HCA 13/71 f.331v Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.331v.

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
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Baker and Companie might by the imployment of the value of the wynes
surprized and taken from them by the French amounting in all XXX GUTTER
hath credibly heard to 9000li and upwards) hath benefitted two thousand
pounds sterling ˹from˺ since the time of the said surprizall hee this present And
otherwise hee cannot depose

Repeated in Court



The 14th day of July 1656 Examined upon the


Antonio Fernandez Caravachel of London
Merchant aged 57 yeares or thereabouts a witness
sworne and examined saith as followeth videlicet

To the 11th Article of the said Allegation he saith that hee this deponent
in or about the moneth of December and January in the yeare 1655
according to the English style having received here at London severall pipes
of Canarie wynes transported from the Island of Teneriffe in this XX GUTTER
for this deponents account, did here dispose of and sell the same at XXXXGUTTER
the Price of Thirty eight pounds sterling per pipe and thereby XX GUTTER
assured and convinced in Conscidure that if the Canarie wines in XXXX GUTTER
belonging to the producent Richard Baker and Companie had safely XX GUTTER
at this Port of London in or about the time as aforesaid they would really XX GUTTER
effectually yielded to the Owners thereof Thirty pounds sterling
per pipe all clear of all charges and incident expenses whatsoever XXGUTTER
being as this deponent hath bin credibly informed of the best sort of wyne
of the growth of the yeare and place as aforesaid, and being bound for the
Port in Companie with the shipp or Vessell wherein this deponents said wynes
were brought and transported to this City and otherwise cannot depose

To the 13th Article of the said Allegation he saith that to the best
of this deponents xxxx and according to his conscientious and impartiall XX GUTTER
the said Richard Baker and Companie Owners wynes in XX GUTTER
being (as this deponent hath bin credibly informed) Three hundred and XX GUTTER
pipes of Canarie wines by the losse of the imployment of the XX GUTTER
or process of the said wynes (which proceed hee this deponent doeth XX GUTTER
might have amounted˺ to nyne thousand pounds sterling and upwards) have suffered losse and
really endamaged ot the summe or valew of Two Thousand pounds
sterling over and besides their principall since the time that the
same hath bin seized and detained from them by the French Companie
and Companies who surprized and carryed away the same and otherwise
hee cannot depose

Repeated before Dr Godolphin

Antonio Caravachel [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner