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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 27/02/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 27/02/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/02/27
|Editorial history=Edited on 15/09/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4382.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4382.JPG}}
|Transcription=The 8th of May 1657
|First transcribed=13/02/27
Touching the ''ffortune'' aforesaid}
George Paris Master}
|Editorial history=Created 26/04/13, by CSG
Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.
|Transcription image=P1140962
'''Thomas Clarke''' of Redriff in the County of Surrie
1. The 8th of May 1657
Mariner, aged 42 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and
2. <margin value="Left">Touching the ffortune aforesaid&#125;
3. George Paris Master&#125;</margin>
4. Exámined upon the foresaid allegation-
5. <margin value="Left">4</margin>
6. '''Thomas Clarke''' of Redriff in the County of Surrie
7. Mariner, aged 42 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and
8. exámined.
9. To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Constant
10. Silvester an English man and subiect of this Commonwealth, who
11. with his company (who are alsoe reputed English and subiects as aforesaid)
12. were commonly reputed owners of the shipp ffortune arlate and of her
13. tackle and furniture at the time of her seizure.
14. To the second, third and fourth ˹and 5th˺ articles hee saith that in the moneth of
15. September last hee this deponent in the shipp the Rappahanack
16. whereof hee was commander, arived at Cape Lopez ˹in the coast of Guiney˺ in a
17. voyage, and coming thither where hee found the said shipp the ffortune
18. (George Paris lately master) ... in the possession and under the seizure
19. of two dutch shipps, one called the Mary of Amsterdam, and the
20. other the Unicorne of Middleborowe, both under the command
21. of John Scrole a dutch man, and subiect of the States of the United
22. Netherlands, which Scroll as hee this deponent was then afterwards
23. informed both by the said George Paris (who was there kept prisoner) and others
24. had seized upon the said shipp ffortune there about two monethes before
25. together with an hundred ninetie and two Negroes's which shee had taken
26. aboard. And saith the said Paris and company were of his sight utterly dispoiled
27. and dispossessed of the said shipp and Negro's ) ................ by the
28. said Scroll and his people, who had as this deponent was informed
29. taken out and disposed of the said Negroe's into another shipp, and
30. afterwards the said dutch man having taken out all the shipps sailes
31. masts, materialls and goods, they of this this deponents sight and
32. knowledge, set fire on her hull and consumed the same. And
33. saith the said shipp Mary was dutch built, and acknowledged by
34. her dutch company to have bin built at Amsterdam, and the Unicorne
35. was originally Portugall built, and afterwards built upon by the
36. dutch, and they both carried the dutch colours, and were commonly
37. there said and acknowledged to be belonging the Mary to Amsterdam and
38. the Unicorne to Middleborowe, and to have bin set out thense on
39. that voyage for the coast of Guiney. And this deponent heard
40. at the said Cape that the Heer Vandergoos of Middleborowe
41. was setter out or one of the setters of them out on the voyage; And
42. saith the said Scroll was and is commonly reputed a native of
43. Mouickendam, and a subiect of the said States, and saith the officers
44. and the most part of the companies of his said two shipps were
45. alsoe dutch and commonly reputed subiects as aforesaid, And
46. otherwise hee cannot depose.
47. To the 6. 7 and 8 hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid
48. Thomas Clarke SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
49. Repeated before Coll Cock
To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Constant
Silvester an English man and subiect of this Commonwealth, who
with his company (who are alsoe reputed English and subiects as aforesaid)
were commonly reputed owners of the shipp ''ffortune'' arlate and of her
tackle and furniture at the time of her seizure.
To the second, third and fourth and 5th articles hee saith that in the moneth of
September last hee this deponent in the shipp the ''Rappahanack''
whereof hee was commander, arived at Cape Lopez in the coast of Guiney in a
voyage, and coming thither where hee found the said shipp the ''ffortune''
(George Paris lately master) in the possession and under the seizure
of two dutch shipps, one called the ''Mary'' of Amsterdam, and the
other the ''Unicorne'' of Middleborowe, both under the command
of John Scrole a dutch man, and subiect of the States of the United
Netherlands, which Scroll as hee this deponent was then afterwards
informed both by the said George Paris (who was there kept prisoner) and others
had seized upon the said shipp ''ffortune'' there about two monethes before
together with an hundred ninetie and two Negroes's which shee had taken
aboard. And saith the said Paris and company were of his sight utterly dispoiled
and dispossessed of the said shipp and Negro's ) by the
said Scroll and his people, who had as this deponent was informed
taken out and disposed of the said Negroe's into another shipp, and
