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|Transcription image=P1140269
|Transcription image=P1140269
|Transcription=1. who as witnesses thereof alsoe subscribed the same as nowe thereon appeereth
|Transcription=who as witnesses thereof alsoe subscribed the same as nowe thereon appeereth
2. and saith the contents of the said schedule were and are true and reall,and
and saith the contents of the said schedule were and are true and reall,and
3. not colourable, which hee knoweth being thoroughly acquainted with that
not colourable, which hee knoweth being thoroughly acquainted with that
4. affaire, and the said Miranda his being soe imployed by mr ffernandez.
affaire, and the said Miranda his being soe imployed by mr ffernandez.
5. To the 6th hee saith that the said John Lopez de Miranda departed with
6. the said shipp and goods from this port for the Canaries this deponent
To the 6th hee saith that the said John Lopez de Miranda departed with
7. seeing him take his leave of mr ffernandez and other friends upon such
the said shipp and goods from this port for the Canaries this deponent
8. his departure. And afterwards the said Lopez de Miranda (as this deponent
seeing him take his leave of mr ffernandez and other friends upon such
9. saw by lettres that came from him) arrived with the said shipp and goods at
his departure. And afterwards the said Lopez de Miranda (as this deponent
10. Teneriff, and there as factor aforesaid delivered and disposed of the said
saw by letters that came from him) arrived with the said shipp and goods at
11. goods for the account aforesaid. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Teneriff, and there as factor aforesaid delivered and disposed of the said
12. To the seventh article hee saith and deposeth that the said mr ffernandez
goods for the account aforesaid. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
13. and the arlate Robert hunter and other owners of the said shipp contrived
14. and agreed together for the better securitie of her and her trade at the
To the seventh article hee saith and deposeth that the said mr ffernandez
15. Canaries (in regard of the warrs between England and Spaine), to send
and the arlate Robert hunter and other owners of the said shipp contrived
16. a dutchman, a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands, along
and agreed together for the better securitie of her and her trade at the
17. in her as master or one of the masters of her and did pitch upon
Canaries (in regard of the warrs between England and Spaine), to send
18. and agree upon the soe arlate John Danielson being a Dutchman and
a dutchman, a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands, along
19. Subiect of the said States, to be the man to goe in that qualitie
in her as master or one of the masters of her and did pitch upon
20. and sent him accordingly along hence in the said ship to the end hee
and agree upon the soe arlate John Danielson being a Dutchman and
21. should (and soe he had directions) give out at the Canaries that the said
Subiect of the said States, to be the man to goe in that qualitie
22. ship and lading were belonging to Dutch subiect of the said States,
and sent him accordingly along hence in the said ship to the end hee
23. and soe colour the matter, that they might not be found to be English,
should (and soe he had directions) give out at the Canaries that the said
24. or belonging to any subient of this Commonwealth, which hee
ship and lading were belonging to Dutch subiect of the said States,
25. knoweth being acquainted with such contrivance of sending the said
and soe colour the matter, that they might not be found to be English
26. Danielson to that end, and hearing the said mr ffernandez and hunter and
or belonging to any subient of this Commonwealth, which hee
27. others confer and agree thereaboute. And saith the bills of lading for
knoweth being acquainted with such contrivance of sending the said
28. the said mr ffernanadez his goods laden at Teneriff, were as hee beleeveth
Danielson to that end, and hearing the said mr ffernandez and hunter and
29. signed by the said Danielson, one of them coming home in mr ffernandez
others confer and agree thereaboute. And saith the bills of lading for
30. lettre under the name of the said Danielson as master. And otherwise hee
the said mr ffernanadez his goods laden at Teneriff, were as hee beleeveth
31. cannot depose, for hee this deponent was not at Teneriff the said
signed by the said Danielson, one of them coming home in mr ffernandez
32. voyage’
letter under the name of the said Danielson as master. And otherwise hee
33. To the eighth hee saith the said ship went out by the name of
cannot depose, for hee this deponent was not at Teneriff the said
34. Irish merchant (by which shee was commonly called) and of the Dolphin
35. under which name of the Dolphin shee was to passe as a dutch ship at the
36. Canaries and saith shee was and is one and the same ship under both
To the eighth hee saith the said ship went out by the name of
37. these names. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Irish merchant (by which shee was commonly called) and of the ''Dolphin''
38. To the nineth article he saith that tenth, 11th, 12th and 13th articles and
under which name of the ''Dolphin'' shee was to passe as a dutch ship at the
39. the schedules annexed and therein mentioned nowe showed unto him, hee saith
Canaries and saith shee was and is one and the same ship under both
40. and deposeth of the said John Lopez de Miranda being arived with
these names. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
41. the said shipp at Teneriff and having disposed of the said outwards XXX
42. lading, did relade fiftie three pipes of wine marked as in the
To the nineth article he saith that tenth, 11th, 12th and 13th articles and
43. margent and six hundred seventie and seven hides for this part
the schedules annexed and therein mentioned nowe showed unto him, hee saith
44. for the said mr ffernandez his account, as by his lettre and the bill
and deposeth of the said John Lopez de Miranda being arived with
45. of lading therewith sent hither to the said mr ffernandez by John
the said shipp at Teneriff and having disposed of the said outwards XXX
46. Baillehache his the said Miranda his servant appeared, and
lading, did relade fiftie three pipes of wine marked as in the
47. saith the lettre dated the 4th of June 1656, and the bill of lading
margent and six hundred seventie and seven hides for this part
48. dated 3 of June 1656, were and are the same lettre and bill of lading soe sent
for the said mr ffernandez his account, as by his lettre and the bill
49. the said Miranda, and received by the said mr ffernandez by the
of lading therewith sent hither to the said mr ffernandez by John
50. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">hand</margin
Baillehache his the said Miranda his servant appeared, and
saith the letter dated the 4th of June 1656, and the bill of lading
dated 3 of June 1656, were and are the same lettre and bill of lading soe sent
the said Miranda, and received by the said mr ffernandez by the
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
|Suggested links=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]

