HCA 13/70 f.521v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.521v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and saith there were noe writings at all found on board that this deponent
knoweth of And further hee cannot answere/

To the 6th hee saith it did evidently appeare to this deponent and the Company of the Lyon
who were on board her as aforesayd that the sayd shipp had not longer
before her being soe found, bin in fight with some other shipp or shipps
for that when shee was found as aforesaid shee had many shott in her and her tackle was cutt to peeces and the
shipp rifled upon the gunne deck, and chessts s[?taved] to peeces and nothing
eft in them And further saving his foregeoing deposition hee cannot answere/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/



Ther same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Interrogatories/


Jacob Martin of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney and County
of Middlesex Mariner aged 22 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examines saith as followeth: videlicet/

To the first hee saith the shipp Interrogate was found driving upon the sea
about thirty leagues to the Southwards from the lands end, with noe living
Creature aboard her save a dogg, and ratts and other vermin, with her hold full
of water up to the Gunne deck, and her yardes and tackle cut downe and broken
and lying upon the deck, and the sayles carried away, And saith shee was soe
founde driving by Captaine John Lambert Commander of the Lyon
( a shipp in service of this Commonwealth) and his Company as they came
from the West Indies, And saith the said Captaine seeing her soe
driving commanded this deponent and others of the Company of the Lyon
to goe on board her and doe their best endeavour to preserve her and her
ladein, and according to the sayd Captaines Commands hee this deponent
and his contest John Gough and others of the sayd Lyons Company to the number
of about forty five persons went on board her, and with great hazard of their lives and labour
at two pumpes continually goeing, and divers mens labour bayling water
with bucketts out of her, and with the helpe of a spritsayle which they
tooke out of the Lyon to make a foresayle for the shipp Interrgoate
they brought her with much difficulty to Bricksheim Key within Torrbay, being the first
Port they could make, the winde blowing high to the Southward soe that
they could not bring her to dartmouth whether they were ordered by
the sayd Captaine to carry her, And saith that after her arrivall
at Bricksham Key her leakes were in some meaasure stopped and shee
ordered by the Vice Admirall for devonshire or some
other officer there having authoirity soe to doe to be carried to daratmouth
but hee this deponent and others then on board her went not
in her to dartmouth but were ordered by the sayd Vice Admirall or other
officer aforesayd to goe to Portsmouth to their sayd shipp the Lyon, and if
shee were not there to goe to London, And further hee cannot answer
for that hee went not to Portsmouth in her/

To the 2 hee saith there was in her when shee was soe found driveing a great