afterwards the said dutch man having taken out all the shipps sailes
masts, materialls and goods, they of this this deponents sight and
knowledge, set fire on her hull and consumed the same. And
saith the said shipp ''Mary'' was dutch built, and acknowledged by
her dutch company to have bin built at Amsterdam, and the ''Unicorne''
was originally Portugall built, and afterwards built upon by the
dutch, and they both carried the dutch colours, and were commonly
there said and acknowledged to be belonging the ''Mary'' to Amsterdam and
the ''Unicorne'' to Middleborowe, and to have bin set out thense on
that voyage for the coast of Guiney. And this deponent heard
at the said Cape that the Heer Vandergoos of Middleborowe
was setter out or one of the setters of them out on the voyage; And
saith the said Scroll was and is commonly reputed a native of
Mouickendam, and a subiect of the said States, and saith the officers
and the most part of the companies of his said two shipps were
alsoe dutch and commonly reputed subiects as aforesaid, And
otherwise hee cannot depose.
Repeated before Collonel Cock
To the 6. 7 and 8 hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid
Thomas Clarke &#91;SIGNATURE, RH SIDE&#93;
|Secondary sources='''Constant Silvester: secondary sources'''
[http://archive.org/stream/abrieferelation01davigoog#page/n10/mode/2up Foster, Nicholas, A briefe relation of the late horrid rebellion acted in the island Barbadas (i.e. Barbados) in the West-Indies: wherein is contained, their inhumane acts and actions, in fining and banishing the well-affected to the Parliament of England (both men and women) without the least cause given them so to doe : dispossessing all such as any way opposed these their mischievous actions : acted by the Waldronds and their abettors, anno 1650 (London, 1660: Reprinted London, 1875)]
Smith, Frederick, 'Disturbing the peace: Constant Silvester in Barbados', ''Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society'' 44: 38-53.
Smith, Frederick H. & Karl Watson, 'Urbanity, sociability, and commercial exchange in the Barbados sugar trade: a comparative colonial archaeological perspective on Bridgetown, Barbados in the seventeenth century' in ''Int J Histor Archaeol (2009) 13:63-79
====Constant Silvester====
<u>The ''Fortune'' (1656)</u>
* "The ship ''Fortune'' belonging to one Constant Silvester, and Company of ''English'' Merchants taken about the moneth of August, 1656, near ''Cape Lopez'' upon the Coast of ''Guiny'' by the said ''Mary'' of ''Amsterdam'' and ''Unicorn'' of ''Middleburgh'', whereof the said ''Iohn Schrael'' was Commander."<ref>[https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=AoBJAAAAcAAJ&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&authuser=0&hl=en&pg=GBS.PA41 A reply of Sir George Downing Knight and Baronet, Envoy  extraordinary from his Majesty of Great-Britain, &c. to the remarks of the deputies of the Estates-General upon the memorial of December 20. 1664. Old Stile. (London, 1665), p.41], viewed 16/06/13</ref>
<u>Residence on Barbados</u>
* "In Georges Parish.
Francis Reaines, and his wife, John Faune, Esq., John Bonner, Thomas Parker, Henry Thrall, Captaine Thomas Midelton, Lieutenant Colonel James Drax, '''Constant Silvester''', James White, George Fry."<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/cavaliersroundh01davigoog#page/n195/mode/2up The Cavaliers & Roundheads of Barbados, 1650-1652: With Some Account of the Early History of Barbados (Georgetown, British Guiana, 1887), p.178], viewe3d 16/06/13</ref>
* "Peter Silvester of London, merchant, now inhabitant in the parish of Saint James, Dukes Place, in London, 26 January, 1657, proved 11 February. 1657. Whereas my dear mother, Mary Silvester, of London, widow, did oblige herself by promise to give unto me the sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of England, for which said sum of one thousand pounds, &c, my said mother, at my request, hath this day become bound by obligation of the penalty of two thousand pounds unto Thomas Middleton of Stratford Bow, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, conditioned for the payment of the said one thousand pounds within six years after the date of the said bond unto me or to Mary my now wife, &c. &c.
I do give and bequeath the said sum to wife Mary. To only daughter Mary six hundred pounds at the age of one and twenty years or day of marriage. If she die in the mean time, then two hundred pounds of it to my dear and loving wife, one hundred pounds to my brother Nathaniel Silvester, one hundred pounds to brother Joshua Silvester, one hundred and fifty pounds to brother Giles Silvester, and fifty pounds to my sister Cartwright. The said sum of six hundred pounds to be sent to '''my loving brother Constant Silvester, now resident in the Barbados''', he to become bound for the payment, as above. To each and every of my own brothers and brothers-in-law forty shillings apiece to make each of them a ring to wear in remembrance of me. To my uncle Jeofrie Silvester the sum of twenty-five pounds. To my cousin Joseph Gascoigne fifteen pounds. To my Aunt Gascoigne five pounds, and to her daughter Anne Gascoigne five pounds. To loving friend Richard Duke, scrivener, forty shillings to make him a ring. To the poor of the parish of St. James, Duke's Place, five pounds. Thomas Middleton, Esq., to be sole executor, and loving uncle Nathaniel Arnold overseer, and I give him fifty pounds.
