MRP: James Man will

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James Man will

PROB 11/335 Duke 1-53 Will of James Man of Mortlake, Surrey 02 March 1671

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG: Restructured page

Abstract & comment

See Francis Man will (son of James Man)
See Sir Joseph Ash will (nominated overseer of James Man's will)



In the name of God Amen I James Man senior being att present of the parish of Mortlake in the County of Surrey And to the praise and glory of God in perfect health of body and good memory Doo make and declare this my last Will and Testament which I have to stand and be in force as if it had been made by a publique Notary

And ffirst I doo bequeath my soule to Allmighty God that gave it as into the hands of a faithfull Creator trusting in and through the merritte of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ of a happy ressurection Amen.

Secondly I doo make my loveing wife Anne Mann my full and sole Executor and Administrator of this my last will and testament And I doo bequeath unto her my said wife the Lease of my house scituate in Mark Lane London wherein I did lately dwell and now is in the occupation of George Boddington which I hold by Lease of the Right worshipfull Company of Drapers in London of which Company I am a member To have and to hould (sic) all [??} for her naturall life and after her naturall life and decease the said Lease to be by her bequeathed unto the children of her owne body which God hath sent us namely Samuell Man (sic) and ffrancis Man (sic) joyntly and to the heires of theire own bodies lawfully begotten and to the longer liver of them both And I doe nominate and make my honoured good freind S:r Joseph Ashe to be Overseer of this my will

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Fasell [Fastell?] the wife of Thomas [X]astell [CSG: COULD IT BE CASTELL, KASTELL?] of London Merchant the Summe of One hundred pounds sterling out of the summe of money that her husband Thomas Xaskell/Xastell doth owe mee as will appear by my bookes of accompt

ITEM I doe bequeath to my brother Samuell Man [or is it Mons?] and to my Sister Amy fflower widdow I say to each of them five pounds sterll [?] to buy them rings

ITEM I give and bequeath by this my Will unto my sonnes James Man and George Man of Livorno in Italy which I had by my former wife each of them fifty pounds sterling apeece and noo more I regard they owe mee as by theire owne accompts appeares under theire hands Twenty three thousand eight hundred and one Dollars of Livorne with a farre (sic) greater summe as appeares att large in my owne bookes which summe (whatever it be) I doo by this my Will freely discharge them of it And allsoe I give and bequeath unto them Two third parts of the aforesaid Twentythree thousand eight hundred and one Dollors [?] And the other third part thereof I give and bequeath unto my sonnes Samuell Man and ffrancis Man and my daughter Anne Xastel equally to be devided btween them in thirds being 7933 Dollers & 2/3 d. if ever my said sonnes James and George be able to pay the same And the rest of my estate whateverit shall appeare to be either here in England or out of England in any part of the world as in Turkey and Jamaica in the confines of America in the West Indies proceeding upon adventures that I have made thither and that was bequeathed me by my deceased son John Man by his Will who dyed in Jamaica aforesaid my due debts being first satisfied and paid with my funerall charges and legacies I doe declare and my full meaneing is that it shall bee equally devided between my said loveing wife in what decent (desent?) manner shee shall thinke fitting desireing to be buried att Allhallows Barking Church in London att the upper end of the right hand Chancell where my honoured M:t [CSG: presumably abbreviation for Master] S:r John Jolles (sic) was buryed

And that five pounds be given to the poore of the said parish att the discretion of my executor

And hereunto this my Will which I have all written with my owne hand I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale and delivered the same as my deed this Twentieth of August 1668. Note that the interlined words (more) and (part) were interlined before the insealeing them of Farther I doo bequeath to my forenamed good freind Sir Joseph Ashe my Overseer of this my Will fforty shillings for rings for him and his good lady for a remembrance which I crave them accept of being formerly omitted (sic) above

James Man

signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Mr [?] Edward Swaine and Thomas Kemp

PROBATUM fuit xxxxx Testamentum apud xxx

