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|Status=First cut transcription started and completed on 15/09/14 by Colin Greenstreet
|Status=Uploaded image; transcribed on 15/09/2014
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|First transcriber=Colin Greenstreet
|Editorial history=Created 26/08/14, by CSG
|First transcribed=2014/09/15
|Note=IMAGE: IMG_0227.JPG

Latest revision as of 20:36, November 14, 2015

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HCA 13/70 f.307r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Moreton contracted for and tooke to freight the said shipp fortune for the
transportation of their goods and Merchandizes thence to London, And saith this
deponent observed and saw the said Valentine Austin at or about the time aforesaid
lade a very great quantity of sugars in butts and hogsheads and some Tobaccoes
aboard the said shipp, which goods were then and there commonly and generally observed reputed and knowne to be the proper goods of the said Valentine
Austin and to be the provenue of her goods, which hee the said Austin had
formerly brought to and disposed off in the said Island, and saith the said
goods were to be brought thence for the said Island, and saith the said
goods were to be brought thence for this Port of London in the said shipp
fortune, and were, as hee for the reason predeposed is fully assured in Conscience
the proper goods and for the proper accompt of the said Valentine Austin, But
what the exact quantity, quality or worth of the said goods were, this examinate saith
hee cannot depose:-

To the third hee saith, That the said shipp the fortune with the said sugars
and tobaccoes to the said Austin belonging sett saile from Mevis aforesaid
bound for London in or about the moneth of July last as hee remembreth, and that the
said shipp and goods in their Course towards London were about twentie leagues
to the West-ward of Scilly mett withall surprized and taken by an Irish
man of Warr pretending a Commission from the titular king of Scotts,
armed with 12. peeces of Ordinance, which brought the said shipp fortune with
her whole lading and particularly the said Valentine Austins goods to
a place called Port Lewis in ffrance and saith the said Master and Companie
of the said shipp used all possible care and endeavour to preserve the said shipp
and lading from the said seizure, but all in vaine, being exceedingly overpowered
by the said man of warr being so potent in gunns and having about fourescore
men aboard her, and this deponent with the said valentine Austin were
brought in the said man of warr to Brest in france and there landed
from whence travelling to Morlaix in ffrance they had certaine intelligence
there amongst English Merchants that the said shipp fortune and her
whole lading were condemned and made Prize at Port Lewis aforesaid
and that thereby the said Austin was utterly deprived of the goods and
Merchandizes which hee had so laden as is predeposed, And further
cannot depose, saving his foregoeing deposition and saving the said seizure
happened in the moneth of September last past./

Repeated with his precontest before
doctor Clerke:-/

hamlet HF Fisher [MARKE, RH SIDE]