HCA 13/72 f.7v Annotate

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1. Samuell Wilson the Yonger during the moneths and tyme arlate in
2. the yeares one thousand six hundred fifty fower and one thousand sixe
3. hundred fifty five was Commonly reputed the true and lawfull Owner
4. and Proprietor of three sixteenth parts of the arlate Shipp called
5. the Saint Lucar Merchant and of her tackle apparrell and furniture./
6. And further hee cannot depose
7. To the 2 hee saith hee that in the moneths and tyme predeposed of in the
8. yeare 1655 the sayd shipp the Saint Lucar Merchant did sett sayle
9. from this Port of London X on the voyage in question and went to Cadiz
10. in Spaine and thense to other ports beyond seas and soe returned back
11. to this port of London this hee knoweth being one of the freighters of
12. the sayd shipp/ And ˹alsoe goeing˺ supra Cargo for the sayd voyage,/
13. To the third article of the sayd allegation and the Charterparty therein
14. mentioned and now shewed unto him at the tyme of this his examination
15. hee saith hee knoweth that the sayd Samuell Wilson the yonger did
16. for the voyage arlate amongst others of the Owners and freighters of
17. the sayd shipp the Saint Lucar Merchant take to freight his ˹the˺ sayd
18. three sixteenth parts of the sayd shipp as by the sayd Charterparty
19. signed and sealed by by and betweene him the sayd Samuell and
20. this deponent and other freighters on the one part and the arlate George
21. Margotts and others videlicet George Thomason and Richard hussey on
22. the other part doth and may appeare, which Charter party hee this
23. deponent knoweth to be true and sawe the same signed ˹and˺ sealed by
24. thsayd Samuell Wilson the yonger and the rest of the freighters
25. whose names are sunscribed thereto, and knoweth the subscription
26. Hanniball Allen at the bottom thereof and the saele under the sayd name
27. affixed to be his this deponents owne hand and seale And further to
28. this article hee cannot depose/
29. To the 4th hee saith hee this deponent goeing Supracargo of the sayd
30. Shipp for the voyage in question and keeping an Account of the same
31. thereby knoweth that the sayd Samuell Wilson the yonger was indebted
32. to the sayd Margetto and others the Owners of the sayd shipp the
33. summe of one hundred sixty eight pounds and some odd shillings (the
34. number whereof hee at present remembreth not) for his the sayd
35. Samuell Wilson the yonger his sayd freight of the sayd three sixteenth
36. parts of the sayd shipp by him taken in her the sayd voyage And
37. further hee cannot depose/
38. To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true
39. Repeated with his precontest before doctor Godolphin.
40. Hannaball Allen SIGNATURE, RH SIDE

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