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==Dutch merchants in Amsterdam==
==Dutch merchants in Amsterdam==
Frederick Wolfe was a merchant living in Amsterdam, who was the correspondent of Domingos vas da Britto, a forty year old merchant living in London. Wolf lived near Saint Anthonies port in Amsterdam, where da Britto's servant, Manoel Perera had lived with him for four and a half years
Frederick Wolfe was an Amsterdam merchant, who was the correspondent of Domingos vas da Britto, a forty year old merchant living in London. Wolf lived near Saint Anthonies port in Amsterdam, where da Britto's servant, Manoel Perera had lived with him for four and a half years
* "37. To the seaventh article hee saith that hee well knoweth the producent
* "37. To the seaventh article hee saith that hee well knoweth the producent

Revision as of 19:47, November 17, 2012

Dutch merchants in London and elsewhere

Editorial history

17/11/12: CSG, created page

Purpose of page

The MarineLives project is seeking to link and enhance HCA 13/71, not just to transcribe it.

Dutch merchants feature in many HCA 13/71 cases and depositions.

All associates, facilitators, advisors and PhD Forum members are encouraged to contribute to this page from their knowledge of the material, and from their broader knowledge and interest in the topic.

  • What can we learn of Dutch merchants can be identified in London, Amsterdam, Lisbon and elsewhere?

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Suggested links

PhD Forum

Jewish merchants
Portuguese merchants in London
Spanish merchants in London

Dutch merchants in Amsterdam

Frederick Wolfe was an Amsterdam merchant, who was the correspondent of Domingos vas da Britto, a forty year old merchant living in London. Wolf lived near Saint Anthonies port in Amsterdam, where da Britto's servant, Manoel Perera had lived with him for four and a half years

  • "37. To the seaventh article hee saith that hee well knoweth the producent

38. ffrederick Wolfe and hath soe donne for theise thirteene yeeres last past
39. or thereabouts, and saith the said ffrederick for eight yeeres of that time
40. hath lived at Amsterdam, where hee was and is an Inhabitant and
41. Burger, and keepes his wife, children and familie there neere in his
42. house being neere Saint Anthonies port, as hee this deponent hath
43. lived fower yeeres and a halfe with him, ended about three yeeres since
44. and this deponents master Mr da Britto hath continuall correspondence
45. with him by lettres of this deponents knowledge, And saith the said producent
46. was and is a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands and
47. for such commonly accompted. And otherwise hee cannot depose."

- HCA 13/71 f.58r Case: The claime of ffrederick Wolfe of Amsterdam in the Hare in the feild; Deposition: 2. Manoel Perera of London Merchant aged 21 (Signature of "Manuel Perreyra" at end of deposition); Date: 21/02/1655 ("same day")[1]

Dutch merchants in the East Indies

Dutch merchants in the West Indies

Dutch merchants in London

Dutch merchants in Portugal

Dutch merchants in Spain

  1. Jump up HCA 13/71 f.58r