The witnesses to the above were Edw: Warren, Hum: Richardson and Richard Duke, scr. Wootton, 95."<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/genealogicalglea01wate#page/16/mode/2up Henry F. Waters, Genealogical gleanings in England, vol. 1 (London, 1906; repub. Baltimore, 1969), p.16], viewed 16/06/13</ref>
* "Giles Silvester, of London, merchant, 2 March, 1670, proved 26 May, 1671. To such child or children as my wife now goeth with, the sum of three hundred pounds at his, her or their age of one and twenty years, if sons, and at age of twenty-one, or on day of marriage, which shall first happen, if daughters. To '''my nephew, Constant Silvester''', the four pictures that were my late fathers. The residue of the estate to loving wife, Anne Silvester, who is appointed executrix. I entreat and appoint, '''my dear and loving brother, Constant Silvester Esquire''', and my good friend Redmaine Burrell to be overseers. To each of them forty shillings, for rings.
'''Grant of administration on the estate of the above was made to Constant Silvester, natural and lawful brother of the deceased''', the widow Anne Silvester having renounced the executorship. Duke, 68."<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/genealogicalglea01wate#page/16/mode/2up Henry F. Waters, Genealogical gleanings in England, vol. 1 (London, 1906; repub. Baltimore, 1969), p.16], viewed 16/06/13</ref>
* "'''Constant Silvester made his will 7 April, 1671, proved 7 October, 1671, by Grace Silvester, relict and executrix.''' All my lands, plantations, houses and tenements in the island of Barbados, &c, to wife Grace and to Henry Walrond, Sen:r Esq., brother of the said Grace, Col. Richard Hawkins, Samuel Farmer, Esq., and Mr. Francis Raynes (being all of the said island of Barbados) for one thousand years from the day of my decease, in trust, &c. ; wife Grace to enjoy one moiety during her natural life, and '''my eldest son, Constant''', to enjoy two thirds of the other moiety during his mother's life, and my second son, Humphrey Silvester, to have and hold the remaining third of said other moiety during his mother's life. After her death Constant to have two thirds of the whole, and Humphrey the remaining third. If there should be more sons, the eldest son (in that case) to have a double share, and each other son a single share. If wife Grace should marry again,then she to have one third, instead of one half, of the above described property. To daughters Grace and Mary two thousand pounds sterling each at day of marriage, or at age of twenty-one years, and, over and above that, the sum of one hundred pounds sterling each, to buy them a jewel at the age of sixteen years.
Item, I give and bequeath to my brother Nathaniel Silvester, his heirs and assigns forever, one sixth part of all the lands which I and my said brother hold in partnership in Shelter Island, upon the coast of New England; so that, whereas he had a third part of the said lands before, now he shall have a moiety. And the remaining moiety of the said lands I give and bequeath to my two sons before named, equally, and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, forever ; and, for want of such issue, to my brother Joshua Silvester and the heirs of his body, forever ; and, for want of such issue, to my brother Nathaniel, his heirs and assigns, forever. To brother Joshua Silvester eight hundred pounds sterling. To my sister Mary Cartwright a mortgage on the estate made over to me by her deceased husband, Isaac Cartwright, during her natural life, and after her decease to my nephew, Constant Cartwright, he paying out of the same to each of his sisters, Mary and Anne, two hundred pounds sterling at their day of marriage or arrival at age of twenty-one years, whichever shall first happen. To my nephew Richard Kett, six hundred pounds sterling, and sixty pounds sterling per annum so long as he shall remain upon my Plantation after my decease, to keep the accompts thereof and taking care no injury or prejudice be done to the estate by any without giving notice thereof to my trustees before-named.
Wife Grace to be executrix so long as she remain unmarried, then the other trustees, &c. To each of these fifty pounds sterling apiece to buy them what they shall think fit to remember me by after my decease.
The witnesses were Henry Walrond, Grace Walrond, Peter Blackler, Anne Guillett, Dorothy Marshall, Samuel Ainseworth, juu r and Will. Swepson."<ref>[http://archive.org/stream/genealogicalglea01wate#page/16/mode/2up Henry F. Waters, Genealogical gleanings in England, vol. 1 (London, 1906; repub. Baltimore, 1969), p.17], viewed 16/06/13</ref>
* AHA 2005 Annual Meeting Seattle
20. Recovering the Record: Sylvester Manor in the Atlantic World, ca. 1650–1750
Friday, January 7, 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Sheraton, East Ballroom
Chair: Karen Ordahl Kupperman, New York University
Papers: Sylvester Manor: A Provisioning Plantation on Long Island, 1652–1752
Mac Keith Griswold, Shelter Island Historical Society
Sociability and Commercial Exchange: An Archaeological Perspective on Constant Silvester of Barbados
Frederick H. Smith, Western Michigan University
Francis Brinley and his Books, 1650–1719
David Harris Sacks, Reed College
Comment: Karen Ordahl Kupperman"<ref>[http://www.historians.org/annual/2005/program/05AHA20.cfm], viewed 16/06/13</ref>

