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|Editorial history=Created 31/08/14, by CSG
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 03/01/2015
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2015/01/03
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_1106.JPG
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_1106.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/70 f.742v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_1106.JPG}}
|Transcription=delivered the same to one liveinge there in the kay streete, this
deponent beinge present and seeing and takeinge notice of the
said delivery, and he was there then present, because th said
Master (Peter Tam) treated with this deponent to goe with him in
the said shipp and that the said Peter Tam staied there about
tenn dayes, and then sett saile and departed with the rest of his
ladinge for holland, this deponent seeinge him sett saile And
[?XXX] that in in short space after the said shipps departure
thence, the said Person to whome the said Peter Tam had
delivered the said silver laded the same uppon severall
boates for holland this deponent seeinge the same soe ladeb into
the said boates which carried the same alonge the river towards
Bridges, and from thence as he was informed it passed through
land to Slute in fflanders, and was thence carried over to
flushinge and soe to Amsterdam, And this deponent haveinge
speech with some of the Companie of the said shipp (haveinge
the Golden Sunn uppon her Sterne) att such tyme as they
were readie to saile from Ostend, asked them whiat (seeinge
they were bound for holland with their said shipp, and that
the said silber as he understood was to goe thither) they
landed and keft that att Ostend, and did not carrie it along with
them, to which they annsweared that the Coast was not cleare
enough for such an Adventure, and the danger considered it
was held safest to Land and leabe the same there to be sent
through the Land in boates unto the same effect And otherwise
he cannot depose.
|Transcription=[INSERT DATA]
To the 16th article he saith and deposeth That after the seizure
of the sais shipps namelie in or about the moneth of ffebruary
last past he this deponent comeinge from dunquirke to dover
and soe for London by and went into Woolwich by the way and
there went ito a victuallinge howse att the signe of the
bell to refresh himselfe, and meetinge accidentallie with some
dutch Marriners there and fallinge into discourse with them they
asked him howe he came thither, and he tellinge them that he
was of holland and was taken by the English, and askinge them
what shipp they belonged into they told him that
they belonged to the shipp the ''Salvador'' which then was there
lyinge before the Towne, and came from Cales and was taken by the
English, and that they had layne there three or fower moneths
and that a great parte of theire silver had bin taken out
but was sent backe aboard, and that they should suddenly be
cleared and gonn, and said and confessed that the said shipp together
with two other shipps named the ''Sampson'' and the ''Saint George'' which were
alsoe taken with her, [?XX were] about the same tyme were bounde
with theire silver and ladinge of other goods for Amsterdam,
and that thither they would goe as soone as they were gott cleere out
and undertooke to carry this deponent a letter to his father and mother there
dwelling, and therefore willed him to make speedilyreadie, and
acknowledged that they here made shewe and gave out that they were bound
for dunkirke or Ostend And that in truth the Masters of the said shipps
had for a colour hired theire men for the said Port of Ostend and dunkirke
but they knew well enough that they were to goe and discharge att Amsterdam
or to that effect And otherwise he cannot depose/
To the rest he is not examined by the direction of Mr Budd/

Latest revision as of 08:10, August 2, 2015

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HCA 13/70 f.742v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


delivered the same to one liveinge there in the kay streete, this
deponent beinge present and seeing and takeinge notice of the
said delivery, and he was there then present, because th said
Master (Peter Tam) treated with this deponent to goe with him in
the said shipp and that the said Peter Tam staied there about
tenn dayes, and then sett saile and departed with the rest of his
ladinge for holland, this deponent seeinge him sett saile And
[?XXX] that in in short space after the said shipps departure
thence, the said Person to whome the said Peter Tam had
delivered the said silver laded the same uppon severall
boates for holland this deponent seeinge the same soe ladeb into
the said boates which carried the same alonge the river towards
Bridges, and from thence as he was informed it passed through
land to Slute in fflanders, and was thence carried over to
flushinge and soe to Amsterdam, And this deponent haveinge
speech with some of the Companie of the said shipp (haveinge
the Golden Sunn uppon her Sterne) att such tyme as they
were readie to saile from Ostend, asked them whiat (seeinge
they were bound for holland with their said shipp, and that
the said silber as he understood was to goe thither) they
landed and keft that att Ostend, and did not carrie it along with
them, to which they annsweared that the Coast was not cleare
enough for such an Adventure, and the danger considered it
was held safest to Land and leabe the same there to be sent
through the Land in boates unto the same effect And otherwise
he cannot depose.

To the 16th article he saith and deposeth That after the seizure
of the sais shipps namelie in or about the moneth of ffebruary
last past he this deponent comeinge from dunquirke to dover
and soe for London by and went into Woolwich by the way and
there went ito a victuallinge howse att the signe of the
bell to refresh himselfe, and meetinge accidentallie with some
dutch Marriners there and fallinge into discourse with them they
asked him howe he came thither, and he tellinge them that he
was of holland and was taken by the English, and askinge them
what shipp they belonged into they told him that
they belonged to the shipp the Salvador which then was there
lyinge before the Towne, and came from Cales and was taken by the
English, and that they had layne there three or fower moneths
and that a great parte of theire silver had bin taken out
but was sent backe aboard, and that they should suddenly be
cleared and gonn, and said and confessed that the said shipp together
with two other shipps named the Sampson and the Saint George which were
alsoe taken with her, [?XX were] about the same tyme were bounde
with theire silver and ladinge of other goods for Amsterdam,
and that thither they would goe as soone as they were gott cleere out
and undertooke to carry this deponent a letter to his father and mother there
dwelling, and therefore willed him to make speedilyreadie, and
acknowledged that they here made shewe and gave out that they were bound
for dunkirke or Ostend And that in truth the Masters of the said shipps
had for a colour hired theire men for the said Port of Ostend and dunkirke
but they knew well enough that they were to goe and discharge att Amsterdam
or to that effect And otherwise he cannot depose/

To the rest he is not examined by the direction of Mr Budd/