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'''Mr. Nunsan''', ''Rosemary-lane''.<ref>[https://archive.org/stream/littlelondondire00lond#page/n109/mode/2up John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag.,] viewed 22/01/14</ref>
'''Mr. Nunsan''', ''Rosemary-lane''.<ref>[https://archive.org/stream/littlelondondire00lond#page/n109/mode/2up John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag.,] viewed 22/01/14</ref>
- VARIANTS: John Nansan
- VARIANTS: John Nansan
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] John Nansan of London Merchant aged 30 yeeres" in "The claime of the said Pallavicino in the ''Saint Laurence.''" [[HCA 13/73 f.74v Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|HCA 13/73 f.74r]] Outside possiblity of match between HCA 13/73 and LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] <u>John Nansan</u> of London Merchant aged 30 yeeres" in "The claime of the said Pallavicino in the ''Saint Laurence.''" [[HCA 13/73 f.74v Annotate#head-7792b396c165940a2ef3372031f6dbb64b71233e|HCA 13/73 f.74r]] Outside possiblity of match between HCA 13/73 and LLD 1677

Revision as of 13:23, January 22, 2014

London Directory1677 probate record lookup

Editorial history

14/01/14, CSG: Created wiki page


This page matches the probate records of London merchants with their business addresses in 1677 (from a contemporary printed directory, which was republished in 1863 by John Hotten.[1]

The page highlights English Admiralty Court records in the 1650s which mention the same London merchants.

MarineLives project volunteers will be adding transcriptions of matched probate and Admiralty Court records throughout the coming year, and will continue to match them, where possible to records from the Little London Directory.

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MarineLives-Tools Probate Records
Probate Record template

Annotate HCA 13/71
Annotate HCA 13/72
Annotate HCA 13/73

Wills: Alphabetical



PROB 11/452/437 Will of Sir John Banks of Aylesford, Kent 11 December 1699

John Banks, Fanchurch-street[2]
- VARIANTS: John Bancks; John Báncks
- EXAMPLE: "the interrogated Nicholas Warren, John Bancks, John Germyn, George Toriano, Richard Westcombe, Walter Tuckfeild, William Lee, George Lee and George Webber, who hee saith were and are all English men merchants and suiects of this Commonwealth of England"HCA 13/72 f.12r. Possible HCA match with LLD 1677 and possible HCA match with probate record

PROB 11/383/176 Will of George Baron, Merchant of Saint James Garlickhithe, City of London 14 May 1686

George Barron Garlick-hill.[3]
- VARIANTS: George Barons [Deponent]; George Barons [Signature]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] George Barons of London Marchant, aged 31 yeares or
thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.57r. Possible HCA match with LLD 1677 amd possible HCA match with probate record

PROB 11/362/72 Will of Humphry Beane of Ebbisham, Surrey 14 January 1680

Hump. Beane, Turkey-walk Excha.[4]
- VARIANTS: Humfrey Beane; Mr Beane; Beane
- EXAMPLE: "Richard Batson, Humfrey Beane Gowen Golderne and Company against Edward Gosling and Richard Mandrie and William Humfreys" HCA 13/71 f.479r. Definite match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "Mr Beane did in the presence of the arlate Mr Batson and in the sayd Batsons Counteing house tender unto this deponent a paper which the sayd Batsons man brought ready written with the names of severall of the Owners Adventures Company subscribed thereto" HCA 13/71 f.472r. Definite match to LLD 1677

PROB 11/444/363 Will of William Bird or Birde, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 26 March 1698 HCA 13/73 f.345v and Ancestry Digital Image

Will. Burd Hackney Town to be spoken withal at Mr. Sherwoods, Broadstreet[5]
- VARIANTS: William Bird [DEPONENT], William Bird [SIGNATURE]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] William Bird of Little Saint Ellens London Merchant, aged 31 yeares or thereabouts" in the case of "The Brazeele frigot and "Examined upon the first Allegation given in on behalfe of Edward and John Bushell of London Merchants, containing 21 articles"HCA 13/73 f.345v. Possible HCA match with LLD 1677 and possible HCA match with probate record

PROB 11/370/324 Will of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Alderman of London 10 July 1682

Sir Tho. Bloodworth, Maiden-lane.[6]
- FROM WILL: "My mansion house which I live in Maiden Lane"[7]

