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==Abstract & context==
==Abstract & context==
Robert Willoughby was a merchant of Funchal on the island of Madeira.  He was the son of XXX Willoughby of XXXX, Wiltshire.  His youngest brother was George Willloughby, who was president at Bantam for the English East India Company (ca. 1630-ca. 1637-1639), and who in his will named Robert Willoughby his executor.<ref>[[MRP: George Willoughby will|George Willoughby will]]</ref>
Robert Willoughby's son, George (later Sir George) Willoughby, was born on the island of Madeira.  He was the cousin and probable trading partner of Christopher Willoughby.
Both George and Christopher Willoughby were relatively frequent correspondents of Sir George Oxenden between 1663 and 1669.  Their interest in their correspondence with Sir George Oxenden centred on Goa and the diamond trade, and shows a familiarity with a number of Portuguese merchants active in Goa, Amsterdam and Lisbon.[FootNote(This statement needs to be confirmed)]]
See [[MRP: Christopher Willoughby will|Christopher Willoughby will]]
See [[MRP: George Willoughby will|George Willoughby will]] (youngest son of Robert Willoughby)
See [[MRP: Madeira|Madeira]]
==To do==
==To do==
(1) Check the transcription
(1) Complete the transcription
'''This transcription has not yet been completed'''
[In LH margin at top of page] Translated out of y:e Portugall tongue
[In LH margin at top of page] Translated out of y:e Portugall tongue
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Citie of ffunchall of the Islande of Madera and Inristrction thereof who did cause this Instrument of Approbation to be written have subscribed with my publick signe which is such I doe declare that there was also witnes ?Rin dias Coelsho , The said Tabellis did write it Consallo Coelsho de Lazar Lewis de Mello, John Simon de Abreq Sebastian de Bunis George ffreire William Morgan Rin Dias Coelho , Alberto Cord:ro The testator Robert Willoughby
Citie of ffunchall of the Islande of Madera and Inristrction thereof who did cause this Instrument of Approbation to be written have subscribed with my publick signe which is such I doe declare that there was also witnes ?Rin dias Coelsho , The said Tabellis did write it Consallo Coelsho de Lazar Lewis de Mello, John Simon de Abreq Sebastian de Bunis George ffreire William Morgan Rin Dias Coelho , Alberto Cord:ro The testator Robert Willoughby
'''More text to follow'''
===Robert Willoughby, Madeira===
"A Knight of the Order of Christ, named Robert Willoughby, came from Portugal in 1590. His name was corrupted to Vizovi"<ref>Charles Thomas-Stanford, ''Leaves from a Madeira garden'' (XXXX, XXXX), p. ?110</ref>
- Note: need a primary source to confirm this
"From Robert Willoughby, an Englishman, whose name was changed to Vizovi. He came to Madeira from Portugal with his wife, Donna Antonia Coibem, in 1590."<ref>[http://www.archive.org/stream/landofwinebeinga01bidduoft#page/78/mode/2up Biddley, A.J. Drexel, ''The land of the wine'', vol. 2 (Philadelphia & San Francisco, 1901), p. 78]</ref>
Madeira genealogy resource<ref>http://madeiragenealogy.com/category/familias/, viewed 08/01/12</ref>
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==Possible primary sources==
==Possible primary sources==
PROB 11/53 Holney Will of Christopher Willoughbye of Knoyle Odierne, Wiltshire 11 May 1571 (pp. 7)
PROB 11/53 Holney Will of Christopher Willoughbye of Knoyle Odierne, Wiltshire 11 May 1571 (pp. 7)
Line 74: Line 89:
PROB 11/426 Irby 85-124 Will of Sir George Willoughby of Bishopstone, Wiltshire 04 June 1695
PROB 11/426 Irby 85-124 Will of Sir George Willoughby of Bishopstone, Wiltshire 04 June 1695
- Basil Duke Henning (1983: 740) identifies this as the correct will for George Willoughby (c. 1636-1695), som of Robert Willoughby of Funchal, Madeira
- Basil Duke Henning (1983: 740) identifies this as the correct will for George Willoughby (c. 1636-1695), som of Robert Willoughby of Funchal, Madeira
===Wiltshire and Swindon Archives===
'''Wiltshire and Swindon Archives'''
[http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/A2A/records.aspx?cat=190-150&cid=1&kw=knoyle%20%20willoughby#1 Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Mere and Netherhampton: [no title]  150/1  28 Sept 29 Eliz [1587]]
[http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/A2A/records.aspx?cat=190-150&cid=1&kw=knoyle%20%20willoughby#1 Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Mere and Netherhampton: [no title]  150/1  28 Sept 29 Eliz [1587]]

