HCA 13/70 f.146v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 146 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/27 |
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arlate was as aforesaid an innekeeper at whose house hamborough and Lubbeck
skippers and others of the Eastland masters and Mariners did usually lodge, and
by them or some of them imployed as a Broaker to buy provisions and other
necessaries for their shipps and other small servives and employments And saith the
arlate Otto George when hee was at Amsterdam used to lodge there, and as this
deponent beleeveth employed the said Eleson upon such occasions as is predeposed, And
that the said Otto George was a person who could not write or reade or make
accompts, this deponent saith it is probable the said Eleson might be employed by
him to that purpose. but this Deponent hath never heard neither doeth hee in
Conscience beleeve that the said Peter Elesson either really was, or ever was
accompted amongst persons of Creditt and knowledge to be any part Owner in the
shipp Sampson, or to have any interest or concernement therein, And further
cannot depose, save this deponents knowledge of the said Peter Eleson in the condition
and notion of a Broaker as is predeposed was by meanes of this deponents severall times
goeing to his house to severall shipps there, as his occasions required, And for that
this deponent hath sometimes bought of him some provisions of flesh and butter for the
use of this deponents shipps Companie then there remaining./
To the 7th article hee saith and deposeth; That this deponent knoweth not [?exact]
what yeare the said shippp the Sampson first came from Lubeck but verily beleeveth by the
calculation of the time of 6 or 7. yeares, which this deponent hath knowne her, and
by the credible relation of her said Master Otto George, and others Merchants
and Skippers of creditt, that shee made her first Voyage from Lubeck to Cadiz
in Spaine, And that shee had not bin at Amsterdam or any other port or place
in holland since the yeare 1649. last past, being about three yeares before
her seizure by the English shipps. And further hee cannot depose, saving that the
said shipp Sampson for the time of three yeares or thereabouts next proceeng the
said seizure, was generally taken notice of to be trading in the straights, in
Spaine, Genoa, and other ports and places thereabouts, and that shee was in
that time taken by some frenchmen of warr, brought up to Tolon, condemned
and sold as lawfull Prize to the ffrench, and afterwards redeemed by the said
Otto George and her auntient Owners dwelling in Spaine/
To the 8th article hee saith, That in or about the moneth
of July in the yeare 1652. arlate, This deponent comeing from Majorca in
his shipp the Saint George mett with the shipp Sampson, (Otto George Naster) in the
straight if Gibraltar, and saith That about two daies after such their meeting
they sailed and came in Companie to Cadiz in Spaine, where they remained
neere one to another till such time as they departed thence upon the Voyage
now in question, during which time, being about 5. monethes together, nor [?XXX]
any time before or since, so farr as this deponent ever heard or beleeveth, [?XXX]
the said shipp the Sampson was reputed or taken to belong to Amsterdam
or to have any of her Owners there inhabiting or residing, or to be [?thence]
designed or bound with the ladeing which shee then toake aboard her
at Cadiz, Nor did this deponent though for all that time constantly
([?among GUTTER]