HCA 13/72 f.312r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 312 |
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First cut transcription started and completed on 12/11/13 by Colin Greenstreet | |
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Colin Greenstreet, 12/011/13 | |
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Created 12/11/13, by CSG |
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State of England and to the advantage and strengthening of the dutch
ffleete which had not happened if the
sayd persons had not gone away as aforesayd with the longe boate,
but then the Captaine might safely have put his resolution into act
of fyreing or sinkeing the sayd shipp and thereby prevented the Enymies
surprizall of her and yet have put him selfe and all his Companye
safely on shoare in the sayd longe boate and two other smale boates
And further to these articles hee cannot depose/
To the 9th hee saith the hercules the tyme arlate was of the
burthen of fower hundred and fifty tonne and upwards and had then
in her thirty fower gunnes and great store of proviions which
shee had newly taken in at Portsmouth And in his this deponents
Judgment and estimate shee and her tackle and furniture and gunnes and
provisions were then well worth fower thousand pounds sterling
or rather more And further hee cannot depose
To the 10th hee saith the hercules the tyme arlate was a hyred
shipp lett by her Owners to freight to the state of England for
[?their] service as a shipp as a shipp of warr, And hee verily beleeveth that
had shee bin burnt or sunke in the states service, and not come
to the hands of the Enymie by such meanes as shee did, the State
would have made her Owners satisfaction for her And
further hee cannot depose/
Repeated before doctor Godolphin/
The 7th day of Aprill 1658/ [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined on the sayd allegation./
dt Smith 4us
John ffitzharbert of the parish of Stepney and
County of Middlesex gentleman aged sixty one yeares or thereabouts
a wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet./
To the 1: 2 and 3 articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
was Coake of the hercules in question and thereby knoweth
that in the moneths of September October November and december one thousand sixe hundred and fifty two the her=
cules arlate was and served as a shipp of warr in the imediate service of
this State or Commonwealth of England And the arlate Zachary Browne was
then Captaine and Commander in cheife of her and soe reputed, and (as hee beleeveth)
soe constituted by authority of some of the Officers of this Commonwealth,
And hee saith the sayd Browne lyeing with his sayd shipp at Portsmouth
there to victuall her and having victualed her, receaved an order there in the
moneth of November aforesayd, requiring him to Conduct the sayd shipp
from Portsmouth to the downes where as it was sayd the Generall of the English ffleeete then was And in obedience thereto the sayd Browne
and his Company (whereof this deponent was one) sett sayle with