PROB 11/401/94 Will of Richard Bogan, Merchant of Saint Stephen Coleman Street, City of London. 10 September 1690

Richard Bogon, little St. Hellens.[8]
- VARIANTS: Richard Bogon
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Richard Bogan of London Merchant aged 40. yeares" in "A buisinesse of Examination of Wittnesses on the behalfe of Antonio fernandez Carvajal of London Merchant concerning two hundred twenty two Chests of sugar, one hundred and thirteene baggs of shumack and forty Rolls of Tobacco laden on board the shipp the New England Merchant whereof William Parish was Master at Porto Porto in Portugall and there afterwards seized upon by the Officers there and unladen out of her againeHCA 13/72 f.469v. Probable match to LLD 1677

PROB 11/418/423 Will of Edward Bushell, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 20 February 1694

Edw. Bushel, Little St. Hellens[9]
- VARIANTS: Edward Bushell; Mr Edward Bushell; Edward and John Bushell
- EXAMPLE: "hee this deponent is by trade a Cooper and servant to one Alexander ffowler a Cooper usually imployed by the producent Mr Bence, and Mr Edward Bushell in their affayres" HCA 13/72 f.298r. Definite match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "The Brazeele frigot aforesaid./ The 21th day of September 1659./Examined upon the first Allegation
given in on behalfe of Edward and John Bushell of London Merchants, containing 21 articles. HCA 13/73 f.345v. Definite match to LLD 1677


PROB 11/363/319 Will of Sir Francis Chaplin, One of the Alderman of the City of London of City of London. 05 July 1680

Sir Fra. Chaplin Berry street[10]
- VARIANTS: Francis Chaplin
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Francis Chaplin Citizen and Cloathworker of London aged thirty yeares" in case of "Saunders and others owners of the Isaac against the Saint Jacob and John Claeson Master of her" HCA 13/72 f.306r. Definite HCA 13/72 match to LLD 1677 and to probate record




PROB 11/371/218 Will of Dame Grace Ford, Widow of London 24 October 1682

Sir Ri. Ford Tower-hill[11]
- VARIANTS: Richard fford
- EXAMPLE: "Richard fford of London Marchant aged 43 yeeres or thereabouts áged and Robert Richbell of Southampton Merchant aged fifty yeeres or thereabouts both sworne before the right Worshippfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes...the said Richard fford deposeth that hee this deponent and company (all English men, subiects of this Common Wealth) about foure yeeres since, caused the shipp the Golden hart of London, of the burthen of one hundred and twenty tonnes or thereabouts (Peter Gerbra[?nsh] now master) to be built at Rotterdam in holland for their sole account" HCA 13/72 f.9v. Definite match to LLD 1677



PROB 11/377/408 Will of Francis Hacker, Salter of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, City of London. 20 October 1684

Franc. Hacker Gun yard Houndsditch[12]
- VARIANTS: Francis Hacker
- EXAMPLE: "Francis Hacker of Saint Margaret Loathburie Cittizen and Salter of London aged forty fower yeares or thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.306r. Possible match to LLD 1677


PROB 11/367/477 Will of Sir Arthur Ingram of City of London 26 September 1681

Sir Arth. Ingram Hatton-garden[13]
- VARIANTS: Arthur Ingram
- EXAMPLE: "Arthur Ingram of London Merchant aged forty one yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined" in the case of "Blake against Page" HCA 13/72 f.313r. Definite match to LLD 1677




PROB 11/370/455 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch 15 August 1682

Nath. Letton Fanchurch-street[14]


PROB 11/355/34 Will of Lawrence Martel, Merchant of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch, City of London 05 March 1677
PROB 4/8681 Engrossed Inventories Exhibited from 1660. Martel, Laurence, of St Gabriel Fanchurch, London, merchant 5 June 1679

The Widdow of Lawr. Martell in Fanchurch street[15]
- VARIANTS: Laurence Martel
- EXAMPLE: "On or about the thirteenth day of June 1657 last past they were all present at the house of Laurence Martel situat in ffenchurch streete London, and sawe him signe seale and for his act and deed deliver the bill of sale (now showed unto them) of the said shipp the Black horsman, bearing date the said thirteenth of June last" HCA 13/72 f.16r. Definite match to LLD 1677