Latest revision as of 21:39, November 17, 2015

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HCA 13/72 f.27v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 8th of May 1657

Touching the ffortune aforesaid}
George Paris Master}

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.


Thomas Clarke of Redriff in the County of Surrie
Mariner, aged 42 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Constant
Silvester an English man and subiect of this Commonwealth, who
with his company (who are alsoe reputed English and subiects as aforesaid)
were commonly reputed owners of the shipp ffortune arlate and of her
tackle and furniture at the time of her seizure.

To the second, third and fourth and 5th articles hee saith that in the moneth of
September last hee this deponent in the shipp the Rappahanack
whereof hee was commander, arived at Cape Lopez in the coast of Guiney in a
voyage, and coming thither where hee found the said shipp the ffortune
(George Paris lately master) in the possession and under the seizure
of two dutch shipps, one called the Mary of Amsterdam, and the
other the Unicorne of Middleborowe, both under the command
of John Scrole a dutch man, and subiect of the States of the United
Netherlands, which Scroll as hee this deponent was then afterwards
informed both by the said George Paris (who was there kept prisoner) and others
had seized upon the said shipp ffortune there about two monethes before
together with an hundred ninetie and two Negroes's which shee had taken
aboard. And saith the said Paris and company were of his sight utterly dispoiled
and dispossessed of the said shipp and Negro's ) by the
said Scroll and his people, who had as this deponent was informed
taken out and disposed of the said Negroe's into another shipp, and
afterwards the said dutch man having taken out all the shipps sailes
masts, materialls and goods, they of this this deponents sight and
knowledge, set fire on her hull and consumed the same. And
saith the said shipp Mary was dutch built, and acknowledged by
her dutch company to have bin built at Amsterdam, and the Unicorne
was originally Portugall built, and afterwards built upon by the
dutch, and they both carried the dutch colours, and were commonly
there said and acknowledged to be belonging the Mary to Amsterdam and
the Unicorne to Middleborowe, and to have bin set out thense on
that voyage for the coast of Guiney. And this deponent heard
at the said Cape that the Heer Vandergoos of Middleborowe
was setter out or one of the setters of them out on the voyage; And
saith the said Scroll was and is commonly reputed a native of
Mouickendam, and a subiect of the said States, and saith the officers
and the most part of the companies of his said two shipps were
alsoe dutch and commonly reputed subiects as aforesaid, And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

