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===To do===
===To do===
(1) Check Robert Brenner reference to Richard and XXX Hill
(1) Check Robert Brenner references to Richard and XXX Hill
(2) Is this will the correct match for the merchant described by Robert brenner? Is he not too young?
'''This transcription needs to be completed'''
'''This transcription has been completed, nut needs checking'''
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN thje ffifth  day of October in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ffiftie and Eight I Richard Hill of the Cittie of London marchant being sicke in bodie butof sounde minde and disposing memory (oraised be God) do make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN thje ffifth  day of October in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ffiftie and Eight I Richard Hill of the Cittie of London marchant being sicke in bodie butof sounde minde and disposing memory (oraised be God) do make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
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CHILDREN as aforesaid for and towards the placeing them anie or either of them to trades or otherwise for theire advantahe
CHILDREN as aforesaid for and towards the placeing them anie or either of them to trades or otherwise for theire advantage
ITEM I give unto my brother Samuell Hill ffower hundred and ffifty pounds of lawfull mony of England whereof Three hundred pounds to be paid within one moneth after my decease and the other one hundred and ffiftie pounds in ony yeare neyt after
ITEM I gove unto my sister Ann Hill ffower hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England Two hundred pounds thereof my Will is shall be paid unto her within one moneth after my decease and the other Two hundred pounds to be paid unto her att or upon the Twentie ffif day of March which shall be in the yeare of our  Lord One Thousand six hundred sixtie and one after the date hereof
ITEM I give into my sister Millicent Hill the summe of Three hundred and fiftie pounds of lawfull monie of England  Two hundred pounds whereof my will is shall be payd unto her within one moneth after my decease and the other hundred and ffiftie pounds to be paid her as her Sister  Anne before mentioned
ITEM I give unto Epiphanie Hill my Brother now in the Island of Barbados ffower hundred and ffiftie pounds Two hundred pounds whereof my will is shall be presentlie putt out of otherwise imployed for his best advantage by Brother Sainsbury before  mentioned and the other Two hundred and ffiftie pounds to be paid him as his sister Anns and Millecents Alsoe my further will is that if either or anie of my Brothers and Sisters before mentioned die before they are married or accomplish the age of one and Twentie years That then his her or theire Legacie or Legacies soe dying shall be and remaine to the Survivour or Survivours of them anie or either of them
ITEM I give unto my Uncle James West and his Wife five pounds a peece to buy them rings and to all his Children Rings of Tenn shillings a peece
ITEM U give unto Anthonie Sadler of the Cittie of London Marchant and his  Wife Twenty pounds to buy them mourning and to theire sonn Montague Sadler my Godson Thirty pounds
ITEM I give unto Millicent Hill the daughter of my Uncle Richard Hill deceased Tenn pounds to be imployed by my ffather for her best advantage till he seeth occasion for her to have and manage the same
ITEM I give unto my honored freind Master Samuell Wells Minister of Gods word in Banbury five pounds desiring him to preach my ffunerall Sermon
ITEM I give unto the said Samuell Wells Clerke Nathaniell Hill my ffather my Uncle James West and Master Thomas Holland Alderman of Banbury aforesaid the summe of Thirtie pounds to be by them or the major part of them or the Survivous of them imployed and disposed of for and towards the reparation of the now decayed Almeshouse in Banbury aforesaid or otherwise to dispose of the said summe of monie to such Godlie poore people of the Inhabitants of Banbury aforesaid as the aforementioned Trustees or the major part of them shall thinke fitt whether of the said Two before mentioned after they have paid my ffunerall expences debts and that part of my egacies I have appoynted them presently to pay shall alsoe pay all such money as shall afterwards remaine in theire hands unto the severall Legatees before mentioned that have not received theire full Legacies Which said monies if anie be shall be equally devided betweene the said legatees for and towards the full payment of theire severall Legacies Alsoe And my ffurther Will alsoe is that my ffathers ffiftie pounds before mentioned to be paid unto him in onbe yeare after my decease shall be paid unto him presently if my Executors hereafter mentioned shall have anie monies in theire hands to pay the same
ITEM I give unto my Loving ffreind and Partner Master John ?Horne now resident in Barbadoes my said Legacies debts ffunerall expences and the proveing of this my Will being first payd All and singular my
HOUSES Lands Tenements hereditaments whatsoever mortgages debts Goods chattells and all other my Estate whatsoever in the before mentioned Island of Barbadoes or any part of the World whatsoever To have and to hould the before mentioned Premisses with Thappurtenances except before excepted unto the said John Horne his heires and assignes for ever and to his and thwire only propper use and uses
And lastly I doe make ordaine and appoynte my said brother William Sainsbury and Anthony Sadler before mentioned my executors in trust of this my last Will and testan:t to see the same duelie and truly performed according to the true intent and meaning hereof
IN WITNESSE whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first in these presents mentioned:
Rich Hill
Sealed and published in the presence of us Edward Robins Joane Morris the marke of ?Peitents Bradshaw
MEMORANDUM That theise words following (videlict) Or any opart of the World whatsoever written betweene the sixth and seaventh Lines of this leafe were interlined before the sealing and publishing hereon
Edward Robins the marke of Joane Merry marke of Patients Bradshawe
SINCE The sealing and publishing of my Will and Testament I have thought fitt zpon serious and weightie consideration to add thereunto as followeth: It is my Will that an abatement of one hundred thirtie and seaven pounds be made out of the monies therein bequeathed Which said summe of one hindred thirty and seaven pounds shall be deducted out of every Legacie proportionable Alsoe my will is that the said summe of one hundred thirtie and seaven pounds be paid unto my loving ffreind Anthonie sadler Gentleman one of my executors to be disposed of according to private instructions
Witnesse my hand and seale This Twentieth day of October One thousand six hundred ffiftie and Eight
Rich: Hill
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Samuell ??Wolins Edward Robins
THIS WILL was proved att LONDON Y:E Twentie sixt day of the Moneth of November in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred  ffiftie and Eight before the Judges for probate of Wills and graunting Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of William sainsbury one of the Executors named in the above written Will To whome Administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased was graunted and committed he being forst legally sworne truly and faythfully to administer the same Anthony sadler the other Executor having renounced ex:r

