Pennell and Noke v Dawes and Morley: Middlesex 1671
C 10/107/112 Parris v Dawes: Middlesex 1672
C 10/59/16 Bolle, Andrewed, Modyford, Holworthy, Dawes v. Canham, Thompson, Rives, Bellamy: Middx 1660
C 10/65/86 William Love v Jonathan Dawes: money matters, Middlesex. Bill and three answers 1662

C 22/619/27 Dawes v. Dawes. Between 1558 and 1714