HCA 13/70 f.471r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.471r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


they acknowledged that they had received, and had in their
possession and custody the sayd seaven hundred pound
weight of Redd Wooll for the use and account and
as the proper goods of the sayd Aranguren, And
he deposeth and saith that the said Redd wooll was in
the time arlate worth about 20 s per pound, and at present
is somewhat more, And further he cannot depose.

To the third, fourth and fith articles, he deposeth and
saith That the said Melchior de Aranguren did (as he alsoe
did in all his other affaires and negotiations) communicate unto
him the deponent and Mr Nicholas Blag[?ne] Merchant
Letters of advice from the said De Baud and de La ffitt
wherin they advised him of the low prize Woolls bare in
ffrannce, and therupon they propounded unto him the said
De Aranguren the selling of them presently out of hand
and the buying with the proceed therof Linnens, and
that the producent did after advise had therin write back
to them the sayd De Baud and De La ffitt a Letter (which
was alsoe communicated unto him the deponent by the sayd
producent wherby he gave them order and directions to
make sale of the said 700 weight of redd wooll and
withthe proceed therof to buy Linnens and to shipp
the same for Cadiz in Spayne for his account, And
he sayth that all the said passages were before the
month of Aprill last past (new stile), And further he saith
he cannot depose.

To the sixth article of the said allegation he deposeth
and saith That about the latter end of Aprill last past
(of the deponents certaine remembrance) the producent did
communicate unto him the deponent a Letter of advice which
he had receaved from the arlate Bertram de Baud and Mathew
de La fitt his said Agents or ffactors at Roane, By which
Letter he was advised that according to his order and directions
they had sold the woolls arlate and with the proceed
therof bought for his the said Arangurens account eight
bales of Linnen cloth, and laden the same on board
(for his accompt) the arlate shipp the hare in the
feild at haverdegrace, and to be transported from thence
and delivered for his the said Arangurens account
at Cadiz to his Agents or factors there, And that
with the said Letter of advise there came a bill of Lading
and an Accompt concerning the sayd Linnens, which sayd bill
of Lading and Accompt this deponent alsoe saw and perused , and
therby knoweth that the said Eight bales of Linnen were
marked and numbred as in the Margent, And he

N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8./

deposeth that for the reasons by him predeposed the sayd
De Aranguren and producent and noe body else was the
sole Owner and Proprietor of the said woolls (sic), they being
the proceed of the said 700 weight of Redd woolls, which