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===EEIC 1664-1667==
===EEIC 1664-1667===
"Before any addition is made to the salary of Mr. Taylor at Surat his correspondence with John Stanian is to be examined."<ref>'XXXX', in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of court minutes, etc. of the East India company 1664-1667 (Oxford, 1925), p. 360</ref>
"Before any addition is made to the salary of Mr. Taylor at Surat his correspondence with John Stanian is to be examined."<ref>'XXXX', in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of court minutes, etc. of the East India company 1664-1667 (Oxford, 1925), p. 360</ref>

Revision as of 17:30, February 7, 2012

24th October 1662, Letter from Randall Taylor to Sir GO, Raire

BL, Add. MS. XX, XXX, ff. 4-6

Editorial history

18/12/11, CSG: Page created

Abstract & context

Randall Taylor wrote to Sir George Oxenden in a letter dated October 1662, sent from Raire.

In this letter, XXX

In January 1656 Randall Taylor had been appointed number four in the Deccan, with the deceased Edward Flyer as number three, and XXX as the number one. Ralph Flyer, Edward's brother and administrator, wrote six months later to Sir George Oxenden, claiming that Taylor owed his brother money.[1]

John Taylor, Randall taylor's probable brother, also wrote to Sir George Oxenden in a letter dated March 1662/63, sent from London.[2]]]

Suggested links

See 11th December 1662, Letter from Randall Taylor to Sir GO, Raire
See 12th December 1662, Letter from Randall Taylor to Sir GO, Raire
See 16th March 1662/63, Letter from John Taylor to Sir GO, London
See 29th January 1665/66, Letter from Randall Taylor to Sir GO

To do

(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript at BL, & add foliation


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

[BL, Add. MS. XX, XXX, ff. 4-6]

Right Worp:ll & Hono:d S:r

I have wrott yo:r Worp:e Sundry Generalls from this Castle, But untell this noo pticular lre, w:ch I hope you will excuse & beleeve w:t I wrott M:r Sr:m Master[3] viz:tts y:e strict watch wee have over us to bee Cheifely y:e Cause thereof, for bee Confident S:r noo pson in India is more Content for yo:r Worp:s safe arriveall, & the Qualety your are come out in, then my selfe, (w:ch I should have signified long before this had I beene at libertye) not But others haveing desrved farr better; may in reason expect greater ?conveyniencyes thereby, yet S:r more gratitude & other Considerations, not vulgar or Basse but very Legitimate obligeth mee to y:e premencconed satisfaction, w:ch I cann Confidently say is ?unstained, since I am sensible thereof in y:e midst of this great affliction I Labour under, God grant mee once, free, y:t soo w:th others, I may comfortably enjoy my pte in soo great a happynesse, in y:e meane tyme, I shall not lett to Pray for á prosperous success to all yo:r Worp:s undertakeings.

S:r I shall need to minde yo:r Worp:e of y:e state of my Condition well knowing yo:r Worp:e will have á tender Consideration thereof, as also of y:e great Losse I have sustained by this late misfortune & hope (as you weare one of y:e Cheifest Causers of my Comeing to India & more pticulerly of my knowing any thing thereof, w:ch made mee anywise Capable of being Imployed in y:e Hono:ble Comp:as service w:ch esteeme an Hono:r & preferm:t to mee) you will indeavour speedily to ?remedy y:e former, & regaine y:e latter, w:th y:t Good success y:t usually attends such Just & Chartiable designes w;ch I question not but your Worp:e will manadge w:th y:t prudence, & vertue y:t wee shall bee bery glad y:e worke was reserved for yo:r performance; How unchristian, since M:r Andrewes[4] hath appeared herein, I Conclude you will ptely understand from others & I hope I shall bee at liberty ere hee goes home, & then shall make a more pticuler discovery of his basseness towards us, & others, as alsoe of something y:e Comp:a hath sufferd by him therefore shall say little therein ?hense.

S:r y:e last yeare I wrott you from ?Soangur & gave a pticuler relation of o:r misfortune; But now Conclude my lre never came to hand however