Revision as of 20:02, December 8, 2011

Richard Hill will

PROB 11/284 Wootton 627-673 Will of Richard Hill, Merchant of City of London 26 November 1658

Editorial history

08/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted partial trasncription to wiki

Abstract & context

Robert Brenner on Richard Hill

Robert Brenner positions the London merchant Richard Hill as "an outstanding new-merchant leader."[1] He goes on to provide a number of examples of Richard Hill's trading activities, drawing on R.H.E. Hill's article 'Richard Hill, of Moreton, Alderman of London.'[2]

Brenner emphasises a close relationship between William Pennoyer and Richard Hill, including a partnership with William Pennoyer to adventure to Guinea in the 1645 to 1647 period.[3] Additionally, William Pennoyer's brother, Samuell Pennoyer, nominated Richard Hill in 1654 as one of the the overseers of his will.[4]

Brenner suggests that Richard Hill was a leader from circa 1640, if not earlier, "in the colonial tobacco and sugar trades."[5]. He identifies a trading relationship between the tobacco trader and Richard Hill dealing in Newfoundland fish-oil.[6]

Suggested links

See Samuell Penoyer will (Richard Hill appointed overseer of Samuell Pennoyer's will, 1652)
See William Pennoyer will

To do

(1) Check Robert Brenner references to Richard and XXX Hill

(2) Is this will the correct match for the merchant described by Robert brenner? Is he not too young?