PROB 11/373/443 Will of Samuel Moyer of Saint Giles without Cripplegate 03 August 1683

Sam. Moyer Walbrook[16]




PROB 11/397/549 Will of John Paige of London 30 December 1689

John Page Bishopsgate-street[17]

PROB 11/465/40 Will of Thomas Papillon of London 03 June 1702

Thomas Papillion Fan-Church-Str[18]




PROB 11/351/88 Will of Samuel Sambrooke of All Hallows London Wall, City of London 25 May 1676
PROB 4/4807 Sambrook, Samuel, of Allhallows in the West 1676 26 May

Samuel Sambrook, Tower street.[19]
- VARIANTS: Samuell Sambrooke
- EXAMPLE: "Touching the Advice and Dragon aforesaid ...[DEPOSITION OF] Samuell Sambrooke of London Merchant aged 44 yeares" HCA 13/73 f.303r


PROB 11/381/501 Will of George Torriano, Merchant Tailor of London 02 December 1685

George Toriano Nicholas lane[20]
- VARIANTS: George Toriano
- EXAMPLE: "William Lee of London Merchant aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts sworne before the right worshippfull Charles George Cock Esquire John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie of England, and exámined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of Nicholas Warren, John Báncks, John Jermyn, George Toriano, Richard Westcombe, Walter Tuckfeild, William Lee, George Lee and George Webber saith and deposeth as followeth" HCA 13/72 f.12r. Definite HCA and definite probate record match to LLD 1677

PROB 11/421/409 Will of John Turner, Merchant of London 05 October 1694

John Turner Suffolk lane[21]
- VARIANTS: Mr John Turner; John Turner
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF FREDERICK IXEM] The bill of sale touching the shipp the Vosse now brought by him, beginning thus, To all people to whom this present writing shall come etcetera and ending thus. In Amsterdam this twenty third day of July style novo 1657; Was this day delivered to this deponent by Mr Samuel Wilson and Mr John Turner Merchants of this citie to the end to have it entred and intimated to perpetuall remembrance" Possible HCA match to LLD 1677 and very probable probate record match



PROB 11/347/128 Will of Caleb Veren, of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey 03 February 1675

Calib Veren Pickled Herring.[22]
- VARIANTS: Caleb veren
- EXAMPLE: "That the said shipp the Little Lyon is now an English shipp and belonging to this port of London, and that Caleb veren of the parish of Saint Saviours in Southwarke Merchant, Robert Walker of the same parish Marchant, Pha[XXXXX ffXXXXXXX] Citizen and Grocer of London, and Anthony Rowles of London Pewterer, all English men and subiects of this Commonwealth are the true, lawfull and reall owners of the said shipp [the Little Lyon]" HCA 13/72 f.91v. Possible HCA 13/72 record match to LLD 1677





Places: Alphabetical



Bankside Sir John Shorter[23]

- SEE: PROB 11/392/393 Will of Sir John Shorter, Lord Mayor of the City of London 19 September 1688

Berry street Sir Fra. Chaplin[24]

- SEE: PROB 11/363/319 Will of Sir Francis Chaplin, One of the Alderman of the City of London of City of London 05 July 1680

Bishopsgate-street John Page [25]

- SEE: PROB 11/397/549 Will of John Paige of London 30 December 1689





Fanchurch-street Nath. Letton[26]

- SEE: PROB 11/370/455 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch 15 August 1682

In Fanchurch street The Widdow of Lawr. Martell[27]

- SEE: PROB 11/355/34 Will of Lawrence Martel, Merchant of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch, City of London 05 March 1677; PROB 4/8681 Engrossed Inventories Exhibited from 1660. Martel, Laurence, of St Gabriel Fanchurch, London, merchant 5 June 1679

Fan-Church-Str Thomas Papillion[28]

- SEE: PROB 11/465/40 Will of Thomas Papillon of London 03 June 1702


Garlick-hill George Barron[29]

- SEE: PROB 11/383/176 Will of George Baron, Merchant of Saint James Garlickhithe, City of London 14 May 1686

Gun yard Houndsditch Franc. Hacker[30]

- SEE: PROB 11/377/408 Will of Francis Hacker, Salter of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, City of London 20 October 1684


Hackney Town to be spoken withal at Mr. Sherwoods, Broadstreet Will. Burd[31]