However a repetition thereof will bee needlesse since you heare it from others in Surratt. In said lre I made Bould to incert my desires to yo:r Worp:e Concerneing what due to mee from y:e Employm:t of ships Sm:a March:t Two Sisters Etc:a w:ch although arrived not tyme enough yett I am informed from my Brother[5] y:t you weare pleased to Stand my freind therein, but w:th Badd success however my Obligations are y:e same to yo:r Wors:l as if you had prevailed in my behalfe, S:r by this your favo:r showed mee; I am encouragdged to trouble you in some other pticulers w:ch misfortunes have occasioned mee to Implore yo:r assistance in, & in Confidence of yo:r favour therein, I will Brefely incert y:d same The Deceased Alderman Temms[6] Dyed in my Debt a bout 60: in 65:li & since I heare from My Brother y:t his Lady[7] is dead alsoe, & y:t now M:r Martin Nowell is become administrator, & findeing y:d S:d Alder:m Temms to have interest in á pcell of Granadoes sent out to M:r Revington[8] to satisfye w:t due from Said Alderman Temms unto mee, out of his parte Interest in y:e Granadoes Acco:t w:ch had M:r Revington lived I know hee would readily have done out of w:t hee recd on said Acco:t But now hee is dead I know not whither I shall obtaine y.e same soo suddainely as otherwise I should, yett S:r if what I judge but reason bee pform’d herein, I shallnot want y:e same satisffaction, & y:t is, y:t out of w:t willl appeare due to M:r Revington in y:d Rajap:a Bookes I may bee satisfyed by Bond to save you harmlesse from any inconvenyencie may arrise thereby, S:r thi is parte of my Desire unto you, which if not Conformable to yo:r Worp:s Judgem:t to pforme I must patiently waite for some other way to recover my Right by.

M:r Math:w ffortser[9] Lately Cheife at Psia, alsoe Dyed in my debt a bout said some as Aldermnan Themms, & M:r Gray[10] writt mee theare appeares nothing of an Estate in India whereout I may bee sattisfyed, M:r Andrewes haveing seized on Pte thereof for a debt due to him, how justly this is done, I hope y:r Worp:e will enquire as alsoe if any thing else appeares out of w;ch I may bee satisfy:d M:r Gray can informe y:e nature of this debt, being ready money reced of M:r Buckeridge[11] in Psia. If nothing is found of M.r fforsters in India, I desire yo:r Worp:e when you write home to y:e Comp:a to endeavour I may bee satisfyed out of w:t is due to said m:r fforster on Acco:t of his sallary.

In o:r generall lre wee have propounded y:e sending of a pson to y:e King of Decan w:ch if yo:r worp:e thinks good & so doo then I humbly Crave in my Brothers, my owne, & severall ffreinds, behalfe, y:t you will please to enorder him to make demand and endeavours


Endeavour y:e Recovery of w:t due from said King on Acco:tts of Granados sould by M:r Revington to his Generall, Siddy ?Joar[12] which wee had the Kings Phirm:d for, & had doubtlesse recovered y:e money Long ere this had not this misfortune happened to Rajap:a I conclude s:d Phirm:d is lost or in Sevajies hands, But there is one ?Cossum Pandit á Cheife ?Bromine a bout y:e King who understands y:e Busyeness very well & will bee ready to further the recovery of y.e money hee haveing á promisse from M:r Revington of some w:t Considearble when y:e Acco:t is Cleared, there remaineing due something á bout 5000:P:a Wee have likewise in our Generall lre desired yo:r Worp:e to assist us w:th Pte of w:t due to us on acco:t of Sallary, & here I renew my pticular desires for what concernes mee, my occassions being made more urgent through this late misfortunes then otherwise ?shew would have beene

S:r I shall not presume to trouble yo:r worp:e further at present, soo desireing yo:r pardon, fo w:t herein given & earnestly prayeing for yo:r Worp:s health & happy success in all yo:r undertakeings. I close this with my very humble service tendered to yo;:r acceptance, & subscribe as I really am

Hono:d S:r

Yo:r Worp:s Obleidged & affectionate
Rand:a Taylor


EEIC 1664-1667

"Before any addition is made to the salary of Mr. Taylor at Surat his correspondence with John Stanian is to be examined."[13]

EEIC 1677-1679

"A report from the Surat Committee touching losses sustained by Randal Taylor, at Rajapur XXXX" (p. 146)

Possible primary sources


PROB 11/331 Coke 108-166 Will of Randolph Taylor, Merchant 11 October 1669
  1. 20th March 1662/63, Letter from Ralph Flyer to Sir GO, London
  2. [[MRP: 16th March 1662/63, Letter from John Taylor to Sir GO, London|
  3. Streynsham Master, nephew of Sir George Oxenden
  4. Mathew Andrewes, the former President at Surat, who had been replaced by Sir George Oxenden
  5. Randall Taylor's brother was probably John Taylor (See 16th March 1662/63, Letter from John Taylor to Sir GO, London
  6. Nathaniel Temms, a London merchant and alderman, who had been in the East Indies, and who had been a major subscriber to the SVJS
  7. Nathaniel Temms died intestate, as did his wife, Martha Temms, who died a year after her husband. Nathaniel Temms' friend Sir Martin Noell took over the administration of both husband and wife, Nathaniel Temms having had substantial debts to Sir Martin Noell
  8. ?Henry Revington CHECK
  9. Mathew Forster was XXXX
  10. Mathew Gray
  11. Possibly Nicholas Buckeridge
  12. Siddy ?Joar was XXXX
  13. 'XXXX', in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of court minutes, etc. of the East India company 1664-1667 (Oxford, 1925), p. 360