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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 20/12/12 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 20/12/2012
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2012/12/20
|First transcribed=12/12/20
|Editorial history=Edited on 27/12/2013 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: P1140471.JPG
|Editorial history=Created 05/04/13, by CSG
|Transcription image=P1140471
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: P1140471.JPG}}
|Transcription=The second of March 1656./
1. The second of March 1656./
2. <margin value="Left">A business of exámination of witnesses on the behalfe of&#125;
3. Witnesses on the behalfe of James Bridgeman Thomas&#125;
4. Preston and Company Owners of the shipp the Lyon&#125;
5. Providence, and her tackle ffurniture and ffreight and of&#125;
6. Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Tompson, and others English&#125;
7. Merchants subiects of this Commonwealth, ffreighters of the said shipp&#125;
8. and Owners of her lading against John Scroll, Captaine and Commander&#125;
9. of the shipp the Mary of Amsterdam and of the Smirorne of Middleborow against&#125;
10. Vandergoos and Coymans, and all others owners and Imployers&#125;
11. of the said shipps and against all others which (....................................&#125;
12. will take upon them .... to Justify the seizure of the said shipp the Lyon Providence, and her lading&#125;
13. ... Smith:./.&#125;</margin>
14. Examined upon an
15. Allegation given in on the
16. behalfe of the said
17. Bridgeman, Preston and
18. Company, And alsoe
19. of on the behalfe of the
20. said Alderman
21. Tompson, Maurice
22. Tompson and others:/
23. <margin value="Left">Rp. 1:</margin>
24. Timothy Craven of Ratcliff neare London Mariner
25. aged twentie eight yeeres or thereabouts, sworne ˹as in the Acts of Court˺ and
26. .................................................................................................
27. .................................................................................................
28. To the first and second árticles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
29. that hee well knoweth the producents James Bridgeman, Thomas
30. Preston and Company, Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Thompson
31. and others articulated, and likewise well knoweth the shipp the Lyon and
32. Providence arlate, and saith that for all the time arlate they the
33. said James Bridgeman, Thomas Preston and company were owners
34. and proprietors of the said shipp, and of her tackle furniture and
35. apparell and for such commonly accompted and reputed, which shipp
36. hee saith was about thirteene monethes since victualled and set out
37. from this port of London on a trading voyage to goe and saile to Guiney
38. and thense to the East India's, and thense to retourne for London, and
39. that Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Thompson and others tooke
40. out one hundred and fiftie tonnes of the said shipp to freight for the said
41. voyage, and did in there in and upon their said tonnage lade and put
42. aboard the said shipp a cargo of goods proper for the coast of Guiney,
43. to be transported hense to the said coast of Guiney, and there to be
44. bartered away for gold, which hee knoweth for that hee this examinate
45. was acquainted with such proprietie, setting out and lading, and
46. went out hense masters mate of her, and was well acuainted with
47. the designe of her ˹their˺ intended voya&#123;g&#125;e.
48. To the third árticle hee saith that in the said voyage within the said
49. time, the said shipp safely ariving at Carmantine on the coast of
50. Guiney ˹.....................˺ the factors that went in the said shipp on the said voyage, did
51. there, upon ...... barter for their said exported goods, take in and
52. receive on board her a quantitie of gold, amounting to ˹ninetie five˺ ..................
53. markes of gold or thereabouts for the use and account of the said Alderman
54. William Tompson, Maurice Thompson and company, and were in
55. the quiet possession thereof on the high and open seas aboard the
56. said shipp on the said coast ˹........................˺ to the use of them the said Alderman
57. Thompson, Maurice Thompson and company, and were ready to have
58. proceeded thense therewith on the said voyage for the parts of East India
59. there to have trucked or disposed the same for goods of those parts, to be
60. brought for England for the same account, which hee knoweth for that hee this
|Secondary sources==
A business of exámination of witnesses on the behalfe of&#125;
Witnesses on the behalfe of James Bridgeman Thomas&#125;
Preston and Company Owners of the shipp the ''Lyon''&#125;
''Providence'', and her tackle ffurniture and ffreight and of&#125;
Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Tompson, and others English&#125;
Merchants subiects of this Commonwealth, ffreighters of the said shipp&#125;
and Owners of her lading against John Scroll, Captaine and Commander&#125;
of the shipp the ''Mary'' of Amsterdam and of the ''Unicorne'' of Middleborow against&#125;
Vandergoos and Coymans, and all others owners and Imployers&#125;
of the said shipps and against all others which&#125;
will take upon them to Justify the seizure of the said shipp the ''Lyon Providence'', and her lading&#125;
|Suggested links=[[PhD Forum|PhD Forum]]
Examined upon an
[[PhD Forum#head-94d5186ba3ec63d1ebcb1e902a2d13ac15f0c527|PhD Forum Themes]]
Allegation given in on the
behalfe of the said
Bridgeman, Preston and
Company, And alsoe
of on the behalfe of the
said Alderman
Tompson, Maurice
Tompson and others&#58;/
'''Rp. 1&#58;'''
'''Timothy Craven''' of Ratcliff neare London Mariner
aged twentie eight yeeres or thereabouts, sworne in the Acts of Court
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdHAyNmxuVnNmYkJ3Q0ZiNEQ0R0V2S3c#gid=0 HCA 13/71 Page Log & Planner]
To the first and second árticles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoNoOr05QRMtdFlXNjQ3ekM0WW5NS1oyN250QUpJd0E#gid=0 HCA 3/47 Page Log & Planner]
that hee well knoweth the producents James Bridgeman, Thomas
Preston and Company, Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Thompson
and others articulated, and likewise well knoweth the shipp the ''Lyon and''
''Providence'' arlate, and saith that for all the time arlate they the
said James Bridgeman, Thomas Preston and company were owners
and proprietors of the said shipp, and of her tackle furniture and
apparell and for such commonly accompted and reputed, which shipp
hee saith was about thirteene monethes since victualled and set out
from this port of London on a trading voyage to goe and saile to Guiney
and thense to the East India's, and thense to retourne for London, and
that Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Thompson and others tooke
out one hundred and fiftie tonnes of the said shipp to freight for the said
voyage, and did in there in and upon their said tonnage lade and put
aboard the said shipp a cargo of goods proper for the coast of Guiney,
to be transported hense to the said coast of Guiney, and there to be
bartered away for gold, which hee knoweth for that hee this examinate
was acquainted with such proprietie, setting out and lading, and
went out hense masters mate of her, and was well acquainted with
the designe of their intended voya&#123;g&#125;e.
To the third árticle hee saith that in the said voyage within the said
time, the said shipp safely ariving at Carmantine on the coast of
Guiney the factors that went in the said shipp on the said voyage, did
there, upon barter for their said exported goods, take in and
receive on board her a quantitie of gold, amounting to ninetie five
markes of gold or thereabouts for the use and account of the said Alderman
William Tompson, Maurice Thompson and company, and were in
the quiet possession thereof on the high and open seas aboard the
said shipp on the said coast to the use of them the said Alderman
Thompson, Maurice Thompson and company, and were ready to have
proceeded thense therewith on the said voyage for the parts of East India
there to have trucked or disposed the same for goods of those parts, to be
brought for England for the same account, which hee knoweth for that hee this