Latest revision as of 19:09, January 19, 2012

Robert Willoughby will

PROB 11/258 Berkeley 313-362 Will of Robert Willoughby or Wiloughby of Funchal, Island of Madeira 21 October 1656

Editorial history

07/01/12, CSG: Created page

Abstract & context

Robert Willoughby was a merchant of Funchal on the island of Madeira. He was the son of XXX Willoughby of XXXX, Wiltshire. His youngest brother was George Willloughby, who was president at Bantam for the English East India Company (ca. 1630-ca. 1637-1639), and who in his will named Robert Willoughby his executor.[1]

Robert Willoughby's son, George (later Sir George) Willoughby, was born on the island of Madeira. He was the cousin and probable trading partner of Christopher Willoughby.

Both George and Christopher Willoughby were relatively frequent correspondents of Sir George Oxenden between 1663 and 1669. Their interest in their correspondence with Sir George Oxenden centred on Goa and the diamond trade, and shows a familiarity with a number of Portuguese merchants active in Goa, Amsterdam and Lisbon.[FootNote(This statement needs to be confirmed)]]


See Christopher Willoughby will
See George Willoughby will (youngest son of Robert Willoughby)

See Madeira

To do

(1) Complete the transcription


This transcription has not yet been completed

[In LH margin at top of page] Translated out of y:e Portugall tongue


ALBANUS WILLOUGHBY saith That for the preservation of his right it is necessarie to have an Authentick Copie of the Testament of his father Robert Willoughbie, which is in the Acts of the Inventarie and particles w:ch was made of the goods of his said father whereof Jasper MouXX is Notarie He XXXXheth yo:r worsh:ps to command the said Notaries to passe him a Copie of the said Testament, in manner that it may give faith And he shall receive favour. Passe a Copie of that which shall appeare M CaXXXXsho satisffying the XXX above written of the Judg of y:e Orphans w;ch are absent prodigalls and ??fooles upon that which is desired in the Peticon above written of the Supp:t Albanns Willoughbie I Jasper Mont:es de Silva Notarie of the Orphans for the King our Lord in this Citie of ffunchall and Jurisdition thereof & doe certifie that t is true That the Inventorie and partition are in my hands which were made upon the death and decease of Robert Wiloughbie And at folio 140 thereof is the Testament of the said deceased Which is word dor word as followeth.

I ROBERT WILOUGHBY Doe say that being sick but of some iudgment for the discharge of my Conscience and declaration of my last will Doe make this testament ??closed in forme followinge

I beleeve in the most holie Trinitie ffather , Sonne, & Holy ghost, which is one onlie God in three persons And that the same Sonne of God for our Salvation became mand and redemmed us with his pretious blood; leaving us the sacraments hich the Holy Church useth for the Sanctification of our soules , and in all things else that the Holie Roman Catholic Chruch doeth beleeve, and professe In this holies faith (without which there is no Salvation Doe I protest to live, and die Invxxxting both in Life and death the intercession of the Virgin our Ladie Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and all the Saints for my Salvation. Our Lord taking me out of this world I chose to be bruied in the Monasterie of S:t ffrancis of this Citie of ffunchall where I have a grave in the New Chapter Chappell which I have covered with a great Plank in regard the Gravestone is not yet Layd which is myne and my heires for which I gave almes unto the Convent I doe institute Consullo Coelho SaFazar, and my sonnes John Willoughby and George


Wiloughbie and Georhe ffrere my Executors, That they maie take care to recover that which is oweing unto mee, to be preserved and employed in goo Lands or Pensions, because I have children in Minoritie, that cannot doe it for themselves. I doe inscutute for heires of my Thirds Barbara my youngest daughter, and George my Last Sonne for them and their descendants, and both or either of them deceasing without descendants, This third shall come to their two sisters Elizabeth di Su Lazar and Marie Wiloughbie which shalbe taken where it shalbe found including theirein my funerall charges. I give Jane my Mustata slave her freedom for the good service she hath done mee, and my wife Provided she serves my familie two yeres. The funerall charges Coffins , and other things concerning the same I leave to the discretion of my Executors My friend Walter Hollis dwelling in the Citie of Bristoll doth owe me upon Accompt Six hundred Thousand ?Rez or thereabouts which shalbe recovered for the estate. In the Citie of Lisbone I have fowre hundred and Threescore thousand ?Rez. which are deposited or Attached by Leonard Vaz ffigura, and Waltar ?yate unto whom I owe nothing. The rest of my contracts, and debts appeare by my books, and papers And they shall give Creditt unto a Roll or Inventarie, not mentioned in this Testament which I have desired the father John Simon to make for me and to subscribe with me This daie the Twentieth of September Anno One thousand six hundred fortie and two.

