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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 15/02/13 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 15/02/2013
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2013/02/15
|Editorial history=Edited on 03/10/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4384.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_121_11_4384.JPG}}
|Transcription=To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
|First transcribed=13/02/15
To the first hee hath lived above twenty yeeres at Greenwich aforesaid, and
hath for 13 yeeres of that space used his trade of a shipwright in the way of getting
his livelihood, and that hee cometh requested by the said mris Ewens to
speake the truth in this cause, but favoureth the parties and would give
the victory indifferently.
|Editorial history=Created 26/04/13, by CSG
To the second hee saith it hath bin and is Commonly accounted lawfull
for lighter men to worke and take up balast with shovells and spades
upon shelves in the River of Thames, but not with nets and poles or
such instruments as others commonly use, and make even places uneven
to the greate dammage of bancks and wharfes and particularly of the
foresaid bancks and wharfes of the said mris Ewen. And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the third hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition and cannot
otherwise depose.
|Transcription image=P1140964
To the fourth hee saith the said Marie her husband in his life time
within his owne ground namely within five or six rodds of his wharfe
imployed a lighter to digg ballast in gravell, which was laid upon his wharfe, but being advised that the same might be preiudiciall to
his wharfe, had left off digging, and soe the hole filled up
againe. And otherwise hee cannot answer, saving as aforesaid.
To the fifth hee saith that the place where the sad mr Ewens
his lighter wrought, was within the place where the said
lighter wrought when shee was arrested, and was commonly said to
be the said Priors lighter. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 6th hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
To the last hee saith the said Mary Ewens her husband in his life time
rented out or let out his wharfe upon rent to one John Hart for
severall yeares, And otherwise hee cannot depose or answer saving
as aforesaid.
Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
Anthony Deane [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 13th of May 1657.
Touching the ''ffortune'' aforesaid.}
Exámined upon the fore said allegation
'''Thomas Thompson''' of Wapping Mariner, aged
35 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exámined.
To the first article hee saith that hee well knoweth the arlate
1. To the Interrogatories. CENTRE HEADING
Constant Silvester and henry Colleton who hee saith are Englishman
2. To the first hee hath lived above twenty ˹yeeres˺ at Greenwich aforesaid, and
and subiects of this Commonwealth, and knew the shipp the ''ffortune''
3. hath for ˹for 13 yeeres of˺ that space used his trade of a shipwright in the way of getting
arlate at the time of her seizure by the dutch hereafter mentioned
4. his livelihood, and that hee cometh requested by the said mris Ewens to
and saith the said Silvester and Colleton and company were
5. speake the truth in this cause, but favoureth the parties and would give
commonly accounted owners of her and of her tackle apparell and
6. the victory indifferently.
7. To the second hee saith it hath bin and is Commonly accounted lawfull
8. for lighter men to worke and take up balast with shovells and spades
9. upon shelves in the River of Thames, but not with nets and poles or
10. such instruments as others commonly use, and make even places uneven
11. to the greate dammage of bancks and wharfes and particularly of the
12. foresaid bancks and wharfes of the said mris Ewen. And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
13. To the third hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition and cannot
14. othewise depose.
15. To the fourth hee saith the said Marie her husband in his life time
16. within his owne ground namely within five or six rodds of his wharfe
17. imployed a lighter to digg ballast in gravell, which was laid upon his wharfe, but being advised that the same might be preiudiciall to
18. his wharfe, had left off digging, and soe the hole filled up
19. againe. And otherwise hee cannot answer, saving as aforesaid.
20. To the fifth hee saith that the place where the sad mr Ewens
21. his lighter wrought, was within the place where the said
22. lighter wrought when shee was arrested, and was commonly said to
23. be the said Priors lighter. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
24. To the 6th hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.
25. To the last hee saith the said Mary Ewens her husband in his life time
26. rented ˹out˺ or let out his wharfe upon rent to the said Priors father ˹one John Hart˺ for
27. severall yeares, And otherwise hee cannot depose or answer saving
28. as aforesaid.
29. Repeated before doctor Godolphin.
30. Anthony Deane SIGNATURE, RH SIDE
32. The 13th of May 1657.
33. <margin value="Left">Touching the ffortune aforesaid.&#125;</margin>
34. Exámined upon the fore said allegation
35. <margin value="Left">5.</margin>
36. '''Thomas Thompson''' of Wapping Mariner, aged
37. 35 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exámined.
38. To the first article hee saith that hee well knoweth the arlate
39. Constant Silvester and henry Colleton who hee saith are Englishman
40. and subiects of this Commonwealth, and knew the shipp the Hope ˹ffortune˺
41. arlate at the time of her seizure by the dutch hereafter mentioned
42. and saith the said Silvester and Colleton and company were and are
43. commonly accounted owners of her and of her tackle apparell and
44. furniture.
45. To the second and third árticles hee saith and deposeth that on or about
46. the second of August last past hee this deponent ariving at Cape
47. Lopez on the coast of Guinney with the shipp Sara of London XXX GUTTER
48. <margin value="Bottom right, under main body of text, as lead to next page">hee GUTTER</margin>
To the second and third árticles hee saith and deposeth that on or about
the second of August last past hee this deponent ariving at Cape
Lopez on the coast of Guinney with the shipp ''Sara'' of London &#91;XXX GUTTER&#93;
&#91;hee GUTTER&#93;

Latest revision as of 21:50, November 17, 2015

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HCA 13/72 f.28v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee hath lived above twenty yeeres at Greenwich aforesaid, and
hath for 13 yeeres of that space used his trade of a shipwright in the way of getting
his livelihood, and that hee cometh requested by the said mris Ewens to
speake the truth in this cause, but favoureth the parties and would give
the victory indifferently.

To the second hee saith it hath bin and is Commonly accounted lawfull
for lighter men to worke and take up balast with shovells and spades
upon shelves in the River of Thames, but not with nets and poles or
such instruments as others commonly use, and make even places uneven
to the greate dammage of bancks and wharfes and particularly of the
foresaid bancks and wharfes of the said mris Ewen. And otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the third hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition and cannot
otherwise depose.

To the fourth hee saith the said Marie her husband in his life time
within his owne ground namely within five or six rodds of his wharfe
imployed a lighter to digg ballast in gravell, which was laid upon his wharfe, but being advised that the same might be preiudiciall to
his wharfe, had left off digging, and soe the hole filled up
againe. And otherwise hee cannot answer, saving as aforesaid.

To the fifth hee saith that the place where the sad mr Ewens
his lighter wrought, was within the place where the said
lighter wrought when shee was arrested, and was commonly said to
be the said Priors lighter. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 6th hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the last hee saith the said Mary Ewens her husband in his life time
rented out or let out his wharfe upon rent to one John Hart for
severall yeares, And otherwise hee cannot depose or answer saving
as aforesaid.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Anthony Deane [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 13th of May 1657.

Touching the ffortune aforesaid.}

Exámined upon the fore said allegation


Thomas Thompson of Wapping Mariner, aged
35 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first article hee saith that hee well knoweth the arlate
Constant Silvester and henry Colleton who hee saith are Englishman
and subiects of this Commonwealth, and knew the shipp the ffortune
arlate at the time of her seizure by the dutch hereafter mentioned
and saith the said Silvester and Colleton and company were
commonly accounted owners of her and of her tackle apparell and

To the second and third árticles hee saith and deposeth that on or about
the second of August last past hee this deponent ariving at Cape
Lopez on the coast of Guinney with the shipp Sara of London [XXX GUTTER]
[hee GUTTER]