Repeated before Collonel Cock

To the 6. 7 and 8 hee cannot depose saving as aforesaid

Thomas Clarke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


Secondary sources

Constant Silvester: secondary sources

Foster, Nicholas, A briefe relation of the late horrid rebellion acted in the island Barbadas (i.e. Barbados) in the West-Indies: wherein is contained, their inhumane acts and actions, in fining and banishing the well-affected to the Parliament of England (both men and women) without the least cause given them so to doe : dispossessing all such as any way opposed these their mischievous actions : acted by the Waldronds and their abettors, anno 1650 (London, 1660: Reprinted London, 1875)
Smith, Frederick, 'Disturbing the peace: Constant Silvester in Barbados', Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society 44: 38-53.
Smith, Frederick H. & Karl Watson, 'Urbanity, sociability, and commercial exchange in the Barbados sugar trade: a comparative colonial archaeological perspective on Bridgetown, Barbados in the seventeenth century' in Int J Histor Archaeol (2009) 13:63-79


Constant Silvester

The Fortune (1656)

  • "The ship Fortune belonging to one Constant Silvester, and Company of English Merchants taken about the moneth of August, 1656, near Cape Lopez upon the Coast of Guiny by the said Mary of Amsterdam and Unicorn of Middleburgh, whereof the said Iohn Schrael was Commander."[1]

Residence on Barbados

  • "In Georges Parish.

Francis Reaines, and his wife, John Faune, Esq., John Bonner, Thomas Parker, Henry Thrall, Captaine Thomas Midelton, Lieutenant Colonel James Drax, Constant Silvester, James White, George Fry."[2]


  • "Peter Silvester of London, merchant, now inhabitant in the parish of Saint James, Dukes Place, in London, 26 January, 1657, proved 11 February. 1657. Whereas my dear mother, Mary Silvester, of London, widow, did oblige herself by promise to give unto me the sum of one thousand pounds of lawful money of England, for which said sum of one thousand pounds, &c, my said mother, at my request, hath this day become bound by obligation of the penalty of two thousand pounds unto Thomas Middleton of Stratford Bow, in the County of Middlesex, Esquire, conditioned for the payment of the said one thousand pounds within six years after the date of the said bond unto me or to Mary my now wife, &c. &c.

I do give and bequeath the said sum to wife Mary. To only daughter Mary six hundred pounds at the age of one and twenty years or day of marriage. If she die in the mean time, then two hundred pounds of it to my dear and loving wife, one hundred pounds to my brother Nathaniel Silvester, one hundred pounds to brother Joshua Silvester, one hundred and fifty pounds to brother Giles Silvester, and fifty pounds to my sister Cartwright. The said sum of six hundred pounds to be sent to my loving brother Constant Silvester, now resident in the Barbados, he to become bound for the payment, as above. To each and every of my own brothers and brothers-in-law forty shillings apiece to make each of them a ring to wear in remembrance of me. To my uncle Jeofrie Silvester the sum of twenty-five pounds. To my cousin Joseph Gascoigne fifteen pounds. To my Aunt Gascoigne five pounds, and to her daughter Anne Gascoigne five pounds. To loving friend Richard Duke, scrivener, forty shillings to make him a ring. To the poor of the parish of St. James, Duke's Place, five pounds. Thomas Middleton, Esq., to be sole executor, and loving uncle Nathaniel Arnold overseer, and I give him fifty pounds.

The witnesses to the above were Edw: Warren, Hum: Richardson and Richard Duke, scr. Wootton, 95."[3]

  • "Giles Silvester, of London, merchant, 2 March, 1670, proved 26 May, 1671. To such child or children as my wife now goeth with, the sum of three hundred pounds at his, her or their age of one and twenty years, if sons, and at age of twenty-one, or on day of marriage, which shall first happen, if daughters. To my nephew, Constant Silvester, the four pictures that were my late fathers. The residue of the estate to loving wife, Anne Silvester, who is appointed executrix. I entreat and appoint, my dear and loving brother, Constant Silvester Esquire, and my good friend Redmaine Burrell to be overseers. To each of them forty shillings, for rings.

Grant of administration on the estate of the above was made to Constant Silvester, natural and lawful brother of the deceased, the widow Anne Silvester having renounced the executorship. Duke, 68."[4]

  • "Constant Silvester made his will 7 April, 1671, proved 7 October, 1671, by Grace Silvester, relict and executrix. All my lands, plantations, houses and tenements in the island of Barbados, &c, to wife Grace and to Henry Walrond, Sen:r Esq., brother of the said Grace, Col. Richard Hawkins, Samuel Farmer, Esq., and Mr. Francis Raynes (being all of the said island of Barbados) for one thousand years from the day of my decease, in trust, &c. ; wife Grace to enjoy one moiety during her natural life, and my eldest son, Constant, to enjoy two thirds of the other moiety during his mother's life, and my second son, Humphrey Silvester, to have and hold the remaining third of said other moiety during his mother's life. After her death Constant to have two thirds of the whole, and Humphrey the remaining third. If there should be more sons, the eldest son (in that case) to have a double share, and each other son a single share. If wife Grace should marry again,then she to have one third, instead of one half, of the above described property. To daughters Grace and Mary two thousand pounds sterling each at day of marriage, or at age of twenty-one years, and, over and above that, the sum of one hundred pounds sterling each, to buy them a jewel at the age of sixteen years.

Item, I give and bequeath to my brother Nathaniel Silvester, his heirs and assigns forever, one sixth part of all the lands which I and my said brother hold in partnership in Shelter Island, upon the coast of New England; so that, whereas he had a third part of the said lands before, now he shall have a moiety. And the remaining moiety of the said lands I give and bequeath to my two sons before named, equally, and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten, forever ; and, for want of such issue, to my brother Joshua Silvester and the heirs of his body, forever ; and, for want of such issue, to my brother Nathaniel, his heirs and assigns, forever. To brother Joshua Silvester eight hundred pounds sterling. To my sister Mary Cartwright a mortgage on the estate made over to me by her deceased husband, Isaac Cartwright, during her natural life, and after her decease to my nephew, Constant Cartwright, he paying out of the same to each of his sisters, Mary and Anne, two hundred pounds sterling at their day of marriage or arrival at age of twenty-one years, whichever shall first happen. To my nephew Richard Kett, six hundred pounds sterling, and sixty pounds sterling per annum so long as he shall remain upon my Plantation after my decease, to keep the accompts thereof and taking care no injury or prejudice be done to the estate by any without giving notice thereof to my trustees before-named.

Wife Grace to be executrix so long as she remain unmarried, then the other trustees, &c. To each of these fifty pounds sterling apiece to buy them what they shall think fit to remember me by after my decease.

The witnesses were Henry Walrond, Grace Walrond, Peter Blackler, Anne Guillett, Dorothy Marshall, Samuel Ainseworth, juu r and Will. Swepson."[5]

  • AHA 2005 Annual Meeting Seattle

20. Recovering the Record: Sylvester Manor in the Atlantic World, ca. 1650–1750
Friday, January 7, 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Sheraton, East Ballroom

Chair: Karen Ordahl Kupperman, New York University

Papers: Sylvester Manor: A Provisioning Plantation on Long Island, 1652–1752
Mac Keith Griswold, Shelter Island Historical Society

Sociability and Commercial Exchange: An Archaeological Perspective on Constant Silvester of Barbados
Frederick H. Smith, Western Michigan University

Francis Brinley and his Books, 1650–1719
David Harris Sacks, Reed College

Comment: Karen Ordahl Kupperman"[6]


  1. A reply of Sir George Downing Knight and Baronet, Envoy extraordinary from his Majesty of Great-Britain, &c. to the remarks of the deputies of the Estates-General upon the memorial of December 20. 1664. Old Stile. (London, 1665), p.41, viewed 16/06/13
  2. The Cavaliers & Roundheads of Barbados, 1650-1652: With Some Account of the Early History of Barbados (Georgetown, British Guiana, 1887), p.178, viewe3d 16/06/13
  3. Henry F. Waters, Genealogical gleanings in England, vol. 1 (London, 1906; repub. Baltimore, 1969), p.16, viewed 16/06/13
  4. Henry F. Waters, Genealogical gleanings in England, vol. 1 (London, 1906; repub. Baltimore, 1969), p.16, viewed 16/06/13
  5. Henry F. Waters, Genealogical gleanings in England, vol. 1 (London, 1906; repub. Baltimore, 1969), p.17, viewed 16/06/13
  6. [1], viewed 16/06/13