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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 02/01/15 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 02/01/2015
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2015/01/02
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_0035.JPG
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_0035.JPG}}
|Transcription=said Master or shipps Companie, nor ever was reputed or taken for one of
them. The premisses hee deposeth, and as reason of his knowledge declareth
That this deponent hath served in and belonged to the shipp ''Saint Peter'' in Controversie
in and during all the Voiage in question. And further cannot depose./
|Editorial history=Created 26/08/14, by CSG
To the third hee saith That the said french Pylot perceiving the approach of
the said man of warr, and the danger of the losse of the said Merchants
goods in case of seizure, and being very neare to the Island [?Briack] aforesaid called to ffrench
men ashoare to come aboard the said shipp, whereupon severall of them came
in two shallops, and towed the said shipp to the Rocks aforesaid and where they
made her fast with two roapes as aforesaid, and then about 20. or 30
ffrenchmen came aboard her, who together with some other frenchmen
from the shoare armed with musketts fowling pieces and small shott made
all the resistance that was made against the said man of warr, All which
resistance of this deponents sight and observation, was made by the said french
Pylott and other ffrenchmen by his invitation, and contrarie to the good liking
and without the consent approbabtion or assistence of the said Leig[?er] dirrickseon
or of any of his Companie aforesaid. And further saving his subsequent
deposition hee cannot depose./
To the fourth and fifth articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That
the Companie belonging to the said shipp ''Saint Peter'' consisted of the said Master
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0035.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/70 f.213v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
five men and one boy, and the said ffrenchmen who came aboard were in
number between 20. and 30, as hee remembreth, besides french Musketiers
from the shoare, under whose commannd they lay, so that there was no probability
of hindring the said frenchmens entrance, the said Master and Companie being
then under the Command of their small shott, And saith, That in the presence
and hearing of this deponent and the rest of the said shipps Companie, the said
Master Legier dirrickson did severall times call unto commannd and earnestly
entreat the frenchmen then aboard him, not to make any shott at resistance
against the said shipp or man of warr, but the said Pylott and frenchmen
not regarding the said Masters words made opposition, and shott at the said
man of warr, directly contrary to the good likeing, and without any invitation
encouragement or assistance by or from the said Leiger dirrickson or any of
his Companie aforesaid. The premisses this deponent well knoweth being aboard the
said shipp and an eye wittnesse of and present at the same. And further cannot depose
To the 6th hee saith, That the said frenchmen so come aboard and overpowering the
said shipps Companie, discharged three great shott at the said man of warr
two with bullets, and one with powder alone, and that severall small shott were
made by french Musketiers from the shoare. And saith the said derrickson
and Companie did not at all use any the least violence shooting or opposition [?to GUTTER]
or against the said man of warr, but that te whole resistance done and had against
her was done by the said frenmchmen, and if they had not come aboard as
aforesaid, there had no opposition at all been made by or from the said shipp ''Saint''
''Peter'', her Master or Companie. The premisses hee knoweth being present at and
a Spectator of the same, as being one of the said shipps Companie/
To the 7th hee saith, the said man of warr, that made the seizure aforesaid
chased the said shipp ''Saint Peter'' about 2. or 2. howers, as hee remembreth
before the said ffrenchmen came aboard, and saith That during such Chase
the Master and Company [?nor] any of them made any opposition

Latest revision as of 05:46, June 2, 2015

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HCA 13/70 f.213v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


said Master or shipps Companie, nor ever was reputed or taken for one of
them. The premisses hee deposeth, and as reason of his knowledge declareth
That this deponent hath served in and belonged to the shipp Saint Peter in Controversie
in and during all the Voiage in question. And further cannot depose./

To the third hee saith That the said french Pylot perceiving the approach of
the said man of warr, and the danger of the losse of the said Merchants
goods in case of seizure, and being very neare to the Island [?Briack] aforesaid called to ffrench
men ashoare to come aboard the said shipp, whereupon severall of them came
in two shallops, and towed the said shipp to the Rocks aforesaid and where they
made her fast with two roapes as aforesaid, and then about 20. or 30
ffrenchmen came aboard her, who together with some other frenchmen
from the shoare armed with musketts fowling pieces and small shott made
all the resistance that was made against the said man of warr, All which
resistance of this deponents sight and observation, was made by the said french
Pylott and other ffrenchmen by his invitation, and contrarie to the good liking
and without the consent approbabtion or assistence of the said Leig[?er] dirrickseon
or of any of his Companie aforesaid. And further saving his subsequent
deposition hee cannot depose./

To the fourth and fifth articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That
the Companie belonging to the said shipp Saint Peter consisted of the said Master
five men and one boy, and the said ffrenchmen who came aboard were in
number between 20. and 30, as hee remembreth, besides french Musketiers
from the shoare, under whose commannd they lay, so that there was no probability
of hindring the said frenchmens entrance, the said Master and Companie being
then under the Command of their small shott, And saith, That in the presence
and hearing of this deponent and the rest of the said shipps Companie, the said
Master Legier dirrickson did severall times call unto commannd and earnestly
entreat the frenchmen then aboard him, not to make any shott at resistance
against the said shipp or man of warr, but the said Pylott and frenchmen
not regarding the said Masters words made opposition, and shott at the said
man of warr, directly contrary to the good likeing, and without any invitation
encouragement or assistance by or from the said Leiger dirrickson or any of
his Companie aforesaid. The premisses this deponent well knoweth being aboard the
said shipp and an eye wittnesse of and present at the same. And further cannot depose

To the 6th hee saith, That the said frenchmen so come aboard and overpowering the
said shipps Companie, discharged three great shott at the said man of warr
two with bullets, and one with powder alone, and that severall small shott were
made by french Musketiers from the shoare. And saith the said derrickson
and Companie did not at all use any the least violence shooting or opposition [?to GUTTER]
or against the said man of warr, but that te whole resistance done and had against
her was done by the said frenmchmen, and if they had not come aboard as
aforesaid, there had no opposition at all been made by or from the said shipp Saint
Peter, her Master or Companie. The premisses hee knoweth being present at and
a Spectator of the same, as being one of the said shipps Companie/

To the 7th hee saith, the said man of warr, that made the seizure aforesaid
chased the said shipp Saint Peter about 2. or 2. howers, as hee remembreth
before the said ffrenchmen came aboard, and saith That during such Chase
the Master and Company [?nor] any of them made any opposition