- SEE: PROB 11/444/363 Will of William Bird or Birde, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 26 March 1698

Hatton-garden Sir Arth. Ingram[32]

- SEE: PROB 11/367/477 Will of Sir Arthur Ingram of City of London 26 September 1681





Little St. Hellens Richard Bogon[33]

- SEE: PROB 11/401/94 Will of Richard Bogan, Merchant of Saint Stephen Coleman Street, City of London. 10 September 1690

Little St. Hellens Edw. Bushel[34]

- SEE: PROB 11/418/423 Will of Edward Bushell, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 20 February 1694


Maiden-lane Sir Tho. Bloodworth[35]

- SEE: PROB 11/370/324 Will of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Alderman of London 10 July 1682


Nicholas lane George Toriano[36]

- SEE: PROB 11/381/501 Will of George Torriano, Merchant Tailor of London 02 December 1685



Pickled Herring. Calib Veren[37]

- SEE: PROB 11/347/128 Will of Caleb Veren, of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey 03 February 1675




Seething lane William Warr[38]

Suffolk lane John Turner[39]

- SEE PROB 11/421/409 Will of John Turner, Merchant of London 05 October 1694


Tower-hill Sir Ri. Ford[40]

- SEE: PROB 11/371/218 Will of Dame Grace Ford, Widow of London 24 October 1682

Tower street Samuel Sambrook [41]

- SEE: PROB 11/351/88 Will of Samuel Sambrooke of All Hallows London Wall, City of London 25 May 1676; PROB 4/4807 Sambrook, Samuel, of Allhallows in the West 1676 26 May

Turkey-walk Excha. Hump. Beane[42]

- SEE: PROB 11/362/72 Will of Humphry Beane of Ebbisham, Surrey 14 January 1680




Walbrook Sam. Moyer[43]

- SEE PROB 11/373/443 Will of Samuel Moyer of Saint Giles without Cripplegate 03 August 1683




HCA mentions, but no probate records: Alphabetical




Richard Baker Poultrey.[44]
- VARIANTS: Richard Baker; Baker
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Richard Baker of London Merchant aged 35 yeares" in the claime of "The clayme of Robert Britton of London Merchant English man and subiect of the Commonwealth of England for five pipes of Canarie wynes laden first aboard a certayne shipp called the Mary and Joyce (whereof Phillipp Stafford was Master) and afterwards the same being taken by the Enymies of the Commonwealth of England were taken out of the sayd Shipp and put aboard a certayne shipp called the Elizabeth (whereof Isaack Michaelson is Master) and since retaken by the Bryar ffrigott in the imediate service of the State and Commonwealth of England" HCA 13/72 f.422v Speculative link between HCA 13/72 record and LLD 1677

John Batthurst Cornhill[45]
Benjam. Batthurst St. Mary Ax[46]
- VARIANTS: Bathurst; Mr Bathurst
- EXAMPLE: "Bland and others and Bathurst and others against Woodfin and others" HCA 13/72 f.440r. Possible match with LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: " all the Callicoes of ffrancis Warner and Mr Bathurst both Inhabitants of London" HCA 13/72 f.373r

Thom. Bawdes Berry-street.[47]
- VARIANTS: Thomas Bawdes; Thomas Baude [SIGNATURE]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Thomas Baudes of London Merchant aged thirty yeares or thereabouts" in case of "Browning and Company Owners of the Plaine dealeing against William Bulkley"HCA 13/71 f.606r

PROB 11/418/423 Will of Edward Bushell, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 20 February 1694


Thom. Canham Leadenhall street.[48]
- VARIANTS: Canham [=Thomas Canham]; Thomas Canham
- EXAMPLE: "[the Golden Cock was in the service of the arlate Canham Paige and Thompson from the tyme of her departure from Gravesend which was the tenth day of december one thousand sixe hundred fifty fower till the sayd 29th of October which is two and twenty moneths or neere thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.99v. Probable match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "an Accompt under the hand of the sayd Chappell the Master sent by this deponent and by him delivered to the sayd Maurice Thompson and still remayning as hee beleeveth in the hands of the sayd Thompson or of the sayd John Page and Thomas Canham or one of them" HCA 13/72 f.100v. Probable match to LLD 1677

