HCA 13/71 f.676r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.676r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Portugallz Quire

The 27th of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of the Marriners of the shipp the John}
Adventure Eustace Smith Commander}

[Peek dt.]


Eustace Smith of London Marriner late
Commander of the shipp the John Adventure
aged 38 yeares or thereabouts sworne
before the righ Worshipfull William Clerke
doctor of Lawes one of the
Judges of the high Court of Admiralty saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet.

That in the year of our Lord 1649 the said ship the John Adventure
(whereof this Deponent was Commander) did with a ladeinge of goods
departe from this Porte of London towards Cales and Saint Lucars
and that in her passage thither the said shipp was mett withall surprized
and taken by Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice and that the
said shipp with all her ladeinge of goodes was by them and their
[>Commanders] carryed into Lisbone within the Dominions of the Kinge
of Portugall and by them and their Order were sold and disposed of
and the Owners utterly deprived thereof And he further
deposeth that the persons hereafter named were at the time
of the said surprizall of the said shipp, Marriners of and belonging
to the said shipp, and had on bord her at the time
of the said seizure for their owne proper Accompt
severall goods wares merchandizes
worth the severall and respective summes hereafter followeing
videlicet Nathan Bushill Masters Mate goods and Merchandizes to
the value of 146 li 13 s Robert Eldred
goods and Merchandizes of the value of 128 li 7 s
Jasper Mott Chirurgeon goods and Merchandizes of the value
of 83 li 13 s Edward Hawkins Boateswaine
goods and Merchandizes of the value of 29 li 19 s
Warden White wares and merchandizes to the value of 55 li
Samuell and Robert Brownell wares and
Merchandizes to the value of 24 li 12 s
Martin Millard goods to the value of [?XX]
Peter Couch goods to the value of 41 li
Thomas Davies goods to the value of 38 li
Alexander Cooper goods to the vale of fortie shillings
[?XX] Beniamin Strutt goods to the value of 76 li Henry Moore
goods to the value of 15 li Julius Wood
goods to the value of 50 li Isaak Jennings goods to the value
of 50 s George Heyward goods to the value of 30 li George
Dunnings goods to the value of 30 li Stephen North goods to the
value of 20 li ffrancis Garland goods to the value of 30 li John
Hopkins goods to the value of 11 li
All which goods wares and merchandizes were by the Company belonging
to the said princes ffleete taken away from the said marriners
and they utterly despoyled thereof.

Eustace Smith. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]