This transcription has been completed, nut needs checking

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN thje ffifth day of October in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred ffiftie and Eight I Richard Hill of the Cittie of London marchant being sicke in bodie butof sounde minde and disposing memory (oraised be God) do make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)

FFIRST and above all I bequeath my soule to God that gave it desiring for ever to blesse his name for Jesus Christ and for the hopes of eterenall life through his meritts to mee a sinner having this confidence that my vile bodie shall be made like unto his glorious body att my XXXXX XXXXX appearing

And as for the Temporall Estate which God hath lent mee I dispose of it as followeth (videlict)

ITEM I give unto my deare and loving ffather Master Nathaniell Hill Two hundred and ffifty pounds of lawfull monie of England to be paid in manner and forme following (that is to say) Two hundred pounds thereof within one moneth next after my decease and the other ffiftie pounds within one yeare after

ITEM I give unto my Sister Mary Sainsbury the now Wife of William Sainsbury of Markett Lavington in the Countie of Wilts Gentleman the summe of One hundred and ffiftie pounds of lawfull monie of England to be paid unto her or her assignes within one moneth after mydecease Alsoe I give unto my said brother and sister Sainsbury Twenty pounds to buy them mourning

ITEM I give unto my nephew William Sainsbury my said sisters sonne the summe of threescore pounds And to my Neece Sarah sainsbury my said sisters Daughter the summe of forty pounds both which last before recyted Legacies my will is that they and wither of them shall be paid within one yeare next after my decease I give unto my brother Nathaniell Hill the summe of ffowerscore pounds for the futire comfortable subsistance of him and his former Wayes and for future to make a better improvement of his tyme and Talent Alsoe I give unto his three children Nathaniell George and Samuell the forty pounds a peece to be paid att or upon the five and Twentieth day of March which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixtie one after the daie hereof to be Then putt out or otherwise imployed for theire best advantage accordinge to the discretion of my Executors hereafter mencioned And my will further is that if anie or either of them dye before they accomplish the age of one and twenty yeares or marry that then his or theire Legacie or Legacies soe dying shall be and remaine to the Survivour or Survivours of them or either or any of them And further my will alsoe is that the aforesaid my said brother Nathaniell shall imploy the same in his trade for the childrens benefit XX the saod Nathaniell forsz given security for the said monie to my Executors hereafter mentioned such as they shall like and approve of or if my executors thinke fitt without giveing security, but not otherwise Provided alwaies that my Executors hereafter mentioned shall (if they see cause disburse some part of the principall mony soe given unto the said Three


CHILDREN as aforesaid for and towards the placeing them anie or either of them to trades or otherwise for theire advantage

ITEM I give unto my brother Samuell Hill ffower hundred and ffifty pounds of lawfull mony of England whereof Three hundred pounds to be paid within one moneth after my decease and the other one hundred and ffiftie pounds in ony yeare neyt after

ITEM I gove unto my sister Ann Hill ffower hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England Two hundred pounds thereof my Will is shall be paid unto her within one moneth after my decease and the other Two hundred pounds to be paid unto her att or upon the Twentie ffif day of March which shall be in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand six hundred sixtie and one after the date hereof

ITEM I give into my sister Millicent Hill the summe of Three hundred and fiftie pounds of lawfull monie of England Two hundred pounds whereof my will is shall be payd unto her within one moneth after my decease and the other hundred and ffiftie pounds to be paid her as her Sister Anne before mentioned

ITEM I give unto Epiphanie Hill my Brother now in the Island of Barbados ffower hundred and ffiftie pounds Two hundred pounds whereof my will is shall be presentlie putt out of otherwise imployed for his best advantage by Brother Sainsbury before mentioned and the other Two hundred and ffiftie pounds to be paid him as his sister Anns and Millecents Alsoe my further will is that if either or anie of my Brothers and Sisters before mentioned die before they are married or accomplish the age of one and Twentie years That then his her or theire Legacie or Legacies soe dying shall be and remaine to the Survivour or Survivours of them anie or either of them

ITEM I give unto my Uncle James West and his Wife five pounds a peece to buy them rings and to all his Children Rings of Tenn shillings a peece

ITEM U give unto Anthonie Sadler of the Cittie of London Marchant and his Wife Twenty pounds to buy them mourning and to theire sonn Montague Sadler my Godson Thirty pounds

ITEM I give unto Millicent Hill the daughter of my Uncle Richard Hill deceased Tenn pounds to be imployed by my ffather for her best advantage till he seeth occasion for her to have and manage the same

ITEM I give unto my honored freind Master Samuell Wells Minister of Gods word in Banbury five pounds desiring him to preach my ffunerall Sermon