Edw. Crisp Towerhill.[49]
- VARIANTS: Edward Crispe
- EXAMPLE: " the arlate John Brewer and Edward Crispe were commonly accompted to be the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the other five eighth parts of the sayd shipp the Peace HCA 13/73 f.99r. Possible match to LLD 1677


Mr. Dakers Clarkenwell Green.[50]
- VARIANTS: Hugh Dacres
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] henry Dacres of London Marchant aged 34 yeeres" upon an allegation on behalf of Mr Thompson and others in the case of Maurice Thompson, Thomas Canham Christofer Willoughby John Page and others, Merchants of London, freighters of the shipp the Jonathan, against the Dutch East India Company in particular and all others in generall" HCA 13/73 f.69r Possible match between HCA 13/73 and LLD 1677
- HEARTH TAX (1666): Henry Dakers Esqr. 9 hearths[51]. Possible match between HCA 13/73 and Hearth Tax 1666
- Residence seems to have been near church, since 1 hearth church vestry is four entries above Dakers, and Dakers' entry is surrounded by relatively high hearth number entries

Mat. Datheler St. Mary Ax.[52]
- VARIANTS: Mathias Datselare
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Mathias Datselare of London Merchant aged 41 yeeres" HCA 13/73 f.202AR Highly speculatvie match between HCA 13/73 and LLD 1677




Sir Ri. Ford, Tower-hill.[53]
- VARIANTS: Richard fford
- EXAMPLE: "Richard fford of London Marchant aged 43 yeeres or thereabouts áged and Robert Richbell of Southampton Merchant aged fifty yeeres or thereabouts both sworne before the right Worshippfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes...the said Richard fford deposeth that hee this deponent and company (all English men, subiects of this Common Wealth) about foure yeeres since, caused the shipp the Golden hart of London, of the burthen of one hundred and twenty tonnes or thereabouts (Peter Gerbra[?nsh] now master) to be built at Rotterdam in holland for their sole account" HCA 13/72 f.9v. Definite match to LLD 1677




Sir Mat. Halworthy, hackney, Spanish Walk Exchange.[54]

- Brother of Richard Holworthy [SEE 15/6 Box XX]




John Joliff Threadneedle-street.[55]
- VARIANTS: John Jolliffe; Joyliffe; John Joyliffe
- EXAMPLE: " the said John Jolliffe was the f[?actor GUTTER] of the said Bulkely and Company at New England and was the man to whom the said outwards lading of the said ship was Consigned, and the said Joyliffe receaved the said goods. And he the said Joyliffe was to order and direct to what ports and places the said ship was to saile unto...the said Joyliffe had received the foresaid goods from onboard the said ship the Plaine Dealing hee the said Jollyfe did lade and put on board the said ship 3500 of Clapboard, foure hogsheads of Roll Tobaccoe, One Thousand of Pipestaves, and five Rolls of West India Tobaccoe all which amounted to about One hundred and two Tunns and was all soe laden upon and for the account of the said Bulkeley and Company, and after such Lading the said John Joyliffe the ffactor of the said Bulkeley and Company ordered the said Browning to set saile for Mallega in the Streights and there to unLade and Relade the said ship, incase hee found it to be a free Port or to that Purpose" HCA 13/72 f.482v. Possible match to LLD 1677


William Kiffin little Morefields[56]
- VARIANTS: Mr Kiffen [=William Kiffen]; Wm Kiff[?e]n [Signature]; William Kiffen; William Kiffin [Deponent]
- EXAMPLE "The claime of Robert Stiles William Kiffen William Peacock ffrancis Prince and others English merchants and subjects of this Comonwealth for the ship the Charity, George Prince Master and her tackle and furniture, and her lading seized at Barbadoes by the Marston Moore ffrigot in the Imediate service of this Comonwealth, and by her Carried to Jamaica...[DEPOSITION OF] William Kiffin of London Merchant aged fourtie one yeares or thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.352r. Probable match to LLD 1677


Mr. Lodwick, Fan-Church-street.[57]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Francis Lodowick junior of London Marchant aged 24 yeares or thereabouts" on "The claime of the afore said Vander Goos in the hare In the ffeild HCA 13/71 f.10r