made and subscribed at his request

John Simon de Ab?rewe

Robert Wiloughbie

BEIT knowne unto all those that shall see this Instrument of Approbaton of a testament and last Will. That in the yere of the borth of our Lord Jesus Christ, One thousand six hundred fortie and two. On the twentieth daie of the moneth of September of the said yere in this Citie of ffunchal of the Island of Madera in the Lodgings of Roberet Wiloughbie he being sicj a bedd bt in all his perfect iudgm:t and understanding as appeardd to me Tabellion, and the witnesses after named, did then with his hand, deliver into myne this Testament saying it was his And that therein his Last Will was contexned which the Reverend ffather John Simon de Abrew Curate of the Holie ffaith, did make at his request, and subscribe with hom And that by this he hath for brint and revoked all other Testaments w:th Codicills ad declaraccons which before this he may have made and this onlie he willeth to be of vertue and to be accomplished as therein is conteyned and ot is all written on theother side where at the foote I did commit this Approbation with a Line And hee desireth the Justices to cause it to be accomplished And me he did require to approve it, And I obeying his require did approve it with witnesses ffor theire was present, the said ffather John Simon de Abreq who subscribed at the request of the said Testator because he said he was weake. And there were also Witnesses Sebastian de B?ans George ffreire Lewis de Mello, Consallo Coelsho Alberto Cordeiro, and William Morga dire Luige in this Citie who subscribed this Approbation wich the Testaor which the said ffather John Simon subscribed at his request I Anthonie Conselues Boine publick Tabellion of notes in this


Citie of ffunchall of the Islande of Madera and Inristrction thereof who did cause this Instrument of Approbation to be written have subscribed with my publick signe which is such I doe declare that there was also witnes ?Rin dias Coelsho , The said Tabellis did write it Consallo Coelsho de Lazar Lewis de Mello, John Simon de Abreq Sebastian de Bunis George ffreire William Morgan Rin Dias Coelho , Alberto Cord:ro The testator Robert Willoughby

More text to follow


Robert Willoughby, Madeira

"A Knight of the Order of Christ, named Robert Willoughby, came from Portugal in 1590. His name was corrupted to Vizovi"[2]
- Note: need a primary source to confirm this

"From Robert Willoughby, an Englishman, whose name was changed to Vizovi. He came to Madeira from Portugal with his wife, Donna Antonia Coibem, in 1590."[3]

Madeira genealogy resource[4]


Possible primary sources


PROB 11/53 Holney Will of Christopher Willoughbye of Knoyle Odierne, Wiltshire 11 May 1571 (pp. 7)
PROB 11/177 Lee 52-114 Will of George Willoughby, Merchant of London 04 July 1638
PROB 11/258 Berkeley 313-362 Will of Robert Willoughby or Wiloughby of Funchal, Island of Madeira 21 October 1656
PROB 11/365 North 1-47 Will of Christopher Willoughby of Bishopstone, Wiltshire 17 February 1681
- Probably Christopher Willoughby, London merchant, correspondent of Sir George Oxenden
PROB 11/426 Irby 85-124 Will of Sir George Willoughby of Bishopstone, Wiltshire 04 June 1695
- Basil Duke Henning (1983: 740) identifies this as the correct will for George Willoughby (c. 1636-1695), som of Robert Willoughby of Funchal, Madeira

Wiltshire and Swindon Archives

Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Mere and Netherhampton: [no title 150/1 28 Sept 29 Eliz [1587]]
- Contents: Appointment. Sir Walter Raleigh and Caroe Raleigh to Henry Willoughby of Knoyle Odyerne, to be their deputy in the Stewardship of the royal manor.
Signature of Sir Walter Raleigh. Places named: Mere

Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Penruddocke of Compton Chamberlayne: Manorial [no ref. or date: [no title] 332/246 1604-1669]
- Contents: Court book, manor of Baverstock, John Willoughby lord, John Lowe steward, 1604-1606. Endorsed 'Baverstoke and presentmentes by the [hom]age of Knoyle', with (loose), pages or fragments for 1628/29, 1667, 1669, Thomas Gawen, Elizabeth Drew, lord and lady.

Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Manor of Knoyle: [no title 64/1 nd]

- Contents: Copy of court roll admitting Christopher Willoughby to one virgate of land in Milton in the Manor of Knoyle. 1681
  1. George Willoughby will
  2. Charles Thomas-Stanford, Leaves from a Madeira garden (XXXX, XXXX), p. ?110
  3. Biddley, A.J. Drexel, The land of the wine, vol. 2 (Philadelphia & San Francisco, 1901), p. 78
  4. http://madeiragenealogy.com/category/familias/, viewed 08/01/12