HCA 13/70 f.120v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 120 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/08/26 |
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whereof Eustace Smith was Commander and did serve in the
sayd shipp as mariners in the Moneths of October and November
in the yeares 1649 and that hee very well knoweth for the reasons
aforesayd that in the sayd yeare 1649 there were shipt and put on board
the sayd shipp the John Adventure a great quantitie of goods wares
and Merchandizes to be carried in the sayd shipp to Cales and
Saint Lucars in Spaine which were laden by English Merchants and
that there were alsoe put and laden on board the sayd shipp divers
goods wares and Merchandizes for the Accompt of the Mariners
belonging to the sayd shipp, more particulerly for the Accompt of
this deponent and his sayd brother Robert there were laden on board
the sayd shipp all and singular the goods hereafter specified and
mentioned which did cost and were worth the severall and respective
summes hereafter following videlicet Three peeces of serges at fifty
two shillings per peece which comes to seaven pounds sixteene shillings
three ends of dyed fustian which did cost and were worth twelve
shillings sixe pence per peece, in the whole one pound seaventeene
shillings and six pence , sixe peeces of coloured bindeing at two
shillings two pence per peece, thirteene shillings, three grosse of thredd
laces at three shillings sixe pence per grosse, tenn shilling six pence
Three grosse of thredd laces at fower shillings fower pence per grosse
thirteene shillings, One bagg of Myrabalins conteyning eighty two
pound at sixe pence per pound, two pounds one shilling, Two payre
of bootes at seaven shillings per payer, fowerteene shillings, One
Rundlet two shillings, Canvas and packing one shilling and sixe
pence, seaven cases of strong waters seaven pounds seaven shillings
Three ferkins of butter two pounds seaventeene shillings, Wearing
apparell bedding bookes and Instruments worth twenty pounds And
this deponent further saith that after the shipping of the sayd sewerall
goods on board the sayd shipp for the Accompts aforesayd the sayd
Shipp did departe and set sayle therewith towards Cales and
Saint Lucars aforesayd and in her passage thither hee saieth the sayd
shipp and all her ladeing aforesayd were mett withall surprized and taken
by the ffleete of Prince Rupert and by those of that ffleete carried
into Lisbone, where by the Owners of the sayd shipp and of her
ladeing of goods were utterly deprived both of the sayd shipp and all
their sayd goods and that at the tyme of her sayd surprizall which was
in the moneth of November in the aforesayd yeare the sayd shipp was
fully laden with peece goods for the Accompt of English Merchants
and Mariners and that the sayd shipp was not carried into any Port
before she was brought to Lisbone nor the bulke of the sayd
goods broken up all which hee deposeth for that hee this deponent