HCA 13/70 f.225v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.225v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to be transported from Marsailles to haver da Grace, and Amsterdam, at nine
pounds flemish per cent, And saith two hundred pounds fflemish
amounteth to or maketh one hundred pounds sterling and upwards, And
saith the said Laurenzo Mutio received the Praemium upon the said
Assurance after the rate aforesaid to this deponents use, and made
a good untohim upon accompt, And saith that hee this deponent
was and is a subiect of this Commonwealth, and borne in the parish
of Saint Andrews Undershaft London. And further that after the
said Assurance soe made and passed at Antwerp, hee this deponent
having received intelligence from his said factor of the making
thereof, and willing to secure himselfe and advance some proffit
thereby, in regard the assurance at London was then lesse
than at Antwerp, did on or about the 28th of November 1651
in London cause the summe of one hundred pounds sterling (as a
reassurace upon the said goods) to be assured by daniell Andrews
and henry Spurstowe of London merchants, subiects of this
Commonwealth, for and at the rate of seaven pounds per cent
from Marseilles to haver da Grace and thence to Amsterdam,
And thereupon a writing os assurance was made betweene them
and duely executed, and the Praemium thereupon duely satisfied
by this deponent to the said Andrews and Spurstowe. And
that the schedule annexed and nowe showed unto him, was and is
the said writing or Pollicie of Assurance, and was and is subscribed
with the names and sirnames of the said Andrews and Spurstowe
and was so subscribed by them on or about the day of the date
of the same, which date was some monethes or weekes before
the taking of the said shipp and goods, by the shipps of this
Commonwealth, and that the contents of the sad writing were
and are true and soe had and donne as therein it contained,
which hee knoweth being one of the parties in the same
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith that it was then a thinge used and
practised by and amongest merchants in London and [?XXXX GUTTER]
to assure goods at one place or citie where the assurance was
high, and (to secure themselves) to reassure the same [?assurance GUTTER]
where the assurance was lowe, And otherwise hee cannot depose

Giles Vandeput [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


2 Marty 1654/ [LH SIDE]

To the Interrogatories [LH SIDE]

To the first and second hee answereth that hee never sawe the pollicie or
writing of assurance (soe farr as hee remembreth) before mentioned to be made
at Antwerp, hee not having bin in those parts in 7 yeares last, And
otherwise referring homselfe to his foregoing deposition and to the schedule annexed
to the said allegation, hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid.

To the third negatively, saving as aforesaid.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

./:Giles Vandeput}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.