Jacob Luce, Fan-Church-street.[58]
- VARIANTS: Jacob Luce
- RELATIVES: Luke Lucie; Mr Lucas lucie [=Luke Lucie]; Mr Luke Luce [=Luke Lucie]; Lucas Lucy [=Luke Lucie]
- EXAMPLE: "on or about the thirteenth day of June 1657 last past they were all present at the house of Laurence Martel situat in ffenchurch streete London, and sawe him signe seale and for his act and deed deliver the bill of sale (now showed unto them) of the said shipp the Black horsman, bearing date the said thirteenth of June last, which being soe donne, they as witnesses thereof soe their names respectivley on the back thereof as thereon appeareth. And further that they well know the said Laurence Martell and alsoe Jacob Luce and Charles Corsellis to be all English men and Merchants of this citie of London" HCA 13/72 f.16v. Definite match to LLD 1677


Abra. Mumma, Critchet-Fryers.[59]


Mr. Nunsan, Rosemary-lane.[60]
- VARIANTS: John Nansan
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] John Nansan of London Merchant aged 30 yeeres" in "The claime of the said Pallavicino in the Saint Laurence." HCA 13/73 f.74r Outside possiblity of match between HCA 13/73 and LLD 1677








Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica (1888), p.60

Mr. Robulus, Berry Street[61]
- QUESTION; Robulus = Robles?
- VARIANTS: Antonio Robles; Segnor Robles; Mr Robles; Robles
- EXAMPLE: "The claime of Anthony ffernandez, John Page, Gowen Painter, Antonio Robles, Andrew Dunkin, John Tilly and John Chanterell for two hundred and Eighty Chests of Indico, Twenty two Chests of Drugs two small barrells of Druggs. two small Potaccoes of Druggs 476 hydes 1094 Spanish Roves of Sassaperilla lately laden in the ship the Hope (Patrick Betts Master) and alsoe for the said ship the Hope and her tackle Apparrell and ffurniture" HCA 13/73 f.179r. Possible match between HCA record and LLD 1677

SEE: Joseph Jacobs, Lucien Wolf, Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica: A Bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History (XXXX, 1888), pp.59-61


Daniel Skinner, Barthol. lane.[62]
Daniel Skinner, Crutchet Fryers.[63]
- SEE PROBABLE BROTHER: Skinner; ffrederick Skinner; Mr ffrederick Skinner [=ffrederick Skinner] [HCA 13/72]
- EXAMPLE: "at the sayd shipps coming to Battavia hee saith the arlate Mr ffrederick Skinner (an Agent for the English at Bantam) was there, and the sayd Skinner being told that the Olive Branch came thither to get leave of the Generall to goe into bantam the sayd Skinner in presence of this deponent and other of the Company of the Olive Branch sayd that it was to noe purpose to move the Generall" HCA 13/72 f.522v






Peter Vandeput Basinghall str.[64]
- VARIANTS: Mr Peter Vandeput; Peter Vandeput; Peter Vandeputt; Vanderputt; Mr Vanderputt; Peter vanderputt; Peter Vanderp[utt GUTTER]
- EXAMPLE: "Touching the sale of the Golden ffox: to Mr Peter Vandeput and Mr Luke Luce" HCA 13/72 85r. Probable HCA 13/72 record match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Peter Vandeput of London Merchant aged 47 yeeres" regarding "The claime of Peter Maria and Cesar Gentiltis Merchants of Genoa for silver taken in the Saint Laurence Peter Bennewijsent Master." HCA 13/73 f.53r. Probable HCA 13/73 record match to LLD 1677


William Warren Fanchurch street.
Nicholas Warren Lyme street

Mr. Willoughby Mark lane.[65]
- VARIANTS: Chirstofer Willoughby [FOLLOW THIS UP]






  1. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  2. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  3. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  4. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  5. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  6. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  7. PROB 11/370/324 Will of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Alderman of London 10 July 1682
  8. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  9. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  10. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  11. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  12. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  13. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  14. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  15. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  16. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  17. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
  18. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  19. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  20. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  21. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  22. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  23. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  24. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  25. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
  26. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  27. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  28. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  29. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  30. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  31. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  32. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  33. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
  34. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  35. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  36. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  37. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
  38. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
  39. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  40. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  41. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
  42. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  43. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
  44. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  45. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  46. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  47. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  48. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  49. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  50. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  51. 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Clerkenwell (2 of 2)', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)
  52. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  53. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  54. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  55. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  56. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
  57. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  58. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  59. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  60. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  61. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  62. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  63. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  64. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
  65. John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14