Revision as of 21:49, July 30, 2014

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who as witnesses thereof alsoe subscribed the same as nowe thereon appeereth
and saith the contents of the said schedule were and are true and reall,and
not colourable, which hee knoweth being thoroughly acquainted with that
affaire, and the said Miranda his being soe imployed by mr ffernandez.

To the 6th hee saith that the said John Lopez de Miranda departed with
the said shipp and goods from this port for the Canaries this deponent
seeing him take his leave of mr ffernandez and other friends upon such
his departure. And afterwards the said Lopez de Miranda (as this deponent
saw by letters that came from him) arrived with the said shipp and goods at
Teneriff, and there as factor aforesaid delivered and disposed of the said
goods for the account aforesaid. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the seventh article hee saith and deposeth that the said mr ffernandez
and the arlate Robert hunter and other owners of the said shipp contrived
and agreed together for the better securitie of her and her trade at the
Canaries (in regard of the warrs between England and Spaine), to send
a dutchman, a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands, along
in her as master or one of the masters of her and did pitch upon
and agree upon the soe arlate John Danielson being a Dutchman and
Subiect of the said States, to be the man to goe in that qualitie
and sent him accordingly along hence in the said ship to the end hee
should (and soe he had directions) give out at the Canaries that the said
ship and lading were belonging to Dutch subiect of the said States,
and soe colour the matter, that they might not be found to be English
or belonging to any subient of this Commonwealth, which hee
knoweth being acquainted with such contrivance of sending the said
Danielson to that end, and hearing the said mr ffernandez and hunter and
others confer and agree thereaboute. And saith the bills of lading for
the said mr ffernanadez his goods laden at Teneriff, were as hee beleeveth
signed by the said Danielson, one of them coming home in mr ffernandez
letter under the name of the said Danielson as master. And otherwise hee
cannot depose, for hee this deponent was not at Teneriff the said

To the eighth hee saith the said ship went out by the name of
Irish merchant (by which shee was commonly called) and of the Dolphin
under which name of the Dolphin shee was to passe as a dutch ship at the
Canaries and saith shee was and is one and the same ship under both
these names. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the nineth article he saith that tenth, 11th, 12th and 13th articles and
the schedules annexed and therein mentioned nowe showed unto him, hee saith
and deposeth of the said John Lopez de Miranda being arived with
the said shipp at Teneriff and having disposed of the said outwards XXX
lading, did relade fiftie three pipes of wine marked as in the
margent and six hundred seventie and seven hides for this part
for the said mr ffernandez his account, as by his lettre and the bill
of lading therewith sent hither to the said mr ffernandez by John
Baillehache his the said Miranda his servant appeared, and
saith the letter dated the 4th of June 1656, and the bill of lading
dated 3 of June 1656, were and are the same lettre and bill of lading soe sent
the said Miranda, and received by the said mr ffernandez by the

Suggested links

HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner
HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner