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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 28/09/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 28/09/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/09/28
|First transcribed=13/09/28
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4882.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 28/09/13, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1160215
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4882.JPG}}
|Transcription=at this Port of London fitt furnish and sett out the said shipp
upon her intended voiage from thence to Berghen aforesaid
and from thence to returne to the said Port of London, and
that this deponent in and during the time of such the fitting and
furnishing of the said shipp for the said voiage did oftentimes
see him the said John Shorter personally active in and about
the ordering of the said shipps accomodation, and constantly
and continually heard that the same was performed at and
upon the proper Costs and charges of him the said John Shorter
More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not./
To the third and fowerth Interrogatories hee saith, That between
three weekes and a moneth since the said John Shorter in person
and by his Agents or order did alsoe in the sight and obser
vation of this deponent then serving in and on board the said
shipp Lade or cause to bee Laden and putt into and on board
the same in this Port of London, the quantity of fifteene
Lasts of salt, three or fower bales of woollen Cloath, about
seaven Lasts of malt, two lasts of beere, about eight baggs
of pease (as this deponent now remembreth) a Chest of hatts
about fower baggs of nailes, and five baggs of hopps, and
a quantity of Tobacco to be carried in the  said shipp to
Berghen aforesaid, and there to be unladed and disposed
of for the accompt of the said John Shorter, as this deponent
at the time of the Lading of the said goods wares and
merchandises and constantly since hath credibly heard and
verily beleeveth, And this deponent further saith, That hee
well knoweth, That about two daies after such the Lading of
the said goods, the said shipp (in which this deponent then served
as a Common Mariner) departed and sett saile from this
Port of London towards Berghen aforesaid. More to
this Interrogatorie this deponent saith not/:-
To the fifth Interrogatorie hee saith That the said shipps
intended Course with the said goods wares and merchandise (as this deponent by meanes as aforesaid
is well assured) was from this Port of London to Bergehn
aforesaid, and that the said shipp proceedure with such
her Lading upon such her voiage, and being between
Gravesend and Tilbury hope, or thereabouts, was surpri
=zed and seized by a small Vessell, or man of warr, under the
Command of one Captaine Garnett (as ths deponent
then understood his name to be) and was by forrce

Latest revision as of 17:44, November 20, 2015

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Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
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HCA 13/72 f.277v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


at this Port of London fitt furnish and sett out the said shipp
upon her intended voiage from thence to Berghen aforesaid
and from thence to returne to the said Port of London, and
that this deponent in and during the time of such the fitting and
furnishing of the said shipp for the said voiage did oftentimes
see him the said John Shorter personally active in and about
the ordering of the said shipps accomodation, and constantly
and continually heard that the same was performed at and
upon the proper Costs and charges of him the said John Shorter
More to this Interrogatorie hee saith not./

To the third and fowerth Interrogatories hee saith, That between
three weekes and a moneth since the said John Shorter in person
and by his Agents or order did alsoe in the sight and obser
vation of this deponent then serving in and on board the said
shipp Lade or cause to bee Laden and putt into and on board
the same in this Port of London, the quantity of fifteene
Lasts of salt, three or fower bales of woollen Cloath, about
seaven Lasts of malt, two lasts of beere, about eight baggs
of pease (as this deponent now remembreth) a Chest of hatts
about fower baggs of nailes, and five baggs of hopps, and
a quantity of Tobacco to be carried in the said shipp to
Berghen aforesaid, and there to be unladed and disposed
of for the accompt of the said John Shorter, as this deponent
at the time of the Lading of the said goods wares and
merchandises and constantly since hath credibly heard and
verily beleeveth, And this deponent further saith, That hee
well knoweth, That about two daies after such the Lading of
the said goods, the said shipp (in which this deponent then served
as a Common Mariner) departed and sett saile from this
Port of London towards Berghen aforesaid. More to
this Interrogatorie this deponent saith not/:-

To the fifth Interrogatorie hee saith That the said shipps
intended Course with the said goods wares and merchandise (as this deponent by meanes as aforesaid
is well assured) was from this Port of London to Bergehn
aforesaid, and that the said shipp proceedure with such
her Lading upon such her voiage, and being between
Gravesend and Tilbury hope, or thereabouts, was surpri
=zed and seized by a small Vessell, or man of warr, under the
Command of one Captaine Garnett (as ths deponent
then understood his name to be) and was by forrce