HCA 3/47 f.34r Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/47 |
Folio | 34 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 23/03/2013 | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/23 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 01/05/2015 by Colin Greenstreet |
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Thomas Browninge against}
Vanderpost Tilley and others}
Clements Suckley}
The like Which day the said
Clements desired that the Court
would order and deceree the summe
of Tenn pounds by him in this cause
demmanded to bee pain unto his Client
the said Suckley dissentinge and alleadginge
that the same ought not by lawe to bee done
Whereupon the Judges assigned to heare theire
order upon Clements petition upon this daye
horne Cornelius and Richbell}
against Richard and Mills}
Clements Suckley}
Richards and Mills are to give
in their answeares this daye
and to heare sentence att
Sucklies petition savinge the
fuller answers of Richards and
Mills Which day the Judges at the
petition of Suckley did assigne this cause to
sentence upon this day sennight upon
second assignation the said Clements
hall against the shippe the Accord}
and against Hill etcetera Clements}
To heare sentence at Clements
petition on the first assignation
Which day the said ffrancklin
gave an allegation in writing which hee
desired to bee admitted in the presence
of teh said Clements dissentinge and
alleadginge that the same ought not to bee
admitted and desiringe this cause to bee
assigned to sentence Whereupon the Judges did
assigne to heare their order upon the admission
of the said allegation this day sennight and in caser the
same bee not to bee admitted to heare sentence the
same time att Clements petition/.
Tyson against Scott}
Smith Colequite}
The like att Smiths petition Which day
the Judges att Smiths petition did assigne
this casue to sentence upon this day sennight
in the presence of the said Colequite
hazard Tilley and others against}
Scott Smith Colequite}
The like The like/.
Robert Russell against the}
shippe the John and against}
Alderman [SPACE IN MANUSCRIPT] Hooker of}
Bristoll and others cominge in for}
their interest therein Smith}
Crampe Chamberlaine and others
against ffarington Smith
ffarington is to give in his
answeare before this day
Which day the said Smith
accused the contumacy of the said
ffarington in not giving in his