ITEM I give unto the said Samuell Wells Clerke Nathaniell Hill my ffather my Uncle James West and Master Thomas Holland Alderman of Banbury aforesaid the summe of Thirtie pounds to be by them or the major part of them or the Survivous of them imployed and disposed of for and towards the reparation of the now decayed Almeshouse in Banbury aforesaid or otherwise to dispose of the said summe of monie to such Godlie poore people of the Inhabitants of Banbury aforesaid as the aforementioned Trustees or the major part of them shall thinke fitt whether of the said Two before mentioned after they have paid my ffunerall expences debts and that part of my egacies I have appoynted them presently to pay shall alsoe pay all such money as shall afterwards remaine in theire hands unto the severall Legatees before mentioned that have not received theire full Legacies Which said monies if anie be shall be equally devided betweene the said legatees for and towards the full payment of theire severall Legacies Alsoe And my ffurther Will alsoe is that my ffathers ffiftie pounds before mentioned to be paid unto him in onbe yeare after my decease shall be paid unto him presently if my Executors hereafter mentioned shall have anie monies in theire hands to pay the same

ITEM I give unto my Loving ffreind and Partner Master John ?Horne now resident in Barbadoes my said Legacies debts ffunerall expences and the proveing of this my Will being first payd All and singular my


HOUSES Lands Tenements hereditaments whatsoever mortgages debts Goods chattells and all other my Estate whatsoever in the before mentioned Island of Barbadoes or any part of the World whatsoever To have and to hould the before mentioned Premisses with Thappurtenances except before excepted unto the said John Horne his heires and assignes for ever and to his and thwire only propper use and uses

And lastly I doe make ordaine and appoynte my said brother William Sainsbury and Anthony Sadler before mentioned my executors in trust of this my last Will and testan:t to see the same duelie and truly performed according to the true intent and meaning hereof

IN WITNESSE whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first in these presents mentioned:

Rich Hill

Sealed and published in the presence of us Edward Robins Joane Morris the marke of ?Peitents Bradshaw

MEMORANDUM That theise words following (videlict) Or any opart of the World whatsoever written betweene the sixth and seaventh Lines of this leafe were interlined before the sealing and publishing hereon

Edward Robins the marke of Joane Merry marke of Patients Bradshawe

SINCE The sealing and publishing of my Will and Testament I have thought fitt zpon serious and weightie consideration to add thereunto as followeth: It is my Will that an abatement of one hundred thirtie and seaven pounds be made out of the monies therein bequeathed Which said summe of one hindred thirty and seaven pounds shall be deducted out of every Legacie proportionable Alsoe my will is that the said summe of one hundred thirtie and seaven pounds be paid unto my loving ffreind Anthonie sadler Gentleman one of my executors to be disposed of according to private instructions

Witnesse my hand and seale This Twentieth day of October One thousand six hundred ffiftie and Eight

Rich: Hill

Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Samuell ??Wolins Edward Robins

THIS WILL was proved att LONDON Y:E Twentie sixt day of the Moneth of November in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred ffiftie and Eight before the Judges for probate of Wills and graunting Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of William sainsbury one of the Executors named in the above written Will To whome Administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased was graunted and committed he being forst legally sworne truly and faythfully to administer the same Anthony sadler the other Executor having renounced ex:r



Possible primary sources

  1. Robert Brenner, Merchants and Revolution (Princeton, 1993), fn. 72, p. 136
  2. R.H.E. Hill, 'Richard Hill, of Moreton, Alderman of London,' Devon notes and queries, 4, (XXXX, 1907), pp. 49-51, 145-48). Brenner also draws on BL, Add MSS. 5489, fol. 46, and London Port Books for imports, 1633-1640
  3. Robert Brenner, Merchants and Revolution (Princeton, 1993), p. 165, citing TNA, HCA 24/108/165
  4. PROB 11/240 Alchin 357-409 Will of Samuell Penoyer, Merchant of London 12 May 1654
  5. Robert Brenner, Merchants and Revolution (Princeton, 1993), p. 168, citing PRO, E 122/230/9 for Hill's involvement in tobacco
  6. Robert Brenner, Merchants and Revolution (Princeton, 1993), p. 365