Latest revision as of 17:11, May 22, 2015

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Annotate HCA 13/64 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/65 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/68 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/69 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
Marine Lives Tools


HCA 13/71 f.611r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The second of March 1656./

A business of exámination of witnesses on the behalfe of}
Witnesses on the behalfe of James Bridgeman Thomas}
Preston and Company Owners of the shipp the Lyon}
Providence, and her tackle ffurniture and ffreight and of}
Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Tompson, and others English}
Merchants subiects of this Commonwealth, ffreighters of the said shipp}
and Owners of her lading against John Scroll, Captaine and Commander}
of the shipp the Mary of Amsterdam and of the Unicorne of Middleborow against}
Vandergoos and Coymans, and all others owners and Imployers}
of the said shipps and against all others which}
will take upon them to Justify the seizure of the said shipp the Lyon Providence, and her lading}

Examined upon an
Allegation given in on the
behalfe of the said
Bridgeman, Preston and
Company, And alsoe
of on the behalfe of the
said Alderman
Tompson, Maurice
Tompson and others:/

Rp. 1:

Timothy Craven of Ratcliff neare London Mariner
aged twentie eight yeeres or thereabouts, sworne in the Acts of Court

To the first and second árticles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that hee well knoweth the producents James Bridgeman, Thomas
Preston and Company, Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Thompson
and others articulated, and likewise well knoweth the shipp the Lyon and
Providence arlate, and saith that for all the time arlate they the
said James Bridgeman, Thomas Preston and company were owners
and proprietors of the said shipp, and of her tackle furniture and
apparell and for such commonly accompted and reputed, which shipp
hee saith was about thirteene monethes since victualled and set out
from this port of London on a trading voyage to goe and saile to Guiney
and thense to the East India's, and thense to retourne for London, and
that Alderman William Thompson, Maurice Thompson and others tooke
out one hundred and fiftie tonnes of the said shipp to freight for the said
voyage, and did in there in and upon their said tonnage lade and put
aboard the said shipp a cargo of goods proper for the coast of Guiney,
to be transported hense to the said coast of Guiney, and there to be
bartered away for gold, which hee knoweth for that hee this examinate
was acquainted with such proprietie, setting out and lading, and
went out hense masters mate of her, and was well acquainted with
the designe of their intended voya{g}e.

To the third árticle hee saith that in the said voyage within the said
time, the said shipp safely ariving at Carmantine on the coast of
Guiney the factors that went in the said shipp on the said voyage, did
there, upon barter for their said exported goods, take in and
receive on board her a quantitie of gold, amounting to ninetie five
markes of gold or thereabouts for the use and account of the said Alderman
William Tompson, Maurice Thompson and company, and were in
the quiet possession thereof on the high and open seas aboard the
said shipp on the said coast to the use of them the said Alderman
Thompson, Maurice Thompson and company, and were ready to have
proceeded thense therewith on the said voyage for the parts of East India
there to have trucked or disposed the same for goods of those parts, to be
brought for England for the same account, which hee knoweth for that hee this