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|Editorial history=Created 27/08/14, by CSG
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 24/10/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcribed=2015/10/24
|Editorial history=Edited on 07/08/2016 by Colin Greenstreet
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_0361.JPG
|Transcription image=[[File:IMG_0361.JPG|thumbnail|800px|none|HCA 13/70 f.374r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window]]
|Transcription image={{#transcription-image: IMG_0361.JPG}}
|Transcription=Care Conduct or government thereof, and for and as such the said John
Edge was well knowne and publiquely reputed, The reason of this deponents
knowledge of the said shipp and her Commander was for that this deponent
in the service of Thomas Lash the producent did [?travell] in blockworke
and other requisites, which about the time predeposed were by the said producent
delivered to the said John Edge to and for the use of the said shipp And
further cannot depose./
To the second article and schedule thereunto annexed and now read over to this
examinate hee saith and deposeth, That within the time of him predeposed, The
said Thomas Last was the true and lawfull Owner and Proprietor of all
the goods and materialls in the said schedule specified and for and as such was
commonly accompted and reputed. Which hee knoweth for the reason precedent
and subsequent. And further cannot depose./
To the third hee saith, That within the time predeposed, the said shipp the ''Releif''
having need of such Materialls and goods as in the said schedule are expressed
hee the said producent delivered the same unto the said John Edge or his
Boateswaine or such other person or persons, as hee the said Edge from time to
time sent for the same, Which this deponent well knoweth for that hee with
his owne hands delivered the most part of the goods schedlate to the use aforesaid
and entred them all from time to time into the said producents shopp booke
and out of the same extracted the present schedule, which hee declareth to bee
true. And saith hee beleeveth the said goods were all of them wrought in
and incorportaed into the said shipp for her necessarie repaire. And
further cannot depose./
To the fourth article hee saith, That the severall goods and Materialls in the
said schedule expressed were to the best of this deponents Judgement and estimation
according to his Conscience worth the severall and respective Prices in the said
schedule expressed, and that goods and materialls of the like nature were
within the time aforesaid well knowne amongst men of that prfession to
bee really so much respectively worth, and were soe sold, And saith, That
the whole summe due to the said producent for the said Materialls did and
doeth amount to 14 ''li'' 09 ''s'' 01 ''d'' sterling money, The premisses this deponent affirmeth
to bee true and well knowne unto him this deponent upon the grounds and reasons
predeposed. And further cannot depose saving his subsequent deposition.
To the 5th hee saith, That the said producent being not satisfied or payed
for his said goods went after the said shipp ''Releif'' to Gravesend, to demannd
satisfaction of the said Master John Edge, or to take some Course for the
recovery of the moneys due for the same, and that as this deponent was credibly
informed the said John Edge did then and there endorse the said bill or
accompt of goods and Materialls received by him for the said shipps Use
and subscribed the same with his owne handwriting as this deponent beleeveth
And further cannot depose not being present at the said subscreption:-
To the 6th hee saith, hee referreth to his foregoeing deposition, And doeth not
know nor beleeve that the said producent hath received any satisfaction for
the goods and materialls in Controversie:-/
To the 7th hee saith hee verily beleeveth the said producent by meanes of

Latest revision as of 19:33, August 7, 2016

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Annotate HCA 13/70 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/71 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/72 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/73 Volume Page
Annotate HCA 13/74 Volume Page
Marine Lives Tools


HCA 13/70 f.374r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Care Conduct or government thereof, and for and as such the said John
Edge was well knowne and publiquely reputed, The reason of this deponents
knowledge of the said shipp and her Commander was for that this deponent
in the service of Thomas Lash the producent did [?travell] in blockworke
and other requisites, which about the time predeposed were by the said producent
delivered to the said John Edge to and for the use of the said shipp And
further cannot depose./

To the second article and schedule thereunto annexed and now read over to this
examinate hee saith and deposeth, That within the time of him predeposed, The
said Thomas Last was the true and lawfull Owner and Proprietor of all
the goods and materialls in the said schedule specified and for and as such was
commonly accompted and reputed. Which hee knoweth for the reason precedent
and subsequent. And further cannot depose./

To the third hee saith, That within the time predeposed, the said shipp the Releif
having need of such Materialls and goods as in the said schedule are expressed
hee the said producent delivered the same unto the said John Edge or his
Boateswaine or such other person or persons, as hee the said Edge from time to
time sent for the same, Which this deponent well knoweth for that hee with
his owne hands delivered the most part of the goods schedlate to the use aforesaid
and entred them all from time to time into the said producents shopp booke
and out of the same extracted the present schedule, which hee declareth to bee
true. And saith hee beleeveth the said goods were all of them wrought in
and incorportaed into the said shipp for her necessarie repaire. And
further cannot depose./

To the fourth article hee saith, That the severall goods and Materialls in the
said schedule expressed were to the best of this deponents Judgement and estimation
according to his Conscience worth the severall and respective Prices in the said
schedule expressed, and that goods and materialls of the like nature were
within the time aforesaid well knowne amongst men of that prfession to
bee really so much respectively worth, and were soe sold, And saith, That
the whole summe due to the said producent for the said Materialls did and
doeth amount to 14 li 09 s 01 d sterling money, The premisses this deponent affirmeth
to bee true and well knowne unto him this deponent upon the grounds and reasons
predeposed. And further cannot depose saving his subsequent deposition.

To the 5th hee saith, That the said producent being not satisfied or payed
for his said goods went after the said shipp Releif to Gravesend, to demannd
satisfaction of the said Master John Edge, or to take some Course for the
recovery of the moneys due for the same, and that as this deponent was credibly
informed the said John Edge did then and there endorse the said bill or
accompt of goods and Materialls received by him for the said shipps Use
and subscribed the same with his owne handwriting as this deponent beleeveth
And further cannot depose not being present at the said subscreption:-

To the 6th hee saith, hee referreth to his foregoeing deposition, And doeth not
know nor beleeve that the said producent hath received any satisfaction for
the goods and materialls in Controversie:-/

To the 7th hee saith hee verily beleeveth the said producent by meanes of