HCA 13/70 f.477r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.477r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




To the fifth and sixth articles of the said allegation he
deposeth and saith That the articulate Bertram de Baud
and Mathew de La ffitt did in pursuance of and according
unto the orders and directions given them by the said
Melchior de Aranguren sell and dispose of his redd wooll (as he beleiveth) and with the proceed thereof they did
buy the eight bales of Linnen arlate for the account
of the sayd Aranguren the producent, and did for
his account lade the sayd eight bales of Linnen aboard
the arlate shipp the hare in the feild to be transported
to Cadiz and to be there delivered to the Agents or
ffactors of the said Aranguren for his account ((they being
his owne proper goods, as bought with the proceed
of thw said redd woolls, wherof he was sole Owner and
Proprietor, as the sayd de Baud ad DE La ffitt his
factors or Agents did by their Letters acknowledge and
declare, And he saith that the said eight bales of
Linnen were (as he beleiveth) marked and numbred as in
the Margent, The premisses he deposeth for that he saw

No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8.

and had still from time to time com,municated unto him
the Letters which the sayd de Baud and de La ffitt did
write unto the said de Aranguren of the buying with
proceed of the wools predeposed of the said eight bales
of Linnen, and of the shipping the same aboard the
shipp the hare in the feild arlate for teh account of
the sayd De Aranguren, and he the deponent having
alsoe seene in March or Aprill last the bill of Lading
and an Invoyce or account of and concerning the said
Linnens in the hadns of the said Aranguren, which were
sent unto him by the sayd De Baud and De La ffitt
And further to the said articles he cannot depose./

To the seaventh article of the allegation he saith that he
hath now forgotten by whom or in whose name
the bill of Lading of the arlate eight bales of
linnen on board the shipp the hare in the feild,
which he saw as he hath predeposed, was signed or
firmed And otherwise cannot depose.

To the eighth article he saith and deposeth That
of this deponents certaine knowledge the arlate
Melchior de Aranguren the producent did receive
a Letter of advise some weekes before any [?XXX] was come
that the shipp arlate was taken from the said
Bertram de Baud and Mathew de La ffitt of their