HCA 13/70 f.162r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 162 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/30 |
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predeposed for any shipps to passe from Weymouth to the West
To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith, that hee knoweth there were a Master and fifteene men and
boyes belonging to the shipp John and soe many hee hath seene on board her before
the sayd 20th day of december 1653 but what their names were or the masters name
or by whome they were hyred hee knoweth not. And further cannot answere
To the 5th hee answereth negatively for his parte videlicet that hee doth not beleeve
that the Master and Company of the John or any other shipp though they had
bin fitted and prepared could upon the 20th of december 1653 or
any tyme after till about the 18th or 19th of January next following have escaped
and avoided the ffrigotts which then lay before Weymouth in service of this Common
wealth neither by day nor night though they had indeavoured the same./
To the sixth hee knoweth nothing of the contents thereof and therefore cannot answere
Repeated before doctor Clarke/
the marke of the sayd
Robert R Pilton [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The sayd John England upon the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth of his knowledge being
required by Captaine John Arthur the producent and favoureth all the parties litigant
alike and would give the victory in this cause to them that have right thereto./
To the 2 Interrogatorie for the reasons afore expressed hee saith the winde was not fayre on the 20th of december 1653 nor
untill about the 18th or 19th of January following for a shipp to goe from Weymouth
harbour to Plymouth or any other port westwards nor did any shipp sayle from
Weymouth to the westwards in that tyme that this deponent knoweth of or hath heard
And further hee cannot answere/
To the third hee saith hee hath knowne the John of Weymouth Interrogate for these
4 or 5 yeares last past and saith as is predeposed hee hath heard shee was upon the sayd 20th
of december 1653 provided to have sett sayle from Weymouth on her intended voyage
if the winde had bin then fayre for her and that there had not then bin danger of
her men being pressed for the service of this Commonwealth And saith hee can
both write and read and saith hee did not keepe any diarie or dayly Accompt in writing
how the windes then stood but well knoweth and remembreth that the winde did not serve
to carry a shipp out of Weymouth Roade to any part of the west the sayd 20th of
december 1653 nor any tyme after untill about the 18th or 19th of January next following
and further hee cannot answere. saving his foregoing deposition
To the 4th hee saith hee did not take particular notice or accompt of the number of men
and boyes on board the Saint John after his comeing to Weymouth aforesayd nor knoweth what their names
are but saith there were about the number predeposed aboard her the tyme predeposed of
of this deponents sight and observation but who hired them to serve in the sayd shipp
this deponent knoweth not And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/
To the 5th Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively gor his parte videlicet that hee beleeveth neither the shipp
the John nor any other shipp though they had bin ready fitted to goe to sea could
have escaped the ffrigotts belonging to this Commonwealth who laye in the mouth
of Weymouth Roade when this deponent first arrived there (and [?XXX] hath heard) the sayd 20th of december and from thence till about the
eighteeneth of January next following soe as noe shipp could passe thence
without thir knowledge./
To the 6th hee saith hee knoweth nothing of the matter Interrogated and therefore cannot
depose thereto./
Repeated before doctor Clarke