HCA 13/71 f.324v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.324v.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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To the 13th Hee saith That hee this deponent is convinced in consceince and
fully beleeveth that the said Richard Baker and Companie Owners and
proprietors of the said Three hundred and thirteene pXXXXX pipes of Canarie
wynes, were and are besides their principall by the siezure aforesaid TO DO: arrived
And really endammaged to the summe or valew of Two Thousand pounds
sterling or thereabouts which hee beleeveth they might have gained by and
in the imployment of their ˹said˺ principall And further cannot depose



The 14th day of June 1656 Examined upon the said Allegation

John Tarpley of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney and
County of Middlesex late Chirurgion of ˹in˺ the said shipp
the Endeavour aged 26 yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet:

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith That hee this deponent well knoweth
the shipp the Endeavour articulate, and hath soe knowne her for about fower yeares last
past during all which time shee hath constantly belonged to the Port of London
and the articulate Robert Oxwicke and Companie Being English Merchants and
Subjects of this Commonwealth hath for all that time constantly bin are still are TO DO: resually
reputed and taken for the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the said shipp and
of her tackle apparrell and furniture, Which hee declareth to be true, having served
three several voiages as Chirurgion in and aboard the said shipp from this Port
of London and further cannot depose

To the second Article hee saith, That in the moneths of October and November
in the yeare of our Lord 1655 English style the said shipp Endeavour being at the Port
of Teneriffe one of the Canarie Islands, did there and there receive on board her
the number of Three hundred and Thirteen pipes of Canarie wynes, which were
laden in and aboard her by the Agents and for the accompt of the articulate
Richard Baker and Company English Merchants and subjects of this Commonwealth
and were for such account to be transported in the said shipp from the said Islands
of Tenariffe to this Port of London, and here to be discharged and delivered TO DO: to the
said Richard Baker and Companie or to their Agents for their Accompt This
premises hee knoweth for that hee was presnt at the imbargining and lading of
said wynes, and saw and observed them entered in the booke of John Bowers
his precontest then Boatswaine of the said shipp Endeavour And further cannot

To the thrid Article hee saith That the said shipp Endeavour having received the
said lading of wynes aboard her as aforesaid did upon about the seaventeenth day
of November 1655 English style depart and sett sayle therewith from the said
Islands of Teneriffe in order to her preceeding for London, and that shee
being in such her course was upon the 21st of the said moneth betwixt the Islands of Teneriffe and the Palma
mett with and sett upon by fower french shipps commanded by one Giles de
la Roche a frenchman and Subject of the French king, being as severall of their
Companies said Merchant shipps bound for the East Indies or redd Sea but being
armed manned and furnished in a warlike manner. The premises hee well
knoweth for and upon the grounds and reasons before expressed. And further cannot depose

To the 4th Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth that [XXXX GUTTER]
by upon and after the rencounter aforesaid the said la Roch as being [?AXXXXX GUTTER]
of the said french shipps commanded the Master and Companie of the said
shipp Endeavour to strike sayles and to hoyst out their boate and come on board her
which the said Master and Companie at first refused to doe in regard it was
night, but the next morning the said La Roche received such his command

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner