HCA 13/72 f.338r Annotate

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The fifth of Aprill 1658.

The claime of Peter Pulla, harti[?a]}
Johnson and others for the shipp called}
the Nicholas (Nicholas Johnson Engell}
Master) and freight and for goods in her.}

Examined upon an allegation and schedule given
in on the behalfe of the said claimers the
31th of March 1658.

Rp. .1.

Thomas Howard of the parish of Saint Mary
At Hill London gentleman, aged 27 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the fifteenth article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
in the monethes of Aprill and May 1656 and longer hee this examinate
being a Prisoner in Santa domingo in Hispaniola, heard and understood
that a certaine dutch vessell called the Nicholas (whereof Nicholas
Johnson Engel was said to be Master) came and arived there from Cadiz
in Spaine about the end of the said moneth of Aprill or beginning of
May 1656, and that shee brought thither neither guns, armes, or
other ammunition than what were for her use and defence, nor any
souldiers or other Passengers, or persons (besides the shipps company)
saving only a Conde or Noble man that came to be President at
Santa domingo with his three or foure servants. And saith that
during his said imprisonment there namely about a moneth
or five weekes, there came and arived in this said port of Santa domingo
another dutch shipp called the Mary, this deponent seeing her
after such her arivall; And this deponent heard it commonly said
and reported (and beleeveth it to be true) that shee brought greate
store of ammunition and souldiers thither from Spaine. And this
examinate further there heard that the number of guns that
the Nicholas brought in thither was only twelve, and that when
shee went away shee had foure and twenty guns, as was said by the
English, but the Spaniards said that shee carried six and twenty thence
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving that the said guns soe brought
in the Nicholas were said and commonly reported to be her owne, and
for her owne use.

To the seaventeenth article hee saith that hee this deponent was
kept prisoner in the common Gaole at Santa domingo, and heard that
Mr John Aylet was then alsoe a prisoner somwhere in Santa domingo
and that hee was soe kept prisoner there at such time as the said
shipp the Nicholas came and arived there as aforesaid, but in what
place hee the said Master Aylet was kept, hee knoweth not, but heard
hee was kept in the Castle there, but how farr the Castle was
distant from the place that the Nicholas arived at, hee saith hee
doth not knowe. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Upon the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

Row dt

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that the said Nicholas Johnson Engel
the Master was commonly said to have a share in the said shipp the Nicholas
but hee knoweth not who were the other owners, and saith that hee
this examinate hath noe part or share either in her or any of her goods
and otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith hee never saw the said shipp the Saint Nicholas
being kept in prison as aforesaid till after her departure from Santa domingo
And otherwise negatively.

To the third negatively for his part, sa[?y]ing hee knoweth neither of the