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|Status=First cut transcription completed on 22/06/14 by Melvyn Dresner; suggested edits on 29/06/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Melvyn Dresner
|First transcribed=14/06/22
|Editorial history=Created 01/06/14, by CSG
|Editorial history=Created 01/06/14, by CSG

Revision as of 17:21, June 29, 2014

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HCA 13/73 f.415r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 26th of November 1659: [CENTRAL HEADING]

Sorrell against Hall aforesaid}

Examined on the foresaid Allegation given
in on the behalfe of the said hall./.

RP. [X]2us.


Thomas ffeild of harwich in
Essex Shipwright aged 53 yeeres or
thereabouts Sworne and Examined:/:

To the first second and 3d articles of the said Allegation hee saith
that hee well knoweth the ship the Agreement John
hall Master and alsoe well knoweth the ship the Abigail
Thomas Lavirit saw his and saith that on or about the
Twentieth day of October 1658 he saith ship
the Agreement return from Harwich in Company of
a great hwole of Ship, bound to high p??? ????
plan of in England, and he Said Ship the Abigail.
ran out of ??? the His Said ship but after the
Agreement, and of this Day 4 torlaind knowth
Abigail was a Ship said of the Agreement: from her
rowing out of Tnimouth haven, whill the morning
of the 25th
morning Her Agreement was Sailing with an such said
fixing the said, and the Abigail Sailing after her
Agreement with all his Saith Shooroth made7
by that m?? Frleft vo the Agreement and did
round found of the Agreement. By the Card????? or with finding
of the Company of the Abigail, as this Blow. Hafter
oflouting of ?Orobibly? has, but has did not see her
Said hind Darmoth of the Ship the Blessing of
Manningtree wis was her in Campany of the Said
Flow, and was out of the Sl??? Of this first ????
The Abigail from Tinmouth haven, but all he Said
Morning and saith that about two or three a forf of
The said morning the Abigail fetch to the said Ship
Blessing of Manningtree closing a the said of her and said
His to have round found of her Blessing, by the r????????
of her Dom... but missing the Blessing Ship
Saith away shall saithe ??? make and about two
Row of after round for the of the Agreement as this
D??? hall a flouting C??? was Andfl????
??? ???

CSG, 29/06/14: Melvyn, below are my suggestions to fill the question marks in your first cut transcription. I would be very happy to talk through on Skype any queries you may have

The 26th of November 1659: [CENTRE HEADING]

Sorrell against Hall aforesaid}

Examined on the foresaid Allegation given
in on the behalfe of the said hall./.

Rp. [?1]2us

[GUTTER ?vide A:A]

Thomas ffeild of harwich in
Essex Shipwright aged 53 yeeres or
thereabouts Sworne and Examined:/:

To the first second and 3d articles of the said Allegation hee saith
that hee well knoweth the ship the Agreement John
hall master and alsoe well knoweth the ship the Abigail
Thomas Laverick late Master, and saith that on or about the
twentieth day of October 1658 the said ship
the Agreement came from Newcastle in Company of
a great ffleete of Ships, bound to this Port and other
places in England, and the Said Ship the Abigail
came out of Newcastle the same tyde but after the
Agreement, and of this Deponents certaine knweldge the
Abigaill was a Sterne of the Agreement: from her
coming out of Tinmouth haven, untill the morning
of the 25th of the said moneth of October. 1658. or thereabouts on which
morning the Agreement was Sailing with an easy saile
keeping the Leade, and the Abigail Sailing after the
Agreement with all the Sailes she could make,
by that meanes fetcht up the Agreement and did
runne foule of the Agreement by the Carlelessenesse or willfullnes
of the Company of the Abigail, as this Deponent hath
oftentimes Credibly heard, but hee did not see the
Said time Carpenter of the Ship the Blessing of
Maningtree which was then in Company of the said
ffleete, and was one of the Sternmost ships, and kept neere
the Abigail from Tinmouth haven, untill the said
morning, and saith that about two or three a clock of
the said morning the Abigail fetcht up the said Ship
Blessing, [the blessing being before a head of her) and had
like to have come foule of the Blessing by the carelessenes
of her Company, but (missing the blessing) shee
sailed away withall saile shee could make, and about two
howres after runne foule of the Agreement as this
Deponent hath oftentimes Credibly heard, And further
cannot depose./.
